Chapter 11: Death is the Normal

Xiao Nanfeng understood that the spiritual qi that existed between heaven and earth was not only able to strengthen the physical body, but as long as the correct method was found, it could likewise strengthen the soul.

To refine the soul was to allow the spiritual qi of heaven and earth to slowly infuse into the Brow Acupoint and then be refined into soul power. Cultivating Tai Shang Yin Shen Scriptures. is actually opening up a pool of soul power in the center of the eyebrow, and the more advanced the cultivation of Tai Shang Yin Shen Scriptures. is, the bigger the pool is opened up, and the more soul power it can hold.

With the help of Yin Shen Pearl, Xiao Nanfeng thoroughly comprehended the nearly twenty Taoist Scriptures in just three days, using this to push the cultivation of Tai Shang Yin Shen Scriptures. to the next level, so much so that the pool of soul power in his Brow Acupoint swelled up too quickly, and had risen several times.

Xiao Nanfeng revealed a bitter smile, everyone else was suffering from not having enough containers to carry soul power. As for himself, he was the one whose container had grown too large too quickly, and his soul power was too late to fill it up?

Right at this moment, steeply, a zither sound came.

"Ding, ding, ding~~~"

There was a poignancy in the melodious sound of the zither, seemingly transmitting the sound directly to the depths of the soul, causing the soul power in Xiao Nanfeng 's brow to suddenly throb violently.


Under the sound of this zither, Xiao Nanfeng realized that the surrounding heaven and earth aura was active for a while, surging into his brow center nearly twice as fast?

"What's happening? Who? Who is playing the zither?" Xiao Nanfeng revealed a look of surprise.

In these three days, Xiao Nanfeng had been reading in his room, eating dry food when he was hungry, not caring about the outside world at all, and was so focused on getting into the book that he didn't even care about the three Ye Dafu followers bringing people in and out to check on him because he had lost his golden ticket.

The sound of the zither outside could actually make one's cultivation of soul power faster? No matter who it was, the sound of the zither was of great benefit to himself ah, he had to find out.

Xiao Nanfeng walked out of the room and went to the deck before he realized that the sea vessel had stopped. There were many people standing on the deck, all of them quietly looking into the distance, only Ye Dafu and his group of followers were still making noise, each with an anxious disheveled look on their faces.

"Lord Master, what I said is true, our golden ticket was stolen, there are ten thousand taels of gold, can't you guys search again?" Ye Dafu screamed with a sad face.

"The ship will soon dock, if we don't find it, once everyone gets off the ship, we'll never get our money back ah!" A follower said anxiously.


A group of people noisily surrounded a Taiqing Immortal Sect disciple, but it was the master of this ship.

That master chief's face was an ugly sight, "Enough!"

Ye Dafu and the others' faces stiffened.

"In these three days, the ship has been tossed around for your sake, and you still don't know enough? In order to search for your money, I even used the demon dog, the demon dog's nose you guys wouldn't be unaware of, right? As long as you have smelled your odor, you can track what you have lost ... Nothing has been found. How much longer do you guys have to make trouble? It can't be to amuse me, right?"

Ye Dafu and the others were dripping blood inside, we amuse you with ten thousand taels of gold, we are not sick?

"Alright, all shut up now, I still have a lot of things to deal with, I don't have the time to nag you guys." The master of the house glared at the crowd, following which he flung his sleeves and walked towards the crowded place on the deck.

Ye Dafu and the others were in a state of bitterness.

"Boss, our money, could it have been stolen by the crew? And then, their demon dogs are just deliberately lying to us?"

"It is! It was the crew that woke up first that day, could it be ..."

"Boss, our money, must have been hacked by this crew."


At that moment, Xiao Nanfeng strutted past, and Ye Dafu and the others glanced at him, apparently not suspecting him.

Suspected of what? This kid was only the sixth level of ACQUIRED Realm, he passed out next to them that day and woke up even later than them, and the Demon Dog had searched his room for some time with no results, it could never be him.

"Poor bastard, get out of my face and get out of my way!" Ye Dafu said annoyed, at this moment he was also mad, he lost his money and looked at no one in his eyes.

"Calling me poor? Heh, are you guys rich? Take it out and show me." Xiao Nanfeng said disdainfully.

Ye Dafu was annoyed and wanted to continue shouting, but when he thought that he had lost all his money, he suffocated a burst of internal injuries. So angry, being despised by a poor man?

Xiao Nanfeng no longer paid attention to this group of young masters who had just gotten their spirits uplifted, seeking the sound of the zither, he walked over to the crowd, and along with the other people on the deck, he looked into the direction where the sound of the zither was coming from in the distance.

At a glance, a huge island of fairies on the sea came into view, and from afar, the fairy mountains were heavy, the clouds were dazzling, and the cranes were shuttling, a good picture of an immortal's grandeur.

" Taiqing Immortal Sect has arrived?" Xiao Nanfeng 's eyes lit up.

"Of course! However, right now, our boat can't go over, we have to wait for the boat in front to dock first." A person next to him skimmed Xiao Nanfeng 's eyes and said.

Taiqing Island was extremely large, the depths of the island were so cloudy that it was hard to see, but, there were quite a few buildings at a pier on the island that was quite lively, and many Taiqing Immortal Sect disciples gathered there.

Nearby the sea, not only them, more than a dozen sea ships have not been able to dock, and their sea ships are parked in the sea, waiting for a big wrecked ship to slowly dock.

At this moment, everyone was gazing at the wrecked big ship, and the large number of Taiqing Immortal Sect disciples on the pier were all solemn, with sad faces.

"The disciples of the Taiqing Immortal Sect are greeting that wrecked big ship?" Xiao Nanfeng thought darkly.

"Look guys, there are coffins, so many coffins, placed on that wrecked big ship!" A person beside him exclaimed.

At this moment, the mastermind who had previously lectured Ye Dafu and the others said in a deep voice, "What's being transported on that ship are the corpses of my Taiqing Immortal Sect 's disciples, falling back to their roots, returning from the dead. Alas!"

"What? Cultivating Immortality now, can't you live forever? How could an immortal die?" The crowd looked at the captain incredulously.

"You guys think that the disciples of Taiqing Immortal Sect are all high and mighty immortals who can live forever and get away with it? Once you worship the Taiqing Immortal Sect, you can enjoy the blessings? Hmph! Let me tell you, if you have this idea, give up cultivating immortality before it's too late. The path of Immortal Cultivation is full of dangers, if you are not careful, you will die. All Immortal Sect disciples have to go out and fight, and although they have acquired countless techniques, however, death is the norm." That principal coldly said.

"What?" A group of people looked at the head priest in incomparable shock.

Immortal cultivation, death was the norm?

"Lord Overseer, that zither sound, who played it?" Xiao Nanfeng pointed at a gazebo on the pier.

In the pavilion, at this moment is sitting a slim gray-clothed old man, hair white cloaked, eyes white, like a blind man, is playing a mouthful of ancient zither, around standing a group of Taiqing Immortal Sect disciples, seems to gray-clothed old man quite respectful, in its playing the piano, even if the discussion does not dare to be loud.

"That's Elder Ku, he's playing a requiem to appease the departed souls of the returning brothers and let them rest in peace." The head priest sighed.

"Requiem? It doesn't seem like anything magical, does it really work?" The crowd looked at the blind old man in disbelief.

The crowd hadn't cultivated their soul power, so they didn't understand the magic of this tune at all, but, Xiao Nanfeng 's soul power was active at the moment, so he knew how powerful this tune was. This blind old man was a truly superior person!

"Requiem? Elder Ku? " Xiao Nanfeng stared at the distant Elder Ku, an eagerness flashing in his eyes.

If he came here to pay homage to his master, if he were to be taught by this person, he would definitely be of great help in soul refining at the very least.

"Alright, today, the remains of the senior brothers returned, the clan will definitely be busy with the burial matters of the senior brothers, the pier probably won't be able to board, the boat will be parked here, and we will dock tomorrow." He spoke to the rear.

"Yes!" A group of crew members answered.

As for the group of worshippers on the deck, at this moment, they were not as confident and happy as they were before, all of them were preoccupied, and there were even a few of them who showed signs of trepidation, seeming to be skeptical and resistant to this coming to worship the master.

Cultivating immortality, death is the norm?