Chapter 145 First Battle, Rock Field

Ash didn't care at all about Gary's behavior of dragging him down.

Trainers, in the end, still have to rely on their strength.

As long as they beat or rank higher than Gary at the Indigo Plateau Conference, it would be enough to make him convinced.

But it would be better to compete on the same stage and eliminate him personally to give him a big enough shock, otherwise he is likely to be stubborn.

Looking at the crowd of Trainers coming and going, Ash stroked the Poké Ball hanging on his waist, feeling very proud.

In this Indigo Plateau Conference, he will make the names of Pallet Town and Ash resound throughout the Kanto Region.

After completing the registration, you still need to wait for the lengthy opening ceremony to officially start the journey of the Kanto Indigo Plateau Conference.

Sitting in the audience, Ash's eyes followed the torch relay "170" and kept moving until the Moltres torch was lit, and the flames were reflected in Ash's pupils.

In the original plot, he would change his fate of being defeated in the round of 16 of this Indigo Plateau Conference.

"Misty, Sabrina, you guys take a good rest with mom, I'll go over and draw the first match myself!"

Because all four of the family came this time, not to mention Professor Oak, Ash's own name is also very useful in the Kanto Alliance.

Therefore, Ash and his friends were assigned a single-family apartment with very good living conditions in the Players' Village.

Only if you rest well can you play a wonderful game!

This is also part of the Alliance's preferential treatment for seeded players.

The apartment is not too big, but it is undoubtedly several levels higher than the residence of ordinary Trainers.

Delia nodded, "Then let's prepare some lunch and eat together when you come back!"

"Don't bother so much, the food in the Players' Village is free, just treat it as a vacation this time, enjoy it and watch your son win the championship of this Indigo Plateau Conference!"

Ash said confidently.

Delia, who didn't know much about Ash's record in Lucas's travel, thought it was just her son trying to cheer her up, and nodded with a smile.

She didn't want to discourage Ash's enthusiasm, but she actually had no expectations for whether Ash could win the championship.

After all, it was only the first year of the trip, and it was already amazing to be able to enter the top 16.

As for winning the championship, it would not be too late to strive for it slowly in the future.

After the draw, Ash's first Rival was a boy with a hedgehog head named Aaron.

Although the Indigo Plateau Conference has eight gym badges and restrictions such as senior students in the Pokémon Academy.

In the vast Kanto Region, there are still many excellent Pokémon Trainers who are qualified to enter.

In order to make the schedule go faster, the Indigo Plateau Conference adopts a mode of four sub-venues and one main venue fighting at the same time.

Only after successfully advancing to the top 16, all matches can be fought in the main venue under the attention of the public.

Before that, the system Contest Category will ensure that each Trainer can experience the battles in each Attribute theme sub-venue.

Only by winning consecutive games can you advance to the top 16!

The organizers claimed that the Rival and the venue were randomly drawn.

However, although it was said to be random, there were also hidden tricks by the Alliance organizers.

For example, the popular seeded players were not allowed to meet too early, resulting in one of them being eliminated too early before they could show their true strength, which would greatly affect the viewing experience of the next top 16 games.

Ash's Rival Aaron can only be said to be mediocre among the Trainers who came to participate in this competition.

His strength is also accumulated through years of travel, and he is considered a senior Trainer.

With hard work and some luck, it is possible to enter the top 16 of this Indigo Plateau Conference.

But this is normal. After all, he met Ash, and the Alliance has a very high evaluation of him. It is difficult for the Rival to be very strong in the sub-venue stage.

"Dear audience friends, the next match is the battle of the Rock Field, the branch venue of the Indigo Plateau Conference!"

"The Rivals for this opening match are Ash from Pallet Town and Aaron from Rainbow City, who ranked in the top 32 in the last Indigo Plateau Conference!"

"The battle rules are in the form of 3v3. When both sides release Pokémon to fight, if all three Pokémon of either side lose their combat ability, they will be considered defeated and will regretfully leave our Indigo Plateau Conference stage!"

On the first day of the competition, Ash's battle with Pokémon Trainer, whose hairstyle is similar to Gary, became the opening match of the Rock Field...

Ash stood quietly on one side of the battle field, and Pikachu stood beside him.

He took out the Poké Ball with Bulbasaur hanging from his waist.

For this important opening match, he prepared a Pokémon lineup of Bulbasaur, giant Steelix and Milotic.

Among them, the giant Steelix that has entered the Elite level is undoubtedly the level of the support, avoiding any possibility of accidents.

Of course, the main battle is still Bulbasaur.

Although its Species Strength is not high, with a high level of Iv.43, many gym owners' main Pokémon are not as good as it.

Compared with the original plot, it is many times stronger when participating in the Indigo Plateau Conference, plus the speed potion and the top-grade grass-type move amplification item that Ash fed it.

Greatly improve the power of Grass Type skills.

At the same time, it combines Bulbasaur's amazing speed and Venusaur's powerful grass-type skill power.

"Come out, Bulbasaur!"

Ash, who was randomly assigned to the red side by the system, released his Pokémon first. 2.1


Bulbasaur fell directly to the ground of the Rock Battlefield, with a strong fighting spirit burning in his eyes.

After so much special training in Pallet Town, it is finally time to test the results.

It needs to prove the results of hard training through a beautiful victory.

It is also necessary to let the world know that even if it does not evolve, Bulbasaur can still become extremely powerful.

Strong enough to even defeat Venusaur, the final evolution of the same species.

Not only Bulbasaur himself, but also Ash, who was commanding behind him, was full of confidence.

He was confident that his training plan and tactical training for Bulbasaur were the most reasonable.

The one standing opposite was just a test subject to help him test the results of his training. .