Izumi Miyamura: Xover - Chapter 53

"Who are your parents, boy?" Endeavor asked, raising an eyebrow in her direction.

"Since I was little, I was told not to answer questions from crazy, unknown women. It seems you meet both requirements," I replied dryly, Endeavor's permanent frown deepened even more, I could feel the fire emanating from her, from her quirk, getting hotter.

"Answer me boy, I don't have time for games." Endeavor insisted, I shrugged.

"I have no reason to answer you, if that's all, I have a duel to attend." I said simply, turning around to walk away from her. Only to move to the side to dodge Endeavor, who tried to stop me with a hand on my shoulder. "Try to touch me again and I'll cut you down, heroine or not." I narrowed my eyes in her direction as I tightened my grip on my sword. She just snorted.

"You're not up to par, boy. I don't sense an ounce of danger coming from you. Stop playing games," Endeavor growled. I was really getting tired. Could I get away with it if I cut off a limb? "Answer me," she growled more impatiently.

"Yeah, no, I definitely won't answer you, I don't like you." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"You!" Endeavor growled as she took a step closer. I didn't move, I didn't back away, I simply raised an eyebrow at her . "Tell me, tell me why every time I see you, I feel like I'm looking at Ryuma! What relationship do you have with her ?!" My eyebrows rose slightly, now, I didn't see that coming. This was the first time someone had actually compared me to Shimotsuki Ryuma, former owner of Shusui, former National Level Hunter of Japan, Sword God.


"Wow, I'm really flattered," I said, not even hiding the condescension in my voice. "But whatever problem you have with Ryuma, you're barking up the wrong tree."

"Your quirk, what's your quirk?!" Endeavor asked, increasingly frantic.

"Food enrichment, makes food more delicious." I told her amusedly, the way she paused and the incredulous look on her face said she definitely didn't believe me. I shrugged.

"Impossible." Endeavor said finally "Very well, boy, do what you want, anyway, it doesn't matter, my Shoko will defeat you, she finally gave up her stupid ideas of not using her fire. Finally, she's doing-"

"Yeah, no, I'm not interested." I interrupted Endeavor's monologue, rolling my eyes. "See you later, this was horrible, let's never repeat it." This time I walked away at high speed, without letting Endeavor react, once I stopped, I was already in front of the exit of the corridor that led to the ring. I took a step forward.


We both got into position on the ring, and I looked at Shoko.

I couldn't help but sigh, she really wasn't in the fight, mentally speaking. Whatever her turbulent thoughts were, due to the existential crisis she was going through, they were practically doing their job to completely distract her.

"Are you just going to use your ice?" I couldn't help but ask, taking Todoroki slightly by surprise.

"My… my mother put you up to this too?" Shoko asked, almost resignedly. I snorted audibly.

"Of course not, I ran into her on the way, I don't deny it, it was unpleasant, it made me want to cut her into a thousand pieces." I said simply while shrugging my shoulders, Todoroki to my surprise rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, she tends to have that effect on… pretty much everyone she meets personally," Shoko said dryly. I laughed.

"So? Just ice?" I asked once more, Todoroki's face going through several expressions, as if she was physically fighting against it.

"START!!!" Todoroki was startled by Present Mic's shout and immediately created an ice glacier almost by instinct. Yubashiri cut all the incoming ice into pieces.

"If you use your fire side I'll make you cold soba with my quirk" I said out of nowhere. To my surprise Todoroki stopped momentarily and a flame of fire emerged from the left side of her "Really!? That's how it works?!" I asked incredulously before bursting out laughing.

"Shut up!" Todoroki shouted embarrassedly as she created a huge glacier in my direction, easily cutting through the incoming ice.

The ice was easily cut through once again. Sadly, even with that small slip, Todoroki wasn't giving her all, and it showed. Even if she was tired, or low on aura, her ice shouldn't be as poor as she was doing.

I sighed tiredly, it really wasn't worth fighting her like this. I could try to pressure her like Midoriya did, but… I really had no idea what effect it could have on her. She must have a lot on her mind at this point, if I tried anything else it might be more counterproductive than helpful.

It was better to end this quickly. I held onto Yubashiri tightly and started dancing.

All of Todoroki's ice was reduced to pieces, I hit the ground hard, Flame Breathing: Ninth Form: Rengoku ¸ I approached Todoroki at high speed, who barely seemed willing to defend herself.

"Come on, don't give up!!" Midoriya's voice hit Todoroki suddenly and a wave of fire emerged from her left side, only for a surrendered expression to appear on her face, she sighed tiredly.

My blow destroyed all of Todoroki's defenses and hit her body hard, she was thrown out of the Ring, she made no effort to stop her fall. A real shame. She sheathed Yubashiri once more.

I was about to approach Todoroki when I saw that she was unconscious. I sighed again and looked back at Endeavor, to no one's surprise, she was already walking away from where she had been staring at her daughter. I huffed and headed for the exit. I really didn't want to run into Endeavor if she was still in that state, I'd feel like cutting her into little pieces, so I hurried towards the stands.

"Haven't they started yet?" I asked as I approached Ruby and sat down next to her.

"Izumi!" Ruby exclaimed happily, "you made it to the finals! And you haven't missed anything yet, you got here just in time!" she said as she looked at the ring. Taylor and Azula were standing in front of it waiting for Present Mic's start signal.

"Perfect." I said simply, really, I wanted to know how well each of them could do so I looked towards the ring with expectation.

"START!!" With Present Mic's shout, both of them immediately moved. Azula launched herself forward towards Taylor, as waves of insects reappeared in the stadium. Azula stopped and began using her firebending against them.

Azula was moving with agility across the ring, her blue fire fluttering around the stadium, large flames licking the entire stadium every time she moved. Her movements were so fluid that even I would be fooled into thinking that she had recently learned the Dancing Dragon and had put it into her repertoire.

Those Taylor bugs couldn't overwhelm Azula like they did Bakugo, Azula's fire covered much more range than Bakugo's explosions, were much more flexible and could be sustained for several seconds. The bugs were instantly incinerated upon contact with Azula's blue fire, if not reduced to ashes immediately.

This seemed to be a problem for Taylor as she was unable to use her insects to take any advantage over Azula. She finally gave up on wasting her swarm and stopped the waves. Azula, who was spinning upside down with her legs spread out while creating a circle of fire around her slowly came to a stop before stopping and standing up once more.

Taylor's bugs reorganized, surrounding Azula but not getting closer, just maintaining their density and practically covering a meter of ring height. So at first glance only Azula was visible, in a clean circle, and the upper half of Taylor, before the latter crouched down and got inside the bugs, disappearing among them.

Azula narrowed her eyes and kept a watchful eye on everything around her. A group of bugs moved into Azula's blind spot, but she turned and launched a stream of fire at the bugs as Taylor came out the other side. Azula was clearly expecting it as she easily dodged Taylor's attack.

Now that she was finally within range, Azula began attacking Taylor trying to immobilize her with her chi blocking, unfortunately, Azula didn't notice the insects she was still carrying on her body, so Taylor was able to predict and react much faster and easily dodged Azula's attacks.

Azula quickly realized that she wasn't going to get anywhere with chi blocking, so she quickly switched to her firebending. She began to launch powerful flames from such close range at Taylor, who began to use her still sheathed Shusui to hit or push Azula's arms in another direction, pushing the fire away from her direction.

Taylor tried to get away, but Azula held on tight to her, not letting her escape despite not being able to hit her solidly. Azula's arm was knocked away once more, this time, Azula opened her mouth wide in Taylor's direction, a small flame erupting from her mouth. Taylor moved quickly, slamming the tip of Shusui's hilt under Azula's jaw, squeezing it shut.

Azula gritted her teeth tightly, but didn't stop. A flame shot out from her foot, propelling her leg with force and finally hitting Taylor solidly. The blow landed on Taylor's ribs, stopping her slightly. Azula took advantage of the moment, and her body spun violently, augmented by several bursts of fire, and kicked Taylor once more.

Taylor used Shusui to cover herself and used the momentum of the kick to finally get away from Azula, once far enough away, her swarm hid her once again.

"Why... why doesn't Taylor use her sword?" Ruby asked confused, I made a face.

"I have no idea, as things stand now, if she were to unsheathe Shusui, Azula wouldn't have been able to hit her." I said honestly. "I hope it's more than just her not wanting to reveal Shusui to the public, because if not, I'll make sure she regrets doing it." I huffed in annoyance. Ruby flinched slightly and shot Taylor a look of pity.

Back to the fight, this time Azula didn't wait for Taylor to attack her, she started moving instead. Was she... was she dancing? Hinokami Kagura, Dance of the Fire God, Sun Breathing, Azula performed the first 6 forms without a sword, adapting them to flow with her firebending. I could see several mistakes, but for a first improvised use? It turned out fantastic.

Azula's fire turned orange but its heat increased several orders of magnitude, as did its area of effect. Azula's fire devoured everything in the ring with extreme ease as she repeated the first 6 forms, an incomplete dance, but extremely effective.

Taylor was soon exposed as she shielded herself from the fire. Azula took advantage of the moment.

Azula's hands moved in circular motions that she knew extremely well, my eyes widened, sparks began to emerge from her fingers and finally, she extended two of her fingers in Taylor's direction.

The sound of lightning filled the stadium, Taylor barely reacted in time to dodge the lightning that Azula had sent at her, to her bad luck, Azulo launched a second one at the same time, it hit Taylor in the chest.

Taylor began to be electrocuted while Azula kept generating her lightning, it was a few long moments, a few seconds that lasted until a swarm fell on Azula and began to attack her face. The lightning was cut off. Taylor seemed to finally stop playing and move.

Thunderclap and Flash . Taylor appeared next to Azula in an instant, who was still distracted by the bugs on her face, Taylor grabbed Shusui firmly and used her like a baseball bat. She hit Azula in the stomach, sending Azula flying out of the ring.

Azula stabilized herself in the air and began using her firebending to try and get back into the ring once more, only to be hit in the face by a flying sword, Taylor had launched Shusui in her direction. Azula fell out of the ring.

"I'm going to kill Taylor, how dare she use Shusui like that?" I growled angrily. I was going to kill Taylor.