You are not Alone!

The day dragged on, each hour blending into the next, a relentless cycle of anxiety and despair. Fraihn felt the weight of the Imperial Military Investigation Bureau's grip tighten around him.

As he stepped out of the hospital, the young nurse rushed toward him, her eyes wide with urgency.

"You are not alone, Captain Fraihn!"

But before he could reach out, an officer shoved her aside, her expression shifting from concern to alarm. Fraihn's heart sank, the warmth of her support disappearing as he was pushed toward a sleek black vehicle. The cold metal of the car felt like a coffin.

As they arrived at the courthouse, a grim structure looming against the sky, Fraihn took a deep breath, steeling himself for the storm ahead. The heavy doors swung open, and as he stepped inside the courtroom, his heart sank further. Nobles lined the walls, their faces twisted in disdain, their expressions cold and calculating. Not a single military officer was present, only the arrogant elite, who regarded him with the superiority of those who had never tasted the bitterness of the battlefield. Some spat on the ground as he stepped in.

His stomach churned as he scanned the room, recognizing the faces of the wealthy, the powerful those who had feasted while his men bled. Fraihn felt the heat rise in his cheeks, a flush of anger and humiliation washing over him. He was not just a prisoner; he was a spectacle, a commoner dragged before the elite for their entertainment.

The judge, a portly man with a face like a carved statue, surveyed him from his elevated perch. "I will use your real name and not what the military gave you,"

The name the Imperium had bestowed upon him, a title earned through sacrifice.

"So, Captain Amhadur Fraihn, you are charged with killing Officers Jensi Tiberius, Akmer Farris, and Saji Hargrove by shooting them in the head." As the judge pronounced the names, a chorus of shouts erupted from the nobles, their voices rising in a cacophony of demands for blood. "Execute him now! He deserves no mercy!"

Fraihn's heart pounded in his chest, rage flooding through him. The names the judge had listed burned like hot iron in his mind. These were the same nobles who had sat drinking while his men fought and died outside

He felt a sense of betrayal wash over him, his anger morphing into a desperate need for vindication. 

"I see no military officers or my superiors here." He challenged, his voice cutting through the din. "So who requested my arrest?" 

The nobles erupted in fury "You are a dog! Don't speak!" One of them spat, while another added, "You killed them!"

Fraihn's pulse quickened, his fists clenched tight against the metal of his cuffs. He had been in the heat of battle, but now the political games of the Imperium played out before him. He had no idea what had transpired in Lenon after he was wounded, but he knew that if they identified the bullets as Imperial-made, the military had already moved in. Yet there were no officers to defend him, no one to counter the absurdity of the charges.

He was utterly alone.

"You should have known better than to serve!" One noble yelled, venom dripping from his words. "You thought you could escape the consequences of your actions? You are nothing!" Each insult pierced deeper, echoing the self-doubt that had crept into Fraihn's mind since the battle.

As he stood there, handcuffed and exposed, he realized the true battle lay ahead. Not on the battlefield, but in the twisted halls of power where life and death were decided not by valor but by the whims of the elite.

The judge's voice reverberated in the charged atmosphere of the courtroom.

"You are charged with the betrayal of the Imperium. Your actions led to the death of three officers, and you will be executed for this treason." 

The finality of his words hung in the air like a guillotine blade, poised to drop at any moment. Fraihn felt his heart plummet, the weight of despair crushing him beneath its force. He wanted to shout, to defend himself, but the noise of the nobles drowned out any rational thought.

Just as he was about to accept his death the heavy doors of the courtroom creaked open, startling everyone inside. The nobles fell silent, their disdainful expressions morphing into confusion as a woman glided in smoothly, a stack of papers clutched tightly in her hand. 

"Who does she think she is?" A voice piped up, sharp and critical.

The judge's brow furrowed, irritation flaring. "What is the meaning of this disruption?" he barked, but his authority was quickly disappeared by the entrance of another figure.

The door swung open once more, and in walked a tall man with a thick beard, clad in a pristine uniform adorned with numerous medals that glinted ominously in the courtroom light. A hush fell over the room, the nobles shrinking back instinctively at the sight of him. The atmosphere shifted. 

The Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army had arrived.

The judge quickly straightened, a forced smile plastered on his face. "Supreme Commander Hares, what a pleasure it is to see you here!" 

The Supreme Commander merely glanced at him, a cold disdain shadowing his eyes.

"Nobles trying to execute a man who did everything to save his troops? How foolish you are." Hares declared while standing beside Fraihn, the stark contrast between them, a common soldier and the highest military authority of the Imperium.

The nobles erupted once more.

"He killed one of our sons!" One noble shouted, a vein throbbing at his temple. "He needs to be executed to balance the whole thing!" 

Hares merely chuckled, shaking his head at the absurdity before him.

"Those nobodies who got shot in the head like dogs, betrayed the Imperium." He said, his laughter echoing through the room, a bitter sound that dripped with sarcasm. The families of the fallen officers rose, their faces twisted with rage.

"What did you say, you commoner?" A woman shouted, her voice quaking with fury. "You may hold a high rank, but you are still a commoner! My sons fought for the Imperium!"

Hares raised an eyebrow and turned to the woman beside him, Melinda, and signaled for her to step forward.

"Melinda, let's read the findings from the investigation," He said, his tone casual, as if they were discussing a topic over tea rather than a trial for a man's life.

The woman nodded, her expression serious as she unfolded the papers.

"This document is from the questioning of soldiers who served in the 2nd Battalion of the 1st Imperial Infantry Division." she stated, her voice clear and steady as she began to read. "The soldiers testified that the officers, Tiberius, Farris, and Hargrove were reckless in their daily duties. They consumed alcohol everyday." She glanced up, meeting the incredulous eyes of the nobles. "It was noted that their negligence led to several avoidable casualties among the ranks during the battle of Lenon."

The courtroom erupted into chaos once more, nobles shouting over each other, disbelief and anger. "This is an outrage! Those men were heroes!" One of them screamed, his face red with fury.

Hares held up his hand, demanding silence, and the room gradually quieted.

"Heroes? Is that what you call men who disregard their duties for the pleasures of the bottle? You stand here, casting judgment, while your own are the ones who failed their comrades." He declared, his voice a thunderclap in the tense silence.

Fraihn stood in the eye of the storm, heart pounding. He had not expected this intervention, and the slightest flicker of hope ignited within him.

"But he still killed them!" Another noble shouted, clinging desperately to their narrative, their grip on power faltering.

"Yes, he did." Hares replied, turning to Fraihn, his gaze penetrating. "But circumstances dictate that we assess the situation in its entirety. A soldier does not act alone. He is part of a greater whole." 

With a swift motion, the Supreme Commander signaled to Melinda again, his expression urging her to present the next piece of evidence.

"Now, let's hear the testimonies from the soldiers who served under Captain Fraihn." He commanded, his voice echoing throughout the courtroom, bringing a hush over the crowd once more.

Melinda adjusted her papers, the rustle of the sheets cutting through the silence as she began to read. "There are over 410 testimonies from the 4th Battalion of the 2nd Imperial Transport Division and the 2nd Battalion of the 1st Imperial Infantry Division, stating that Captain Fraihn is not guilty of the charges against him." She paused for effect, glancing up to gauge the reaction of the nobles, who were now visibly unsettled.

Melinda continued. "I will now read five testimonies that encapsulate the spirit of those reports."

"Testimony 1: Private Jonas Elridge." She began, her voice steady. "I was part of the 4th Battalion. During the ambush along the road., Captain Fraihn ordered us to take cover when we were caught in the crossfire. He risked his life to lead us to safety, firing at the enemy to give us a chance to regroup. I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for his actions. He saved us."

A murmur rippled through the courtroom, but Melinda pressed on, undeterred.

"Testimony 2: Corporal Ava Keene." "I can attest that when the situation became dire, Captain Fraihn displayed unparalleled courage. He rallied the troops and kept us focused. He gave orders that saved lives, including mine. He's a leader, not a murderer."

A mix of admiration and disbelief painted the faces of those listening, but the aristocrats' disdain lingered, thick in the air.

"Testimony 3: Sergeant Thorne Callum." Melinda continued, her voice gaining momentum. "We were overwhelmed, but Captain Fraihn never wavered. He led the charge, taking on the enemy head-on to cover our retreat. His bravery inspired us all. We owe our lives to him."

As she read, the atmosphere in the room shifted slightly. Some nobles exchanged glances, the seed of doubt beginning to sprout within their ranks.

"Testimony 4: Private Omen Larks." Melinda announced, and the name struck a chord with Fraihn. Omen had always been the bright spark among the troops, his infectious smile a beacon of hope. "Captain Fraihn acted decisively in the field. He made a choice that saved my life. When an artillery shell hit our position, he pulled me out of the wreckage, even as shrapnel flew around us. He didn't hesitate, and I will always be grateful."

Fraihn felt a swell of pride mixed with sorrow; Omen had been one of those young souls he had fought to protect.

"Testimony 5: Corporal Rina Estara." Melinda continued, her voice unwavering. "Captain Fraihn's leadership kept us alive. His decisions saved countless lives, including my own. He fought for us, and now we fight for him."

The last testimony hung in the air, a powerful statement of loyalty and respect that resonated throughout the courtroom.

As Melinda concluded her reading, Fraihn could feel a shift in the room. The testimonies of his soldiers had turned the tide, their words a lifeline in his sea of despair. He glanced around at the nobles, their faces painted with a mix of anger and uncertainty. The tide of opinion had begun to sway, but it wasn't enough yet.

Hares stepped forward, his imposing figure casting a long shadow across the courtroom. 

"These soldiers risked everything for their captain. They stand united in their defense of him, in stark contrast to the empty accusations levied against him by those who sit in the comfort of their estates." His gaze fell on the noble families, piercing through their arrogance. "What do you say now?"

The judge, clearly rattled, shifted uneasily in his seat. Fraihn could sense the uncertainty in the air. The once confident nobles were now visibly shaken, their venomous shouts dwindling to whispers.

As the atmosphere thickened with tension, a noble stood, his expression twisted in contempt.

"It doesn't matter what these soldiers say! He killed our sons in cold blood. Captain Fraihn is a disgrace, and he still needs to be executed for the crime of treason against the Imperium!" His voice dripped with disdain, echoing through the courtroom like a death knell.

The audience erupted in chaos, the nobles once again barking and shouting..

The Supreme Commander's patience snapped. He turned to the crowd, his face contorted with fury.

"You fools! You sit there in your fine clothes, reveling in your arrogance, while men like Captain Fraihn sacrifice everything for this Imperium!" His voice rose, every word dripping with contempt. "I swear upon my honor, I will kill every single one of you and burn down your families to their bones if you dare to speak of executing this soldier!"

The courtroom fell silent, the air thick with shock. Even the judge recoiled, caught off guard by Hares's explosive declaration. The Supreme Commander's fury was palpable, and for a moment, the nobles seemed to shrink back, fear etched across their faces.

"You think your lineage makes you better than him?" Hares spat, his gaze sweeping over the assembly. "Your titles and wealth mean nothing compared to the lives lost on the battlefield. While you sip wine in your palaces, men like Captain Fraihn are out there facing hell. You should be ashamed!"

His words hung in the air like a storm, electrifying the room with a tension that felt almost tangible.

One noble, a man with a smug expression and a family crest emblazoned on his cloak, finally spoke up, his voice trembling slightly.

 "You're crossing a line, Commander. This trial is not yours to dictate. We will see him executed for the deaths of our kin, no matter your threats!"

"So, you think you can challenge the Emperor's will?" Hares's voice resonated with authority, cutting through the tension like a blade. The nobles stared in disbelief as he unfolded the document, its crisp edges stark against the dim light of the courtroom.

With a steady hand, Hares held the parchment aloft, letting the seal glint menacingly in the light. "Let it be known," he began, his tone commanding and fierce, "that this document carries the absolute decree of His Imperial Majesty. It is not merely a recommendation, it is an order that demands obedience from every soul within this room."

He took a step forward, his presence towering over the nobles who had dared to speak against Captain Fraihn.

 "To whom it may concern. In light of the recent events in Lenon, it has come to my attention that there are unfounded allegations against Captain Amhadur Fraihn. I hereby declare that any insinuation of betrayal against him is not only baseless but a direct affront to the integrity of the Imperial forces."

The Supreme Commander's voice rose, filled with the iron resolve of a man who would not back down. "Let me be perfectly clear: Captain Fraihn acted in accordance with his orders and with commendable bravery. He did what was necessary to save lives, and he will not be treated as a common criminal for fulfilling his duty. Those who dare to challenge this decree will face the full wrath of the Emperor's justice."

As he spoke, the atmosphere in the room shifted, the nobles growing increasingly uneasy.

Hares's gaze pierced through their indignation, cutting them down like a sword. "Any attempt to execute Captain Fraihn will be seen as an act of treason against the Imperium itself. I will not allow the whims of arrogant nobles to dictate the fate of a soldier who has proven himself on the battlefield."

A nobleman with a haughty demeanor attempted to interrupt, his voice shaking with anger. "You cannot just—"

"Silence!" Hares's voice thundered, reverberating off the walls, silencing the room instantly. "You think your titles grant you power over the lives of those who serve the Imperium? You are mistaken. The Emperor's orders are absolute, and I will not tolerate disobedience."

With a flourish, he produced a second document, the Emperor's insignia emblazoned at the top, the golden wax glistening ominously. 

"This is a royal decree, issued by His Imperial Majesty himself. It states that Captain Fraihn is to be exonerated from all charges, and any further pursuit of this matter will be treated as insubordination."

The nobles recoiled, their faces paling as the implications sank in. Hares leaned closer, his voice low but filled with an unyielding fire. 

"This is your final warning, the Emperor's judgment is not to be questioned. Those who continue to seek vengeance will find themselves facing consequences far greater than they can comprehend."

He stepped back, the weight of his authority pressing down on the courtroom like a dark cloud.

"Now, I suggest you reflect on your actions and the severity of the path you choose. You may think you hold power, but true authority lies with those who serve the Imperium faithfully."

The nobles were left speechless, their plans for revenge shattered beneath the iron fist of the Emperor's will.

Frainh's heart swelled as he heard the emperor's order.

Tears brimmed in his eyes, a mix of disbelief and gratitude flooding over him.

He was turly not alone.