Chapter twenty nine

Jasper's pov

I love pizza Giselle said and she took a slice

Yeah it's amazing right I said taking a slice yeah so tell me about you she said

Well there's not really much to tell I moved back here two months ago and ever since Ive been working for Ms Taylor

so you still live with your parents she said no actually I live with my aunt mom and dad weren't pretty much in the

picture when I was growing up my aunt basically raised me I said ohhh I'm sorry about that she said it's okay anyway

you I said and we started talking and getting to know each other and she told me she had feelings for me from the day

I started working there I told her I like her too and we had fun we ate and went to a carnival and played some games

we won some prises and got ice cream and cotton candy we took a bunch of pictures and we took an uber home I

walked her to her appointment thanks I had fun today some I've never had in a while yeah same do you wanna come

in for coffee umm sure why not I said coming in.

I woke up the next morning and I was still at Giselle's appointment coffie I heard her voice I looked up and saw her

with coffee and a smile I don't drink tea I said still half asleep it's coffie jazz she said laughing ohh yeah I said sitting

up you look so beautiful in your sleep she said you were watching me while I was asleep I said that creepy I said with

a small laugh it's not she said it's cute she said what time is it 6am no no no were. Going to be late for work I said

standing up relax we can leave together for work yeah but I have to go home for clothes we probably wear the same

size of clothes she said let's hope so I said can I take a shower sure she said with a smile should I pick something for

you to wear yeah that will be great thanks I took a shower and came out I picked these for you I think it's more your

style even though they are mine she said laughing I'm going to take a shower now she said leaving the room I got

dressed and waited for her to finish she got ready and we left for work we got breakfast on the was and got to the

building and went to work

Giselle came into my office miss me already I said yeah but Ms Taylor sent me to call you she's in a bad mood today

so I'll watch what I say she said getting out if my office I went to Ms Taylor's office you called for me Mam where

were you she said what I said where were you I went to your house yesterday and your aunt said you haven't got home

yet so I waited for you and it hit 10 you weren't home yet so where were you she said so let me get this straight you're mad at me right now because you didn't find me home last night sorry mom I forgot I have a curfew no it's not like

that I just wanted to talk to you okay talk to me right now I'm here you were with Giselle last night weren't you what if

I was I said she stood up and came close to me you're mine okay not hers you'rs I said stepping back you're getting

married what are you talking about I can't keep-- before I could finish my sentence Ms Taylor came close to me

pinned me to the wall and kissed me I couldn't stop myself I kissed her back she stopped kissing me and looked me on

the eyes your mine she said say it I'm yours I said breathing heavily because of the kiss she kissed me back led me to

her desk and carried me on top of the desk she took of her blaser and-- Someone knocked on the door I looked up and

she backed away and I got down we laughed and she sat down on her chair I pulled myself together hey baby Jake

came in aghhhh why I said to myself let me get to work I said stepping out wait he said I'm actually here for you I

need a suit huh I said confused I want you to sketch me a suit I know you've been sketching good suits for my fiance

so can you sketch one for me yeah I said I'll get on that I said and leaving the office