chapter 5

A white blur streaked through a group of Frog Shooters—large, frog-like creatures with a single eye. These monsters were infamous for their precise tongue attacks, snatching adventurers and swallowing them whole. But despite their deadly aim, they were too slow to catch the blur darting between them.

One Frog Shooter lashed its tongue at the white blur, aiming to ensnare its prey.

All For One ducked under the slimy appendage and, with a swift slash of his sword, severed it cleanly. The creature let out a guttural croak, pain obvious in the noise.

Gripping both his sword and dagger, he found himself growing increasingly fond of the dual-wielding style he'd adopted. There was a certain elegance to it. He paused for a brief moment, calculating the situation.

"Five frogs. Two at the far end, two to my right, one directly in front," he mentally assessed.

Without hesitation, he charged at the Frog Shooter in front of him, dodging another tongue attack from the one on his right. The injured one, still reeling from its severed tongue, foolishly tried to crush him with its massive body.

He leaped onto its head, both blades poised, and drove them into its large, central eye with precision. The explosion of blood and monster dust was grotesque, leaving behind nothing but a magic stone. Disgusting.

Rolling to the side, All For One narrowly avoided the two tongues snapping toward him. He rose fluidly, focusing. With a sharp motion, he aimed his hand at the two frogs still recovering from their failed attack.

"Fireball," he muttered. A large orb of fire erupted from his hand, engulfing the creatures in flames.

Since his recent status update, his capacity for magic had grown significantly. He could now conjure fireballs of this size without much strain. His mind pool had expanded exponentially, making such feats trivial.

As the remaining two Frog Shooters lumbered toward him, he raised his hand again, an edge of irritation in his voice. "Fireball."

The frogs were incinerated before they could react.

Without wasting time, he collected the magic stones from the fallen creatures and pressed on deeper into the sixth floor. His true test awaited: War Shadows. These shadowy figures intrigued him—he was eager to see how much of a challenge they would be.

Suddenly, his instincts screamed at him. Without a second thought, he leapt forward, dodging a set of sharp black claws.

War Shadows—monsters that preferred to strike their targets from behind. They were fast and silent, but physically they weren't the strongest. Their speed compensated for their lack of strength, however.

"Oh~ what are you doing, Kurogiri?" he teased the creature, his tone mocking. The War Shadow did bear some resemblance to Kurogiri, with its fog-like body and menacing aura. His mockery seemed to agitate the creature, as it trembled silently before leaping at him with startling speed.

Not that it mattered to him.

All For One sidestepped the attack almost lazily. As the War Shadow's claws raked through the air, he plunged his dagger into its arm and twisted viciously until he heard the crack of bone. This dagger was actually decent—he owed the guild an apology.

Before the creature could leap back to safety, he drove his sword into its midsection. The War Shadow exploded into dust, leaving behind a magic stone and one of its claws—a drop item, it seemed. Lucky.

Before he could celebrate his victory, he spun on his heel and delivered a powerful kick to another War Shadow that had tried sneaking up on him. The monster reeled back, dazed. A single "Fireball" ended its miserable existence.

"You're a sneaky one," he muttered, collecting the magic stones and the War Shadow's claw. The purple item glinted in the dim light of the dungeon—sharp as a knife, just as Eina had described.

Tossing the claw into his bag, he continued deeper into the sixth floor. It had been a decently challenging day. The monsters were increasing in number, and the Frog Shooters, while not particularly dangerous, were persistent. The War Shadows, though fast, hadn't impressed him much beyond that. This floor was shaping up to be another disappointment.

He sensed eyes on him again. No, not the pallum brat who had been trailing him clumsily. his "All For One" quirk made locating her an easy task, especially because she has two abilities.

This feeling was different. He couldn't pinpoint where his other stalker was, but this wasn't the first time he'd felt it. Perhaps magic was involved.

For now, he ignored the mysterious presence. His mind shifted back to the pallum girl, Liliruca Arde. He'd caught her staring at him from afar one Day, And the next day after that before entering the dungeon. Clearly, she was targeting him for something.

He had briefly considered eliminating her and stealing her skills. But after some discreet investigation—via threatening a homeless man with being burned alive—he learned that she belonged to the Soma Familia. That changed things. She would make the perfect rat, a way to influence her Familia. He could mold her, break her, and turn her into a loyal subordinate. After all, people at their lowest were the easiest to control. And judging by her state, she'd hit rock bottom soon. When she does, He would be there to claim her for himself.

His musings were interrupted by the sudden appearance of another War Shadow. It lashed out at him, but he ducked under its claws, growing tired of these interruptions.

"Let's just get this over with," he said, raising his hand to fire another spell. Maybe he'll try to push himself closer to a "mind down" state today.


In retrospect, it hadn't been the best idea. His head pounded with a dull, throbbing ache—like All Might smashing a fist into his skull. Magic exhaustion was no joke.

He decided to leave the dungeon earlier than usual but not without a decent haul: thirty magic stones from the first five floors and twenty from the sixth. His "Fireball" spell had proven invaluable.

As the sun began its descent, he headed to the guild to exchange the stones. The sixth-floor monster cores were worth 2,000 valis each, a considerable jump from the lower floors. He walked away with 76,000 valis in total, split between his earnings and the Familia's account. His private funds now sat at 80,000 valis. He decided to keep the War Shadow's claw for himself. For a level one, it was a significant sum of money.

Skipping his lessons with Eina, he made his way to the potion shop Hestia had mentioned her friend owning it, Blue Pharmacy. His headache wasn't going to solve itself.

The shop was unremarkable, a simple, humble building. He considered turning back but quickly dismissed the thought. The throbbing in his head made the decision for him.

The bell above the door jingled as he entered. Two figures stood at the counter: a blue-haired man who fit Hestia's description of Miach and a brown-haired dog girl with a stern expression.

"Welcome to the Blue Pharmacy! How can I help you, sir?" Miach greeted warmly.

"I need something for a headache—magic-related," All For One said, cutting straight to the point. He wasn't in the mood for pleasantries.

"Oh! That must be painful," Miach said, reaching for a citrus-colored potion from the shelf. He handed it over without hesitation.

All For One snatched it from his hands and drank it in one swift motion. The effects were immediate—his mind felt rejuvenated, and the pounding in his head quickly subsided. He could already feel his magic reserves refilling.

The dog girl frowned, clearly displeased with his rushed actions, but he ignored her. He wasn't about to steal from Hestia's friend, after all. Her voice was already headache-inducing enough—he didn't need another scolding.

"How much do I owe you?" he asked, pulling out a guild cheque.

"That'll be 9,000 valis," the dog girl said sharply. The price seemed unusually high.

Miach opened his mouth to protest, but Dog girls sharp glare silenced him. All For One raised an eyebrow, intrigued by their dynamic. Clearly, this shop had financial troubles, and the girl was the one keeping things afloat.

"How much for regular healing potions?" he asked.

"500 valis each, for low level potions" Naaza replied, curt and to the point. He liked that.

"I'll take two," he said, writing out a cheque for 11,000 valis and handing it over. He added a generous 1,000 valis "tip" partially out of amusement but also to gain a little favor.

Taking his purchases, he headed to the exit.

Naaza inspected the cheque closely, her eyes lingering on the extra amount. Miach seemed surprised at the address name.

"Hestia's Familia? That must be bell! And he paid more than necessary," Miach remarked. Naaza, however, remained silent, there was no mistake made. The extra amount was intentional. She didn't care, They needed every bit to pay off that damn debt.

All For One left the shop with a amused smile, already planning to return for more.


"You are?" A fat, but muscular dwarf with a thick beard asked, glaring up at the white-haired kid standing before the entrance to their "private" back-alley bar.

This place wasn't for the average adventurer. It was full of lowlifes—nobodies who barely qualified as adventurers and were little more than street thugs. The most valuable attractions here were the illegal gambling rings, visited by every loser in Orario.

This particular bar was "owned" by a beastman named Fang. Just a level one, but beastmen were known for their superior physical strength compared to regular folks. Fang was rumored to have a passive skill—Feral Clarity, he once told the dwarf about it—it gave him the edge in every fight, though no one know what it was.

"None of your business," the kid shot back, his tone dripping with disgust, like the dwarf wasn't worth acknowledging. Who did this brat think he was?

"We don't serve kids. Go find milk somewhere else," the dwarf said dismissively. Probably just some no-name adventurer fresh off the streets. No need to stir up trouble over nothing.

"I need to see Fang. I have a deal that he cannot refuse," the kid continued, his gaze cold and condescending, as though he was looking down on the dwarf.

"I said get a move on, brat! We don't serv—"

The dwarf's voice cut off abruptly. His chest tightened, and suddenly, breathing became a struggle. Wet... no, that was blood. His blood.

He coughed, his throat was severed. the thick, metallic taste of blood filling his mouth as he collapsed to the ground. His vision blurred, and panic set in. He was choking—on his own blood. This wasn't how it was suppose to end. How did the brat move so fast?

The kid didn't even glance at him as he stepped over his body like discarded trash, pushing into the bar without a second thought.

Damn it...


Stepping over the idiot who tried to block his path, All For One couldn't hide the satisfaction bubbling inside. His speed had been... impressive.

The night had long since fallen, but this type of seedy establishment didn't bother with closing hours. After updating his status, he had waited for Hestia to fall asleep-anything to avoid another one of her lectures about staying out late.

Once she was snoring in that dump of a church, he'd made his way here. Getting the location, the leader's name, and level hadn't been easy-he'd broken a few fingers in the process, though they weren't his fingers-but it was worth it. Just a level one wolfman with a rumored passive skill, yet All For One could already sense it from here. It was no rumor, His visit wasn't going to be wasted. The leader, Fang, was inside.

He moved down a narrow corridor, reaching the door at the end. Without hesitation, he kicked it open. Politeness wasn't necessary in front of scum like this.

The room went dead silent. A few patrons had been drinking, but most were focused on gambling and he caught sight of some whores seducing potential customers. He hadn't expected that. So this place also offered "special services."

He glanced around at the lowlifes. "Apologies for the door, dears, but politeness wasn't really an option after I killed your front guard," he said it as casually as discussing the weather.

For a few moments, nothing happened. Then, laughter erupted, loud and mocking, with some nearly falling over from it. One man-a cat-person, with blue hair and light armor, likely an adventurer-stalked toward him. All For One hated cats.

"Meohoho, the guts on this kid! Nya~ Kid, how about I treat you to a drink? I like my stuff cute," the catman leered, reaching out as if to grab his shoulder.

All For One's eyes twitched. Without a word, he reached for the dagger hidden under his sleeve-carefully concealed. He stabbed the cat's hand, twisting the blade viciously. He was certain only an elixir could fix that.

The catman's scream pierced the air, his other hand moving to draw his weapon, but All For One kicked him to the floor.

"You... bastard! I'll kill you for this!" The man wailed, tears in his eyes from the pain.

"Fireball," All For One muttered, extending his hand toward the idiot. Flames engulfed the cat in an instant.

"Fang! Help! Somebody!" The cat thrashed, his screams spreading panic through the room as others backed away, desperate to avoid the flames. All For One watched in silence, his expression cold, the sight disturbing the once-laughing crowd.

Suddenly, the Flamed cat screams were cut short by a sword slicing through the cat's neck. A clean, efficient kill. All For One raised an eyebrow in approval. Good aim.

"That was mercy, Tomen. You idiot."

The voice came from the back of the bar. A tall figure stood, his upper body bare, a nasty scar on his left cheek. His wolf-like ears and tail twitched as he approached, brown hair framing his intense gaze. All For One could feel the skill radiating from him. This must be Fang.

Fang stepped closer, eyes locked with All For One's. The tension was palpable.

"Leave us alone," Fang barked, and the other patrons immediately scrambled for the door, eager to escape. Not a single one seemed willing to get caught in the inevitable crossfire. Smart move.

All but one elf girl remained. She had blonde hair, wore a red dress, and sat further away on one table, her eyes glued to the scene.

"She's the owner. I'm the co-owner," Fang explained, his tone lazy. "If you win, you become the co-owner. That's how things work here."

That worked for All For One. He'd need someone to manage this place once he was finished.

"Acceptable." He unsheathed his sword, his dagger already in hand. "Shall we?"

Fang didn't move, just eyed him carefully. "Name?"

"You may call me Sensei," All For One smirked.

Fang let out a chuckle. "Sensei? As in teacher? That doesn't suit a scrawny kid like you." In an instant, Fang lunged, moving with blinding speed.

All For One barely had time to block the strike with both blades, the force sending him skidding back across the room. He gasped. That speed was far greater than expected.

"That all you got? Tomen, you were even weaker than I thought," Fang sneered, barely breaking a sweat.

All For One kept his expression calm, but internally he was calculating. He needed just one touch-one moment to turn this fight around. He ducked under Fang's next strike, attempting a counterattack, but was met with a brutal headbutt that sent him reeling.

"That could've worked on any other level one," Fang mocked, "but not me."

"...but not you," All For One muttered under his breath, focusing his magic for another fireball. Before he could release it, Fang attacked again from above, forcing him to block and retreat.

"You've got decent brains," Fang taunted.

"And you bark too much," All For One countered, earning another laugh from the wolfman.

"I guess it's time to end this," Fang said suddenly, his tone serious. He launched into a relentless assault-left jab, right hook, headbutt, kick-all For One was barely keeping up, each block pushing him closer to defeat.

Fang's skill was clear- enhancement of perception and reaction time. Like many quirks he once had in his vast collection, useful.

He intentionally did a clumsy stabbing attempt with his right hand. Fang took the bait, grabbing his arm and twisting it with enough force to dislocate his shoulder. But that was a necessary sacrifice.

With his left hand, he reached out pretending to use fireball.

Fang foot sweeped under his, making him fall to the ground painfully.

All for one reached with a slow hand towards Fangs knee.

Fang smirked, confident his heightened senses would let him avoid any real threat. But he underestimated what All For One could do with just a single touch.

The moment his finger connected to his knee, his quirk latched onto the skill, Fang's world shattered in an instant. His senses blurred, pain consuming him as the skill was violently ripped from his body. All For One watched in satisfaction, relishing in the screams of agony.

Fang crumpled to the floor, his mind and body broken as All For One absorbed his skill. He'd seen this before-Mental quirk users were very sensitive to his All for one and they often ended up brain-dead or paralyzed. Mental related skills seems to be no different.

For good measure, All For One stomped on Fang's head, cracking his skull. No need to tempt fate.

He glanced over at the elf girl, her face pale with horror.

He approached her, raising his good hand. She flinched, closing her eyes, expecting the worst. When nothing came, she opened them cautiously. He was extending his hand to her.

"You may call me Sensei," he said, his tone authoritative.

She stared, dumbfounded, before finally shaking his hand. "L-Lia," she stammered.

"I expect my co-ownership payment by next week. Understood?" He was being generous-giving her a week was far too long.

"Y-Yes, of course!" she quickly agreed, desperate to end the conversation.

"Good. Have a pleasant night, Miss Lia," he said, flashing a wink before turning and leaving the bar.

Not like she can understand what happened, she just saw Fang scream and collapse from his touch. Let her make her own conclusions while making him money.

Today had been productive. Testing his new skill, he felt faster sharper. Good.

Now, he just needed to come up with a believable lie for Hestia. After all, she had foolishly revealed that gods could sense when mortals lied.


AN: I accidentally deleted the whole thing and had to rewrite the whole thing again, although a little different from my original draft.

As you noticed, I suck at battle scenes so sorry if they are little short.

I'm not really satisfied with this chapter overall quality but I'm too busy to improve further, sorry.