Chapter 154 Top 16, Butterfree's Civil War

After reaching the top 16 of the Indigo Plateau Conference, the players will go to the main venue of Quartz for Pokémon battles.

Although the rules of the battle are still 3v3, it is undoubtedly much more important than the preliminary rounds before the top 16.

The huge main venue was packed with audience seats, and it is estimated that there were at least hundreds of thousands of people.

As for the audience who could not get tickets, they chose to watch the game on the big screen at the temporary venue outside the venue.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the annual Mega event in Kanto, and its influence is really amazing.

In the audience, Delia, Misty, Sabrina, and all the staff of Bogong came out to cheer for Ash.

There were even many residents of Pallet Town who flew over to watch Ash's game.

After all, it was a top 16 match. Since Professor Oak, the champion town of Pallet Town has not had an excellent Pokémon Trainer for many years.

Although it was a pity that Gary was eliminated early this time, Ash showed amazing potential and was highly favored to win the championship~

As a member of Pallet Town, they are also proud, so they want to witness the birth of a new league champion.

Of course, the reason why everyone in Pallet Town is so enthusiastic is mainly because Ash's performance in the preliminary round is so outstanding. If he had stumbled all the way like in the original plot, they would have just chosen to watch the game broadcast at home quietly!

Compared with Ash, who was only slightly luckier than Gary in the original plot, Ash is now the strongest genius in Pallet Town and is the child of other people's families in the eyes of the neighbors.

"The first game of the fifth round of the Indigo Plateau Conference is about to begin. The two sides are Ritchie and Ash!"

"The game adopts the 3v3 competition rules. When all three Pokémon of one side lose their combat ability, it is considered a defeat. Now the game officially begins!"

Listening to the announcement in his ears, Ritchie clenched his fists, feeling extremely excited, and his body trembled unconsciously.

It's coming, it's coming!

This is a battle with a real top Trainer!

He's ready!

"Bobby, you'll take the lead!"

Ritchie threw his first Poké Ball decisively.

Pokémon: Butterfree, Level: Iv.32, Element: Purple

The blue-qualified Butterfree can be trained to level 32, which shows that Ritchie is still very good as a Trainer.

No wonder he was able to defeat Ash's Squirtle in the original plot!

Although Squirtle was consumed by Team Rocket and used Water Gun too many times in the original plot, and was in a relatively exhausted Contest Condition.

But now it seems that this Butterfree still has some strength.

It's just that Ritchie is still a little weaker than the players who made it to the top 16 completely by strength.

Since it's a teaching game, the same Pokémon must be used.

"It's your turn, Butterfree!"

Pokémon: Butterfree, Level: Iv.38

Butterfree, as the first Pokémon he captured, actually didn't stay with him for too long.

It was mainly because it had a pink Butterfree girlfriend.

Not long after the two of them lived in Professor Oak's Laboratory, the pink Butterfree got pregnant. Ash was very caring and gave it a long maternity leave.

After he returned to Pallet Town, he restarted some training for it.

The level of Butterfree may be lower than the previous ones, but its momentum is not much weaker.

It is obviously much stronger than Ritchie's Butterfree!

However, Ash's unintentional move "made some of the audience and trainers with sharp eyes relieved.

This Butterfree is obviously weaker than the previous ones!

Sure enough, this is in line with the law of novices.

After using four Pokémon that are not inferior to the main force of gym trainers, Ash finally ran out of energy.

Just say, where does Ash get so much energy to cultivate so many main force Pokémon with abnormal strength.

Although the current lineup is already very strong, before he sent Butterfree, the audience felt as if they could not see Ash's bottom line at all, which was unacceptable.

Sure enough, no matter how talented a Pokémon Trainer is!

There must be a limit!

The appearance of Butterfree finally made the Rookie Trainers who were overwhelmed by Ash at the scene relax a little.


"This, this Butterfree, what a strong Butterfree!"

" Ash is indeed a top Pokémon Trainer!"

Unlike the audience who looked relaxed with a God's perspective, Ritchie was already sweating profusely when facing the Butterfree sent by Ash.

Because he was also a Butterfree Trainer, he thought he had a deep understanding of Butterfree.

His Bobby was already a very strong one that he picked out from several Catterpie tribes, and it could be called the top one.

Nearly a month of careful selection and careful training helped him defeat many strong enemies.

It evolved from Catterpie to Butterfree form.

However, at this moment, it was somewhat dwarfed in front of Ash's Butterfree, not only in terms of level, but also in other aspects. It was obvious to the naked eye.

Just like the difference between his Bobby and the Butterfree of the insect-catching boy that can be seen everywhere in the forest.

"Bobby, use all your strength, don't hold back, and learn the opponent's offensive methods well!"

"Use the Sleep Powder with the largest range!"

Knowing that his Butterfree was far inferior to the opponent's in terms of level and strength Ritchie waved his hand decisively and gave the order.

If he didn't fight for the first move, Butterfree might not have a chance to attack.

"Butterfree, Gust plus Sleep Powder!"

Also using a large range of phosphorus powder skills to put the opponent in Status Condition to control the field, Ash's Butterfree can use combination moves, and his combat experience is obviously richer.

There is nothing to say, Gust plus Sleep Powder, a silky smooth small combo, blew back together with the Sleep Powder used by Ritchie's Butterfree.

During this period, although Ritchie reacted in time and commanded Bobby to try to dodge, there was no place to hide.

Skill proficiency and the development of combination skills have always been the top priority of Ash's training of Pokémon.

In addition, the double Sleep Powder has a very high coverage range and an amazing concentration, so the effect is particularly good.

Bobby, who was hit by Sleep Powder, flapped his wings, which were getting heavier and heavier, and in a blink of an eye, like a kite with a broken string, and fell straight to the middle of the field. .