Chapter 4: Backshots

I grip Vallenora's slender wrists tightly, pulling her arms back as I thrust into her from behind. Her sable hair cascades down her arched back, swaying with each powerful movement. The ornate bed creaks rhythmically beneath us, the sound mingling with our passionate moans.

"Oh god, Vallenora," I groan, my voice filled with desire. "You feel incredible."

Vallenora responds with a throaty purr. Her inner walls clench around me, drawing me deeper into her welcoming pussy. I can't help but marvel at how perfectly we fit together as if our bodies were made for each other.

As I drive into her with renewed vigor, Vallenora arches her back further, pressing herself against me. "Yes, my love," she moans, her voice dripping with unbridled lust. "Take me. Claim me. Make me yours."

Her words ignite a primal fire within me. I release one of her wrists, reaching around to cup her breast. The soft flesh yields beneath my touch, her nipple hardening as I roll it between my fingers. Vallenora's cries of ecstasy grow louder, echoing off the vaulted ceiling.

"Fuck, Val," I groan, my voice hoarse with desire. "I'm going to get addicted to you."

'She lets me call her Val now. One syllable. It's nice. Short, concise, easy.'

She responds by clenching even tighter around my cock, eliciting another deep moan from my throat. My hands roam her body, marveling at the silky smoothness of her skin.

I can feel my stamina starting to wane after our marathon lovemaking sessions, but Vallenora's insatiable appetite spurs me on. Her cries of pleasure fuel my desire, pushing me to new heights of ecstasy. My body aches in the most delicious way as I drive into her again and again.

"Yes, my love," Vallenora purrs, her voice dripping with lust. "Don't stop. I need you."

"Val," I groan, my voice thick with desire. "I'm close. I'm gonna—"

Suddenly, the ornate doors to our bed chamber burst open with a thunderous crash. A man clad in gleaming silver armor stumbles in, his face a mask of terror. His eyes widen in horror as he takes in the scene before him.

"My Queen! My Queen!" he cries out, his voice cracking with panic. "Dragons! They're—"

The guard's words are cut short as Vallenora, still impaled on my cock, raises her hand with lightning speed. Her crimson eyes blaze with fury as she snarls an arcane incantation. A violent gust of wind, sharp as a thousand blades, erupts from her palm.

In a spray of blood, the guard's head is severed from his body. It flies across the room, bouncing off the far wall with a sickening thud before rolling to a stop at the foot of our bed. His body remains standing for a moment, a fountain of blood spurting from the neck before crumpling to the floor.

The sudden violence shocks me out of my lustful haze. I stumble backward, slipping out of Vallenora as I do. My eyes dart between the decapitated guard and my wife, who is now floating several inches above the bed, her hair whipping around her in an invisible wind.

"How dare he!" Vallenora screams, her voice reverberating with otherworldly power. The windows rattle in their frames. "How dare that miserable worm to interrupt us! How dare any man attempt to lay eyes on what only my husband may see!"

I stare at the headless body, my eyes wide with horror. The guard's armor gleams in the soft light, now stained with crimson streaks. A pool of blood spreads slowly across the ornate floor, seeping into the intricate patterns of the carpet.

My stomach lurches violently. I stumble backward, tripping over my own feet and falling hard onto the cold floor. My whole body shakes uncontrollably as I try to process the gruesome scene before me. The metallic scent of blood fills my nostrils, mixing sickeningly with the lingering musk of our lovemaking.

"Oh god," I choke out, bile rising in my throat. "Oh god, oh god..."

The doors swing open once more, and a tall, statuesque woman glides into the room. Her long black hair flows behind her, and her purple eyes survey the scene with an air of detached curiosity.

"My Queen..." she begins, her voice smooth and melodious. Then her gaze falls on me, naked and trembling on the floor, and she seems to catch herself. "I mean, your Grace," she corrects smoothly. "I told him not to enter, but there are indeed dragons outside."

Vallenora, still hovering above the bed, her eyes blazing with otherworldly power, barely spares the newcomer a glance. "Do they not know who the fuck I am?" she snarls, her voice dripping with fury and disdain.

The tension in the room is palpable, crackling like static electricity in the air. But I can barely focus on their words. My eyes are locked on the headless corpse, the pool of blood inching ever closer to where I sit, frozen in terror.

Suddenly, my body rebels. I lurch forward, violent heaves wracking my frame as I vomit onto the floor. The contents of my stomach splatter across the floor, mixing grotesquely with the guard's blood.

Through watery eyes, I see Vallenora turn to look at me. Her expression softens for a moment, concern flickering across her features. But then her eyes hardened once more, determination setting her jaw as she raised her hand. With a flick of her wrist, shimmering magical garb materializes around her body, intricate patterns of light coalescing into armor that seems both beautiful and deadly.

"Lilith," Vallenora addresses the newcomer, her voice cold and commanding. "Prepare our defenses. I'll deal with these dragons myself."

As Lilith nods and turns to leave, Vallenora's gaze falls on me once more. Vallenora's eyes soften as she looks at me, a profound sadness creeping into her crimson gaze. I stare back at her, my body still shaking uncontrollably, terror gripping every fiber of my being.

"You killed him," I whisper, my voice hoarse and trembling.

Confusion flickers across Vallenora's face, her brow furrowing slightly. She approaches me slowly, her movements gentle and deliberate, as if she's trying not to startle a wounded animal.

"Be calm, my love," she says softly, kneeling beside me. Her hand reaches out, cupping my face with a tenderness that seems at odds with the violence I just witnessed.

As her fingers brush my skin, a soft green mist begins to emanate from her palm. It swirls around me, shimmering and ethereal, seeping into my very being. I feel the panic slowly ebb away, replaced by an unnatural sense of tranquility. It's as if I'm floating in a warm, comforting sea, all my fears and worries dissolving into nothingness.

My mind feels clear, yet somehow distant, like I'm watching everything through a soft-focus lens. The horror of the guard's death still lingers in my memory, but it no longer provokes the visceral reaction it did moments ago. I'm calm, almost unnaturally so, but not sluggish or foggy.

Vallenora's eyes search mine, a mixture of concern and determination in her gaze. "Saber," she says, her voice gentle but firm. "I promise I can explain this, but first, I need you to come with me to the deck. I want you to see how strong your wife is."

Vallenora smiles devilishly, her crimson eyes gleaming with wicked delight. I find myself nodding, a lazy grin spreading across my face as the magical calm washes over me in soothing waves. With a flick of her wrist, Vallenora sends arcs of shimmering energy dancing across my skin. The magic tingles pleasantly as it coalesces into clothing, a sleek, form-fitting ensemble that seems to shimmer with an otherworldly iridescence.

Before I can fully appreciate my new attire, the world around us blurs and shifts as Vallenora's teleportation magic whisks us away. In the blink of an eye, we materialize on the ship's deck, the wind whipping through our hair as we soar through the clouds.

The calming spell still thrums through my veins, muting my fear and amplifying my sense of wonder. Everything seems more vivid, more alive.

And then I see them, three colossal dragons flying beside our massive flying vessel. Their scales glitter like precious gems in the sunlight, each easily the size of a city block. The first dragon's hide shimmers with all the colors of a sunset, from deepest crimson to brilliant gold. Its wings stretch out for what must be hundreds of feet, nearly transparent yet strong enough to hold the great beast aloft.

The second dragon is a magnificent creature of deep sapphire blue, its scales shimmering like the surface of a vast ocean. Ripples of darker indigo flow across its hide as it moves, creating the illusion of waves crashing against its massive form. Its eyes gleam with intelligence, twin orbs of azure that seem to hold the wisdom of ages.

The third dragon is a being of pure, blinding white. Its scales are weirdly all over the place. Its eyes are not only incredably far apart, but vertically, they don't align at all. I can't help but feel bad for it.

'Can a dragon be born with an extra chromosome? Is this something else?' Even in my most calm I cannot help but theorize about this poor dragon.

As these mostly majestic creatures soar alongside our ship, their voices rise in a haunting chorus. A deep, resonant rumbling that seems to vibrate through my very bones. One of the voices does seem to be dragging a little bit behind though.

Vallenora throws her head back and laughs, the sound ringing out clear and bright against the dragons' ominous tones. Her crimson eyes dance with amusement. She turns to me, her expression softening into one of tender affection.

"My dearest husband," she says, her voice as smooth as silk, "may I please have a kiss?"

The spell seems to dull any sense of fear or hesitation. I find myself nodding, drawn in by her mesmerizing gaze. Vallenora cups my face with both hands, her touch gentle yet electric. She leans in, pressing her lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

As our tongues meet, the world around us erupts in chaos. Purple lightning crackles and arcs around our bodies, forming a cocoon of raw, arcane energy. The air itself seems to vibrate with power.

The dragons' voices rise to a fever pitch, their ancient words now tinged with what sounds like panic. But Vallenora pays them no mind, deepening our kiss as the storm of purple thunder intensifies.

I feel myself getting lost in the moment, my senses overwhelmed by the taste of Vallenora's tongue, the crackling energy surrounding us, and the earth-shaking roars of the dragons.

Vallenora lets go of my face with startling speed, her crimson eyes blazing with a manic glee. An evil smile spreads across her ethereal features, transforming her beauty into something terrifying yet mesmerizing. Her laughter rings out, a sound of pure, unhinged joy.

The dragons sense the shift in the air, their massive bodies tensing as they try to veer away from our ship. But it's too late. Vallenora raises her hands, and violent arcs of purple lightning erupt from her fingertips. The crackling energy lashes out, wrapping around the dragons' massive forms like electrified chains.

The beasts roar in agony, their voices shaking the very air around us. I watch in awe and horror as Vallenora's power holds them in place, their wings beating furiously against the magical bindings to no avail.

"Watch closely, my love," Vallenora purrs, her voice dripping with dark excitement. "This is merely a modicum of what I'm capable of when I have your love inside of me."

The purple lightning intensifies, pulsing with a blinding light that forces me to squint. I can feel the raw energy radiating from Vallenora, making the hairs on my arms stand on end.

Suddenly, beams of pure, white-hot light burst from Vallenora's palms, traveling along the lightning chains. The dragons' screams reach a deafening crescendo as the light engulfs them. I watch, transfixed, as their scales begin to glow and melt away.

The process is horrifying. The dragons' bodies seem to disintegrate from the inside out, their flesh vaporizing in a dazzling display of light and color. But it's not a clean disintegration. Chunks of half-vaporized dragon flesh rain down from the sky, sizzling as they fall into the ocean far below.

Gore splatters across the deck of our ship, steaming and hissing where it lands. The scent of charred meat fills the air.

As the last bits of the once-majestic creatures fall away, Vallenora's laughter reaches a fever pitch. She turns to me, her eyes wild with power and triumph.

"Do you see now, my darling?" she cries, her voice echoing with otherworldly resonance. "This is what it means to be my husband. This is the power that protects you, that loves you!"

I stare at her, my mind reeling from the display of raw, destructive magic. Even through the numbing effects of her calming spell, I feel a mix of pure terror and awe at how beautiful she looks.

'Oh my god did she taste vomit when she kissed me?'