you can skip reincarnation 1

I hear rumblings, electric energy colliding in the distance, waves hitting, the movement of something grinding in the void.

All that noise let me know that I'm not waking up on my bed.

'What's going on?' I ask scared and surprised by the darkness where I am, a group of bright points that I relate to stars, the perspective is unique, I've never looked at the stars this way.

'Where am I?' I ask myself as I inspect the place in search of answers.

The total darkness even when there is some light in the distance, it seems that there are stars in the distance but not so far, the noise is something strange, I can't explain it but I don't feel cold and I think I can't breathe but that doesn't affect me.

Even worse, is when an orb appears a few meters away from me in a place where I don't feel my body.

Space, a scary place if I don't feel my body or I can't extend my hands to look at them, I even tried to speak but I only thought and the words seem to be only for me inside my mind.

'I can only think'. I started to relate things, those orbs that appear must be what I am right now.

More orbs begin to appear one by one but time doesn't seem like I can perceive it, I mean I feel like little time passes and also very little. I have no idea.

As if time for me was not quantifiable.

"They are all..." A voice says but I don't know where it comes from, some white and dark energy begins to take shape, the orbs that I suppose are souls formed a circle in space and a huge cloud of gas took the shape of a large head with afro hair or something like that.

"You can't talk and I don't expect everyone to obey so I'll make it clear, if you don't do what I say you will die, you have a time limit, before you turn 20 you will die if you didn't complete your mission, you will be reincarnated in New York and you will get your powers when you turn 18"

Said the huge face that there was no doubt, I know it, it's Beyonder a cosmic entity from the Marvel universe.

'Shit'. I said or thought while an orb appeared next to the second orb on my left. It appeared just when the guy said that we would be reincarnated in New York.

"Choose your target to reincarnate by your side, your appearance, your ability that will be given to you when you turn 15 along with a mission." Beyonder said and I understood that the screen in front of me showing Peter Parker could mean something, maybe that I have to kill the poor spiderman.

I immediately think about changing the target and more characters appear, Yelena Velova, Tony Stark, Coulson and I stop the image when I find Natasha Romanoff.

'No, why is she an assassination target? I hope not, but it's Beyonder we're talking about, anything can be possible'

'What does he mean by target? Why at 15 years old?' I wonder as I start to get scared of what this guy would force us to do something bad in the MCU.

Being at the mercy of such a powerful entity is bad, even worse if it's Beyonder.

But it's not the time to think about that, it's not bad to be alive either, I look at the screen in front of me.

After choosing the Natasha Romanoff option I see an icon that says Avatar and click on it as I look at the giant head that starts talking again.

I wanted to be respectful to the guy now afraid if he reads minds, souls or what is now my brain and if I disrespect him he turns me into stardust.

'Don't have offensive thoughts'. I said to myself while looking at the panel and listening to the guy.

"The mission will appear in front of you, complete it and you will obtain unimaginable power, don't complete it and at the age of 20 human years you..." said Beyonder who stopped talking because a crack appeared and some hands seemed to want to extend the size of the crack.


A face appeared, a damn face that froze my blood, although I don't have YOHOHO.

'Fuck it'. I express my being and began to think that everything had gone to hell, I even thought that I preferred a Beyonder mission to kill Stark to die like the orbs that dissipated like a dandelion when the subject appeared and exhaled some mystical or cosmic energy, I didn't know, I only know that I will die with just the breath of that subject.

If Beyonder's existence was magnificent and caused each cell to vibrate (although I have no cells).

'this is bad'.

"MARQUEZ!" Beyonder shouted before transforming a hand and crashing it against the crack causing an explosion that erased some orbs.

'shit if it's him'. Everything was already revealed, there was no way he would survive.

He extinguished them, evaporated them and I knew what was happening, The Marquis of Death appeared, an Omega level subject within the Marvel universe of a type that destroys dimensions, worlds, universes just because it is a routine or he does not know what to do with his damn time, even in the comics he says he enjoys it.

I assumed that he met the Beyonder because he plans to destroy this place and there would definitely be a fight and I am definitely an insect and as such I ran or rather floated because I had to escape towards the portal they created and while I did other orbs began to do the same.

'I have to live'. I said to myself as I float and advance towards a portal that now seems to have changed color, even if it was damaged I would enter there.

Staying was not an option.

It was the only way out I could think of so I moved forward.

I crossed an orb that seemed to be in shock and when it saw me it began to follow me.

"a total of 10 orbs but when the Marquis of Death appeared, there were 7 of us left and one more died trying to float to the portal because a burst of energy tore him apart, so in the end I'm sure that at least 3 of us crossed if the orbs or souls behind me managed to cross."

As if I were entering an underground tunnel, driving a car at 200 kilometers per hour, the lights look horizontal, elongated, but I can't feel the speed at which I'm traveling, maybe this is a wormhole.
