Jasper's POV
How did you find me I said drinking tea in Ms Taylor's penthouse don't worry about it all that matters right now is that
you're safe she said hugging me I don't want anything to happen to you okay she said still hugging me she didn't let go
I'm fine okay I'm safe now I said and she let go a tear drop fell from her eyes hey hey I said coming closer to her I'm
okay I'm here with you I'm safe you don't need to worry about me promise me you'll never leave me she said I'll never
leave you Ms Taylor i promise Angel she said looking up at me I kissed her forehead and she shook her head and
came closer to me and kissed my lips she came on top of me and continued to kiss me she took her hand-- my phone
rang and we both looked at each other no she said yes I said no you'll call back later she said what If it's important
when we were busy talking it stopped ringing thank God she said and kissed me again and my phone rang again and I
got up and answer it I looked at her she was looking at me with "why" eyes I kissed her forehead and she pulled me to
her lips and I left the room it was my aunt
-Hey mom
(I call her mom because she raised me my real mom and dad weren't really in the picture)
-Don't hey mom me Where are you I'm worried sick about you
-I'm okay mom I'm at Ms Taylor's house I'm fine dont worry too much about me okay-you nearly gave me a heart attack and you tell me not to worry I'm going to kill you when you get here
-mom I'm fi-- before I could finish my sentence my phone switched off it died
Shit she's going to kill for sure who's going to kill you Ms Taylor said with a cold voice
My aunt I said and she laughed she not going to kill you she thinks I hung up the phone on her I said why did you then
she said I didn't my phone died
I said looking for a charger don't you have a charger I said picking up the pillow so you're looking for a charger under
a pillow nice she said laughing I stopped looking and I looked at her okay okay before you kill me the charger is in
thee bottom drawer she said I took it out and charged my phone I have to go home I said looking for my clothes but I
keep finding piece by piece of my clothes on the floor finally I got everything then took a shower and Ms Taylor
drove me home see you tomorrow at work yeah I said see you tomorrow I said getting out of the car ahem I heard her
give me a fake cough I kissed cheek and I left