Buckley Bolton, once an ordinary tax avoidance expert, lived an ordinary but escapist life. However, his fate changed completely one day - he found himself being hunted by a mysterious force, and behind it was the secret of his scientist parents who had been missing for many years. As the truth gradually revealed, Buckley realized that there was a powerful message hidden in his genes, which was not only related to his own destiny, but also closely related to the future of countless parallel worlds in the universe.
In the process of pursuit and escape, Buckley and his allies went deep into the mysterious center of the rift and shuttled through the intersection of time and space. They must find the truth in the distorted future and overlapping history, uncover the conspiracy behind the universe, and guard a powerful force that can destroy all time and space.
This is an adventure about fate and choice, combining elements of suspense, science fiction and time and space travel. Against the backdrop of multiple worlds intertwined, can Buckley get rid of his fate and save countless time and space from destruction? Or will he become the key to tearing the balance of the universe? Let us follow Buckley's footsteps and explore the secrets deep in the universe!