Chapter 2: White-Haired Devil

Vallenora's crimson eyes flash with a mix of desire and desperation as she suddenly grabs my wrist, pulling me closer on the plush bed. Her touch sends an electric jolt through my body, awakening sensations I didn't even know I possessed. The shimmering fabric of her nightgown rustles softly as she presses against me, her curves molding perfectly to my form.

"Saber... I mean, Scott," she purrs, her voice a sensual melody that makes my heart race. "Please, don't pull away from me."

I find myself mesmerized by the way her raven hair cascades over her shoulders, framing her ethereal face. The scent of exotic flowers and something darker, more primal, envelops me. Despite the confusion swirling in my mind, I can't deny the powerful attraction I feel towards this mysterious woman.

Still, I hesitate, my body tensing slightly as I try to maintain some distance. "I... I'm sorry, but this is all so sudden for me," I stammer, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.

Vallenora's gaze softens, a hint of vulnerability creeping into her expression. She trails her fingers along my jawline, sending shivers down my spine. "You used to be so loving in our bed," she murmurs, her tone sultry yet tinged with demand. "Don't you remember the passion we shared?"

My blush deepens, and I can feel my resolve weakening. "I'm sorry," I say again. "But from my point of view, it's like meeting someone for the first time. I don't have any of those memories."

'I mean, It's not like I hate the idea.'

At my words, Vallenora's face crumples, her crimson eyes filling with tears. The sight of her anguish tugs at something deep within me, a protective instinct I didn't know I possessed. She looks away, her shoulders trembling slightly as she fights to maintain her composure.

"I understand," she says, her voice thick with emotion. "It's just... I've waited so long for you to wake up, my love. And now that you have, it's as if I've lost you all over again."

She looks like she's going to cry, her crimson eyes shimmering with unshed tears. I feel a pang in my chest, an inexplicable urge to comfort her despite my confusion.

"Let's just clear up a few things first, okay?" I say gently. "What happened to me? Explain it."

Vallenora takes a deep breath, composing herself. She looks at me, her gaze intense and filled with a mix of sorrow and barely contained rage.

"The White-Haired Devil," she spits out the name like a curse, "was able to trap you and lock that dreaded collar onto your neck. It erased your memories and almost made you her slave."

I'm utterly lost, my hand instinctively reaching up to touch the smooth metal encircling my throat. "White-Haired Devil? Slave?"

She continues, her voice low and urgent. "Because I had a spy infiltrating the White-Haired Devil's castle, I was able to rescue you before the enslavement contract was completed with her."

She pauses, looking nervous. Her crimson eyes dart away from mine for a moment before she takes a deep breath and continues.

"There's something else you need to know," Vallenora says, her voice barely above a whisper. "The collar... it requires a contract to be completed, or the wearer's life is forfeit."

My blood runs cold at her words. "What are you saying?"

She reaches out, gently taking my hand in hers. "I'm so sorry, my love. To save your life, someone else had to fill that contract. You're currently... enslaved to me."

The words hit me like a physical blow. I jerk my hand away, stumbling off the bed. "What? No, I don't want to be a slave. Take it off!"

Vallenora's face crumples in anguish. "I can't. Only the White-Haired Devil can remove it. I'm so sorry, Scott. I had no choice."

My mind reels, trying to process this information. "But why?" I demand. "Why would she want to enslave me in the first place?"

Vallenora's eyes flash with a mix of anger and possessiveness. "Because she's madly in love with you, just as I am. She couldn't bear the thought of losing you, so she tried to bind you to her forever."

I stand there, stunned into silence. The gravity of the situation crashes over me in waves. Enslaved. Trapped. Caught between two women who claim to love me so much they'd resort to magical bondage.

"Why?" I finally manage to croak out. "Why would she want to erase my memories? I don't even know who I am anymore!"

Vallenora's eyes suddenly blaze with an infernal light, twin pools of crimson that seem to burn from within. Her delicate features contort in a snarl of pure, unbridled rage.

"How dare you ask me to fathom the twisted thoughts of that cunt devil whore!" she screams, her voice reverberating through the cabin with supernatural force. The windows rattle in their frames, and I swear I can see cracks forming in the ornate woodwork. "I could never begin to understand the depths of her depravity, the sheer audacity of her attempts to steal you from me!"

I stumble backward, my legs hitting the edge of the bed. Vallenora's outburst is terrifying, yet I can't deny the thrill that runs through me at the sight of her unhinged passion. Her eyes are literally glowing now, casting an eerie red light across her porcelain features.

Before I can react, she's on me. With inhuman speed and strength, Vallenora pushes me down onto the mattress, her body pressing against mine. I'm shocked by how easily she overpowers me, her delicate frame belying a supernatural strength.

"V-Vallenora," I stammer, my heart racing. "What are you—"

"Shh," she whispers, her breath hot against my ear. The sudden shift in her demeanor is dizzying. One moment, a raging inferno. The next, a smoldering ember of desire. "I need you right now, my love. I need to remind myself that you're here, that you're mine."

Her eyes bore into mine, still glowing with that otherworldly light. There's anger there, yes, but also a desperate, all-consuming love that makes my breath catch in my throat. I should be terrified. I should be fighting to get away. But I can't deny the magnetic pull I feel towards this woman, this beautiful, dangerous creature who claims to be my wife.

Vallenora's grip on my wrists loosens, and she pulls back slightly, giving me the opportunity to escape if I choose. But I don't move. I'm transfixed by her gaze, lost in the swirling depths of her crimson eyes.

"Scott," she breathes, my name a prayer on her lips. "My Saber. My love. Please, let me show you how much I've missed you."

Vallenora's hands glide down my chest, leaving trails of tingling warmth in their wake. With a fluid motion, she shrugs off her shimmering nightgown, revealing pale white skin that seems to glow with an inner light. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of her ethereal beauty.

Suddenly, her hands begin to radiate a soft purple glow. The air around us crackles with arcane energy, and I feel an invisible force tugging at my clothes. Before I can react, my shirt and pants dissolve into motes of light, leaving me completely bare beneath her.

"Wait, what the fuck?" I exclaim, my eyes wide with disbelief. But Vallenora doesn't seem to notice my shock or confusion.

The air around us shimmers with arcane energy as Vallenora presses her glowing fingertips to my temples. An electric current of pure ecstasy surges through my body, setting every nerve ending ablaze with pleasure. I gasp, my back arching off the bed as waves of bliss crash over me.

"Oh my god," I moan, my mind reeling from the otherworldly sensations.

Vallenora's crimson eyes burn with passion as she positions herself above me. In one fluid motion, she sinks down, enveloping my cock in her tight, wet cunt. We both cry out at the exquisite feeling of our bodies joining.

The world around us disappears as our hips begin to move in sync. I groan in delight, feeling her warmth and wetness engulf me. Her body is like nothing I've ever experienced before, pulsing around my cock like a living thing that craves more of me. It's incredible how in tune we are. Every thrust sends shudders of pleasure through us both. As Vallenora rides me harder, her breasts swinging enticingly, I can't help but bite my lip to stifle the moans that threaten to escape.

Her breath comes in short gasps, her delicate nipples brushing against my chest as she leans down to nibble on my neck. Her teeth graze my skin lightly. "You belong to me," she whispers hotly into my ear, her voice thick with desire. The words are like a spell cast over us both, binding us together irrevocably.

The mattress beneath us creaks rhythmically under our wild lovemaking as we lose ourselves in each other's bodies. The room is filled with the scent of desire. Every time our hips collide, sparks of electricity dance between us like a fiery serpent.

As our passion reaches its crescendo, I feel an overwhelming surge building within me. Vallenora's movements become more frantic, her hips grinding against mine with desperate intensity. The air around us crackles with energy, and I can feel something extraordinary about to happen.

Suddenly, as I reach my climax and cum deep inside her, Vallenora's body erupts with purple lightning. Arcs of violet electricity dance across her skin, illuminating the room with an otherworldly glow. The lightning seems to pulse in time with my orgasm, each throb of pleasure sending out a new wave of sparks.

"Oh god, Saber!" Vallenora screams in ecstasy, her back arching as the lightning courses through her. Her eyes roll back, glowing with an intense crimson light that seems to pulse in time with the electric currents.

I moan loudly, overwhelmed by the dual sensations of my orgasm and the tingling electricity flowing between us. It feels as though Vallenora is drawing the very essence of my pleasure out of me, amplifying it, and feeding it back in an endless loop of bliss.

The purple lightning intensifies, forming a cocoon of crackling energy around our intertwined bodies. I can feel Vallenora's inner walls clenching rhythmically around me, milking every last drop of my release. Each pulse sends a new jolt of electricity through us both, eliciting gasps and cries of pleasure.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Vallenora chants, her voice taking on an otherworldly quality as the lightning continues to spark from her fingertips and eyes. "You're mine, Saber. All mine!"

The intensity of the moment is almost too much to bear. I feel as though I'm being consumed by Vallenora's passion, my very being merging with hers in this electric embrace. Time seems to stand still as we ride wave after wave of shared ecstasy.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity of pleasure, the lightning begins to subside. Vallenora collapses on top of me, her body still occasionally twitching with residual sparks. We're both breathing heavily, our skin slick with sweat and tingling from the lingering electricity.

"You're mine," Vallenora murmurs against my chest, her voice a mixture of satisfaction and possessiveness. "All mine."

As the last of the purple sparks dance across her skin and fade away, I'm left in a state of awe and confusion.

'What just happened? Was that because of the cum? What is this fucking purple lightning shit.'

I lay there, still breathing heavily, my mind reeling from the intensity of what just transpired. Vallenora's warm body is draped over mine, her raven hair fanned out across my chest. The scent of our lovemaking lingers in the air, mingling with the exotic floral notes that seem to emanate from her skin.

"So," I begin, my voice slightly hoarse, "two years married, huh?"

Vallenora lifts her head, those mesmerizing crimson eyes meeting mine. A satisfied smile plays at the corners of her mouth, like a cat who's just devoured a particularly tasty canary. She nods, her chest still rising and falling rapidly as she catches her breath.

"Yeah," she purrs, tracing lazy patterns on my skin with her fingertip.

There's something in her eyes, though. A flicker of... something. Uncertainty? Guilt? It's gone before I can really pin it down, but it leaves me with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. After witnessing her magical outburst and the mind-blowing intimacy we just shared, I decided it was probably best not to push the issue.

Instead, I opt for a different question. "So, magic is real here?"

She looks at me, confusion etched across her delicate features. "What do you mean by 'here'? How much of your memory did you lose?"

I sit up, running a hand through my hair as I try to make sense of it all. The soft sheets pool around my waist, and I can feel the weight of Vallenora's gaze on me. "I have no idea," I admit, frustration coloring my voice.

Vallenora's eyes narrow, a flicker of annoyance passing over her face. She sits up as well, the movement causing her raven hair to cascade over her shoulders like a silken waterfall. "What's the last thing you remember?" she asks, her tone clipped.

I take a deep breath, trying to organize my scattered thoughts. "I was being chased by my girlfriend Mia in Boston," I begin, the memories flooding back with startling clarity. "And then... God, it sounds insane, but a truck smashed through a building. Like, right through it, high up in the air."

"Girlfriend?" Vallenora's eyebrows furrow in confusion and annoyance. "Truck?"

I soldier on with my memory. "Then Mia caught up to me because I was mesmerized by the truck. She stabbed me because she thought I cheated on her. But I didn't. I was just... I was buying her a birthday cake."

As I finish speaking, I look up at Vallenora, expecting to see shock or disbelief on her face. Instead, I'm met with a look of utter bewilderment. Her crimson eyes are wide, and her mouth hangs slightly open as if she's trying to form words but can't quite manage it.

She looks lost and says, "Sab..." She sighs. "Scott, what country are you from? I've never heard of Boston."

I look outside the window from the bed again, taking in the impossible sight of clouds drifting by at eye level. The wooden hull of the ship creaks softly as we sail through the sky, defying all laws of physics I thought I knew.

I nod slowly, a sinking feeling growing in my gut. "I'm from a country called the United States of America. But judging by the flying boat and your magic, I don't think I'm from this world."

Vallenora's expression shifts rapidly from confusion to shock and then to something that looks unsettlingly like disgust. Her crimson eyes widen, and she recoils slightly as if my words have physically struck her. "What?"

I look nervous, swallowing hard before repeating, "I don't think I'm from this world."

Vallenora's eyes widen in horror as the words leave my mouth. In a flash, she claps her hand over my lips, silencing me. Her crimson eyes dart around the room nervously as if expecting hidden listeners to emerge from the ornate woodwork.

"Never speak of this again," she hisses, her voice barely above a whisper. "To anyone. Ever."

'Did I not tell her this in the two years we were married?'

I nod mutely, my eyes wide with confusion and a hint of fear. Vallenora's grip on my face loosens slightly, but her intense gaze never wavers.

"And no more of this 'Scott' nonsense," she continues, her tone brooking no argument. "You are Saber. You will cast aside your... otherworldly name and embrace this identity. Do you understand?"

I swallow hard, feeling the weight of her words settle over me like a heavy cloak. "Why?" I manage to croak out, my voice muffled by her palm still pressed against my mouth.

Vallenora's expression softens slightly, but there's still an edge of steel in her gaze. She cups my face in both hands, her touch gentle yet firm. Those mesmerizing crimson eyes bore into mine, and I felt as if she was peering directly into my soul.

"Do you trust me?" she asks, her voice low and intense.

I hesitate for a moment, weighing the absurdity of my situation against the undeniable pull I feel towards this woman. Trust isn't exactly the word I'd use, but the collar has already bound our fate together.

I hesitate, my mind spinning with conflicting emotions. "Sure," I say unconvincingly, unable to meet her intense gaze.

Vallenora's eyes widen, desperation etched across her ethereal features. She grips my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin. "No, no, please," she pleads, her voice cracking. "You need to trust me implicitly. You need to always believe my words, or you will die. I will not lose you."

Her crimson eyes shimmer with unshed tears, and I can see the raw anguish written plainly on her face.

With no other choice apparent, I swallow hard and meet Vallenora's gaze. "Okay," I say softly. "I trust you."

The change in her demeanor is instantaneous and chilling. A slow, wicked smile spreads across Vallenora's face, her eyes glinting with a predatory light. "Good," she purrs, her voice low and silky.

She lays back on my chest, her raven hair spilling across my skin like a liquid shadow.

Vallenora traces lazy patterns on my chest with her fingertip, her touch leaving trails of tingling warmth in its wake. "Don't make me use that collar against you, Saber. I will do anything to hold on to you."