Chapter 75 Meet Anthony On The Road And Mock Him

Leaving the Yo Yo Yo area, Ash and his group headed towards Fuchsia City, where the Fuchsia Gym is located.

After taking down the Grass Type Rainbow Gym, he will next attack the Poison Type Fuchsia Gym.

Currently, Ash's focus on leveling up is still on Charmeleon and Infernape.

Because the wild Pokémon encountered on the road are generally low in level, but there are many of them, Charmeleon did not gain much, but Infernape accumulated a lot of combat experience.

From Iv.30 to Iv.33, the intimacy with Ash also increased a lot in the process, and they have a tacit understanding.

As for Charmeleon, Ash estimates that it is not far from evolving into Charizard, and what is needed now is mainly a battle with equal strength and a hearty and exciting battle.

It will naturally evolve!

After seeing Psyduck's strong talent in Confusion, Misty would release it from the Poké Ball from time to time.

While cultivating intimacy, she would not forget to ask Sabrina for a way to solve its headache symptoms.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, Psyduck, without Sabrina's help to guide and relieve the mental pressure caused by Confusion, is still stupid most of the time.

At present, Sabrina has no perfect solution to this problem. She herself has not yet perfectly controlled Psychic, which is not affected by emotions, so she naturally cannot help Koda duck solve the problem at the root.

Each time, she can only help it relieve the pain a little.

This also means that if Misty wants to fight with Psyduck, it is best for Sabrina to help it relieve the pressure on its head caused by the transformation of mental power and Psychic.

Otherwise, it can only rely on luck as in the original plot, and try to guide the opponent to attack Psyduck's head to make it enter the headache Contest Condition.

If the opponent does not attack Psyduck's head, Misty sending it out to fight is basically the same as sending it to the enemy.

According to Sabrina, when she can perfectly control her own Psychic, she can help Psyduck solve this problem completely!

Misty finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this!

As long as there is a way to cure Psyduck, it will be enough!

During the trip, Ash fought and leveled up while accompanying the two girls to go hiking and water sports, and did some embarrassing things with Misty at night!

It was so comfortable!

It is worth mentioning that with Xiaogang leaving the team, Misty also mentioned Sabrina to Ash intentionally or unintentionally.

It seems that she wanted to test Ash's opinion of Sabrina!

Ash, who realized that it might be the "ring" that started to work, did not hide his affection for Sabrina.

With the intentional promotion of the main wife Misty.

The relationship between Ash and Sabrina is also heating up rapidly.

With the 80% intimacy, Sabrina already had a good impression of Ash. If they were to improve their intimacy, they would probably be able to establish a relationship!

Two days later, Ash and the other two were near the edge of a city again.

Walking on the roadside, they met a Hitmonchan who was boxing.

Looking at his appearance, he had been practicing for a long time and was sweating a lot.

From the color and fineness of his skin, this Hitmonchan must be quite old.

The fine scars on his body also proved that he must have undergone strict training from the Trainer!

No matter how fierce the outdoor battle was, it would not be possible to reach this level.

This Hitmonchan had many difficult-to-heal injuries on his body, but his level was not too high, only Iv.30, not as good as the Infernape he had just captured.

This shows that the talent of this Hitmonchan is normal, and even with strict training, the speed of upgrading cannot be fast.

Unlike those legendary Pokémon, which upgrade at a rocket-like speed after birth and become gods when they grow up!

It is already very good for Hitmonchan, who has blue qualifications, to reach level Iv.30.

At the same time, a man in a white vest stood next to Hitmonchan.

He was burly, muscular, and had a towel around his neck. [At this time, he was doing boxing training with Hitmonchan!

"Pikachu boy passing by, and two girls!"

"Are you interested in a Pokémon battle with me?"

"I am Anthony from the Fighting family. I am training with Hitmonchan with the goal of winning the p1 Fighting competition!"

Seeing Ash and the other two passing by, the man in the white vest named Anthony immediately invited them to a challenge.

...Please give me 0 flowers...

And not only Ash, but also Misty and Sabrina

Anthony? I really met this guy!

Another incompetent guy who abandoned his wife and daughter to pursue his dream

This guy is much more exaggerated than Xiaogang's father Flint. He still doesn't think he is wrong and even took his Infernape

When he first saw Hitmonchan, Ash was already alert and got up

It turned out that the burly uncle in front of him was Anthony who took his Infernape away in the original plot.

The other party revealed his identity, so Ash didn't have to look for him again.


Triggered the plot task: [Use Infernape to participate in the p1 Fighting competition and win the championship, and don't give Anthony a chance]

Task reward: [Strength enhancement potion (increases the strength of Pokémon by 20% after use)]

Okay, okay, the system still has a bad temper towards me!

As expected, the system doesn't like Anthony, this old guy.

Strength-boosting potion, this is a good thing!

At this stage, it is completely tailor-made for Infernape!

Accept the task decisively!

Since we have already met this old guy Anthony, the p1 Fighting competition will probably start soon.

After getting the reward for this task, Infernape's combat power can be further improved!

Facing a guy like Anthony who is irresponsible to his family and took his Infernape away, Ash will definitely not give him a good face.

He decisively rejected the challenge invitation he initiated to him!

"Sorry, I'm not interested!"

"I am traveling with the goal of becoming a Pokémon Master, and my two partners were also gym trainers in Kanto!"

"Uncle, your strength is too weak, and I won't get any benefit from fighting you!"

Hearing Ash's words, Misty and Sabrina showed surprised expressions at the same time.

In their cognition, the passerby trainers that Ash challenged him have always been very kind.

Even if the opponent is very weak, he will often accept the opponent's fight and give a certain degree of guidance. At the very least, he will politely decline the challenge invitation from the opponent.

He will never mock Anthony like he is doing now!