cap 3



I cried, I cried out of fear of what had happened, 4 orbs had entered the portal before me and I was afraid that with each orb the portal would decide to close but it didn't.

I managed to enter, I crossed and I was reborn.

I was so happy, I was so happy but then sad, I cried when I could understand the American language.

So many feelings of being alive.

That man gave me a chance to live but I think someone appeared and tried to kill him and they fought.

A god, they were surely gods, only they could give me the chance to live.

I would like to thank him but...

They couldn't reincarnate me in a super rich family, the more I think about it I think he shouted Marquez! And he started to fight with the guy called that.

Over time I began to hate him because it was surely his fault that I was born here, in a very poor family and irresponsible parents but the worst thing is that they are idiots.

If it wasn't for my little brother I would have died of hunger, thirst or when I was knocked out of bed but luckily my brother foresaw that so he had placed a quilt on the floor and I fell on it.

My brother is strange, he likes to run like the adults who run in the park, sometimes I look at them, I will always remember that park my life goes by, calm until some idiot shot me in the throat.

Maybe it was a client that I didn't do what he wanted, my classmates warned me, it happens a lot to the new ones that aren't submissive.

Anyway, as I remember I will get abilities, but something happened, the screen said mutant ability and then the strange thing happened, icons of flames, earth, water, air, a sword, thrown knives and hands with fingers appeared.

They looked like some technique to hit chi points, it was strange, I chose earth it was then that an orb crossed and I realized that we had to escape through the portal.

How lucky I saw the flash series or I wouldn't have understood what portals and multiverses were.

(End of AIRI's POV)

I hit a rock on the road.


My foot hurt.

"These sneakers are too thin." I complain as I walk to kindergarten with my small backpack with some oatmeal in a thermos and grapes for lunch.

I also didn't have any communication with Beyonder, all this time I've been alone so I assumed he died, he didn't care about me or that body of his died and he doesn't know what that body did.

The other possibility is that he carries a system that will only appear to us at the age he said but I felt that it didn't make sense.

I mean and as I grow up what orders do I follow? No orders…

It wasn't bad but I saw out of the corner of my eye if I had eyes when I was an orb that the screen changed, it seems that I had formed a team and my selected ability changed to a stone icon.

I don't understand this.

Why would Beyonder reincarnate subjects in the MCU if we still don't receive orders or an efficient system.

5 years go by quickly.

"Marcus, are you training like those monks on TV again?" My mother asked angrily, not because I train but because the subject on TV is Bruce Lee.

"I'm training to fight." I answered in a child's voice waiting for my mother to allow me to continue watching television.

"You know your father hates the Chinese." My mother said approaching and changing the channel.

"Shit, damn father, but I need to train from now on so that when I get my powers I can acquire a fighting style and it will be easy to progress."

I cross my arms and look at my mother annoyed.

"But you look so cute when you pout." My mother said pinching my cheek while taking me by the waist and carrying me in her arms to watch television.


While she watches television I think if I should enter wrestling and sports classes from an early age so that when I grow up it will be easy for me to adapt to the combat and confrontations that there will be in the future.

This is how the days go by in my life...

I look at the newspaper for the third time, it's my third day shitting in a broken toilet and I take my face out so I don't die from the stench.

'Damn trailer, why is this MCU father so useless'. But they are moments of concentration and effort because I have to get out whatever is making me sick in my stomach.

I knew that these bastards of my parents wouldn't take me to the doctor so I had to heal myself, vomiting or shitting was my only option.

I kept thinking about my plan, it's not easy but I started to carry it out, I had to be ready for all kinds of events.

'This world can even allow me to live beyond 100 years and I must achieve it, no matter what the cost.' I said solemnly while still on the toilet.

A few years passed and my mother gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, it is certainly amazing to have a little sister.

I play with her nose and cheeks before giving her her bottle and making sure she is clean, then I go for a run.

Days continue to pass, right now I am walking towards a construction site, my father is a carpenter and works as a builder or so he says, rather he is a handyman, an employee of a construction company.

"Damn rain!" I hear my father's shout in the streets and I run towards him with an old umbrella.

"Hey Jimmy, isn't that your son? My son says he is amazing at basketball." A guy asks my father who is inside a truck belonging to the company.

"Yes, that is him, what is he doing here?" My father lowers the window and I hand him a bag.

"The raincoat is inside, mom sent it." I said and he nods, then I run away.

"What a good son you have, how is little Airi doing?"

"She's growing, I think." My father answers as he takes a sip of his coffee and changes the subject of conversation.

I run through the rain using an umbrella.

"Fuck it, I'm not staying here, I have to prepare for when I travel to New York," as I say that I walk towards the public library.

I take a pass and manage to access a computer with an internet connection.