cap 17

Two torrents of flames burned the faces of two more guys and the flames were so hot that it affected the last two.

I created a small compressed flame under each foot to jump towards the remaining two who had started to run away from the alley.


They screamed but I wouldn't let them go, an explosion at my feet as I was falling from the air and my two hands touched their necks and created compressed flames.

Saying A

A thud sounded as they fell because I cooked their brains, there were strangers and two of them were turning their faces.

I pushed myself back while creating flames to cover the entrance.

"Shit I must not escape." I said reminding myself that I had a goal, I walked resisting burning them alive for a reason.

I only burned their faces to avoid burning their clothes and what they carry with them.


I emptied the pockets of both men and took only the money, leaving the gun, there were surely several crimes that were committed with that weapon and if he used it he would be linked to all that.

Two wallets, a gold ring and a gold chain.

I put everything in my coat and walked towards the victim who had his eyes open but still seemed dizzy and scared.

I was touching his body, I knew what had happened.

"Here." I said handing him several sets of keys.

"They are from Rex's gang, Flint and a guy named Junior, they are already dead but if you know their apartments you could go rob them.

The woman tries to look at me but the pain in her skull doesn't leave her very well, I really don't want her to look at my face but I don't know what to do.

"Yes, I know, I have to leave her." I told myself but I didn't.

"I think this key is from a car, you might get something back, it's not worth reporting them, I killed them, but you can steal everything they have in their homes, if that's what it's called stealing, like I said, I burned them alive."

The girl has a damaged eyelid, it must have been from a blow, her second eyelid seems to be just red.

"A child." The woman said.

"You're pretty, you can look for a job as a cashier, nurse, receptionist, your job is very dangerous." I told the woman caressing her face, for a moment the woman reacted by moving away but when she looked at my small hand she accepted the caress on her face.

"They screamed when they were burned alive, they suffered." I said again handing the keys to the girl who stayed there.

The woman began to cry holding my hand, it took a minute before I freed my hand from the woman.

I set off flames under my feet that propelled me several meters and I fell on a building with the woman.

The flames dimmed until I landed on the roof of an apartment building.

"T-thanks." The woman said.

"Go to the hospital." I said before disappearing from her sight. I hid in a building and watched the woman.

It's still daylight, the woman can see but I doubt she'll say it was me.

She's traumatized and seems to accept the fact that she was raped, maybe it had happened to her before.

The woman looked at the keys before she squeezed them and started crying on top of the building.

That was the last thing I saw before I went down the fire escape and came to another alley where there were two homeless people raping another homeless person.

"For fuck's sake, are you serious?" I said as I burned both guys before robbing them too.

"This whole vigilante thing sucks." I said annoyed, I walked out of an alleyway extremely annoyed.

"I'm not going to be a thug again, if that idiot had shot while my back was turned it would have been the end of me." I said annoyed as I walked into a pizza place with a huge line.

Standing in line I received glances from many strangers and curious people.

"Hey kid, where are your parents?" A guy in line asked next to a lady.

"Working." I answered indifferently hoping to be rude and get the woman to stop trying to start a conversation.

"The pizza here tastes good, what do your parents do for a living?" The annoyed woman asked, I suspected she was the gossip on the block.

"My father works as a garbage man at Oscorp and my mother is a nurse." I answered acting like a child.

"Did they send you here to buy pizza?"

"Yes, something like that." I answered and took out two 10 dollar bills, soon it would be my turn.

"Oh, your savings?" The woman asked when she saw the old bills that were actually brought by the guys I just killed.

"Something like that." I answered while looking at the old people.

"Betty, is he your grandson?" An older woman from the store asked, maybe the owner of the pizzeria.

Soon it was my turn to buy pizza. The old people started conversations while I just nodded and gave vague answers.

"I need more strength, I'm not doing well with my studies, my brain is not comparable to Peter Parker's, at this rate I won't learn much and time is passing."

I look at the bodies of the two old people, they are weak but even I was able to defeat those guys because they were confident.

'in the future things can't be the same, I'll grow up and when that happens it could be dangerous, bullets can hurt me'

Those who took a look at the alley saw a child and there are no precedents of super powers. 'everything will be fine'. I told myself.

But guns are my enemy, even worse if I think about the officers' weapons.

Those bastards shoot simply as a warning.

"I can take 8 shots to the body as a warning, what a shitty law"

"it's your turn, but what do we have here?" said a young red-haired woman who reminded me of Natt.

"a Hawaiian pizza, one with extra pepperoni and one with meat"

"it will be 3 pizzas in total, it will be 77 dollars"

'damn, are they gourmet?'. Instead of complaining I just hand over the money and the woman delivers the pizzas, I receive them and leave the pizzeria.

Natasha… she must be being trained right now in the red room.

I walked sadly, I felt guilty, I had strength, I could have interceded, burned the plane so that no one could escape.

That way Natasha would be in an orphanage, maybe something good would come out of all this. But that's only what I can think.

I clenched my fists, "the only thing I can do now is become stronger." I told myself as I walked through the streets of New York City.

I'm using the translator so don't expect something so cool, I'm not a professional and due to popular slang, idioms and culture maybe not everyone will enjoy reading it, but if you like it you are welcome to stay and comment which helps a lot, I want to create a community of followers and who knows, maybe fans to later launch some new projects.

estoy usando el traductor asi que no esperen algo tan genial, no soy un profesional y debido a gergas populares, modismos y cultura puede que no todos disfruten la lectura, pero si les gusta son bienbenidos a quedarce y comentar lo cual ayuda mucho, quiero crear una comunidad de seguidores y quien sabe, tal vez fans para despues lanzar algunos proyectos nuevos.