Chapter twenty six

Jasper's POV

its Tuesday and i don't feel like going to work today i didn't sleep a wink last night and right now i'm tired as hell you

know what i'm not going to work today i said to myself all those tears and sadness turned to anger how can she do

this? didn't she said she doesn't like him actually LOVE you know what i'm done with her i want nothing to do with

her actually i have an idea

i took a shower and went out

hey i said hey Luke looked at me with confused eyes what are you doing here arent you working today is Olivia here

umm yeah she is actually shes in her office good i went to Olivia's office then came out i went to Luke so what are

you teaching me today what he said looking even more confused Jazz what are you doing here i work here what do

you mean wait what since when he said since two minutes ago anyway before i could finish my sentence a car pulled

up outside it was Ms Taylor holy shi--- hide me i said what why he said before i could run away why arent you at

work she said i turned around didn't you see my email i said i did but i'm not excepting it she said ill go in the back

now Luke said yes go Ms Taylor said no hes not going anywhere Luke was very confused on whats going on and

what to do okay he said slowly can we go somewhere privet to talk she said no anything you want to say you can say

it in front of Luke i can go NO YES me and Ms Taylor said at the same time i'm just gonna yeah he said leaving i

know your probably heartbroken right now but heartbroken i said talking over her i'm not heartbroken i'm mad i'm

angry i'm aghhh why are you've n here i gave you my resignation latter what do you want from me you she she said

coming closer no no no no i said taking a step back you so confusing one Minuit you're with me and everything seem

fine the next your getting married to him Jake you said you didn't love him i don't she said then why did you say yes

because ummm i--i i dont know okay my parents no no no no no don't bring your parents into this they didn't put a

gun to your head and said say yes you said that on yourself i know but there's not but Ms Taylor i Angel she said Ms

Taylor can you please leave Jazz i leave i said a tear drop fell from my eyes Jazz leave i said she looked at me for a

while and she turned away and left what was that i heard Luke say behind ,me nothing i said back that didn't look like

nothing to me i said it was nothing said to Luke in a loud harsh voice in fact you know what i'm done i'm done i said

raising my hands in the air leaving