ep 11

Year 1996

It's been 3 years since Natti and Yelena are our best friends, both Airi's and mine.

Another day passes by after another and my father consumes more alcohol every day, I don't know why he hates his children and my mother doesn't talk about it much.

It's a huge difference, this mother is several times worse than my previous mother"

"What did your previous mother do?" I ask Airi and she looks at me "she just left".

"Oh". I nod and don't ask any more.

"Airi, we're going to church today". My mother says

"Again!" Airi shouts as if she was given the news that her leg was going to be amputated

"Your grandmother will come by for us, get ready". My mother said, glaring at her, walking two steps and starting to look for her hat

"Have Marcus accompany us, come on mom, he always stays home"

"He will prepare the food for your father, come on, go take a bath". My mother said without looking at Airi and without giving her a choice.

"I'll do it this time." Airi replied

"No, you don't know how to cook," said our cruel mother, I say cruel because she never does anything when dad started hitting us, on the other hand he hits her too and she blames the demons for our father's bad temper.

Airi gives me a look and I understand but I just shake my head from side to side.

"There's nothing to do." I look at her and shake my head in denial.

Later they leave the house and get into grandma's not-so-old car.

"Have a good time." I say goodbye to them with a greeting to my grandmother after giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"Save me something you want." My grandmother says and I nod.

Luckily I know what a drunk likes, I go to the kitchen and take out some beans, sausages, peanuts and put them on low heat, I sprinkle oil and salt.

I take out some peanuts and fry sausages, what I make is the favorite food of father or the guy who engendered the body I now have in the MCU.

I don't use gas, that way I improve the economy of the home, of the small home I have.

I start to bring several bowls of various types of snacks for him to watch television.

The beers are getting cold, I sigh at the shit that is my life, but I have to resist, it is not easy to earn money and even more to keep it from the hands of my mother, my sister and my father, a violent alcoholic who I begin to think should die.

The sound of an envelope appeared at the door and I run towards it without caring that something burns on the stove.

I take the envelope and see the words.

'insurance policy and I see the approved application as a security guard'

"Dad was accepted." I said smiling with a macabre voice.

"perfect." My plan was simple, if my father is a security guard for the arc reactor then when the event happens Obadiah Stane will kill Dad, if there is any luck.

When Dad arrives I greet him with a smile and show him.

"You don't have to do anything, no one would ever raid that place, the object is so big that it is impossible to steal, you can even drink there."

During the commercials I try to convince Dad to work for Stark Industries and how he got his job because he was recommended by the previous company where he was a guard.

"Oscorp pays more, I'll wait for them to call"

"Fuck Oscorp, they exploit you Dad, we moved to Ohio because they transferred you here and you ended up at the construction company." That night was difficult but the food tasted good, the beer was cold and Dad wasn't so full of rage because now he had slaves or at least me to take care of him.

"Son of a bitch, the clown is going to take you in the first Iron Man movie."

Or so I thought…

Several days later…

The prom was coming up, Natti will see my forbidden steps, I start to think that my physique is better than the rest of the kids.

'Maybe because I acquired powers, without sweating or feeling dizzy due to the heat I am better at activities that require endurance.

The girl was so different from the Nat I saw in the movies, aggressive, wild, afraid of something.

She had agreed to be my partner in the dance, I mean something down there is already tingling but I think not quite yet.

My libido is barely developing but the woman I find attractive is Nat's mother and not her.

I mean, Natasha is not sexy right now, that was the only problem right now.

But I will create good memories for the future.

The holidays started and dad had traveled to New York to check that he would get the job before we moved.

I went out that night to train as usual and then I saw a flash.


After hearing a loud explosion and a burst of fire from some gas tank, there was smoke and the sound of some minor explosions.

"It's up north, there's a high school, I think there, ah, I remember, shit." I said surprised remembering that it could surely be today.

The night they leave our lives.

I ran to the trailer and pulled out a small tin suitcase, I opened it and found a pair of keys.

I put them in my pockets and ran to Natasha and Yelena's house.

(Alexei Shostakov's POV)

Run, run, hurry up, don't screw up and lose this." I told myself to encourage myself, I had successfully completed multiple missions but this specific mission took years, many years.

He said with a stack of documents inside a dark bag on his shoulder as he drove quickly to his home.

Some idiot had let the cat out of the bag when talking about the documents he needed before handing them over, they were close by but there were a lot of people but he trusted in his strength to get out alive, he beat everyone up and took the files that were going to be handed over to a leader of the United States.

He didn't know who but he knew that if he touched them he would leave and who knows where he would take them or how difficult they would be to steal.

So he came up with the idea of ​​causing an explosion and stealing the documents in front of hundreds of people.

The agents gave priority to protecting the guy instead of the documents that were on their way.

The problem was that he had been discovered.

That day I ran as fast as I could, drove at full speed and got home.

"Melina we're leaving!" Alexei shouted and found the girls in the living room looking at him.