Chapter 3: The Road to Mount Tai

The sun had barely crested the horizon when Lin Feng heard the first sounds of pursuit. He had been walking for three days, following the winding road that led away from Willow Creek and towards the looming silhouette of Mount Tai in the distance. Despite his enhanced stamina from cultivation, exhaustion tugged at his limbs, a result of pushing himself to cover as much ground as possible while sleeping little.

Now, as the drumming of hoofbeats echoed through the morning mist, Lin Feng felt a spike of fear. Had the Azure Cloud Sect discovered his absence so quickly? Or were these mere bandits, drawn to the lonely figure of a young traveler?

Either way, Lin Feng knew he couldn't risk being caught. Darting off the road, he plunged into the dense underbrush of the forest that flanked the path. Thorns tore at his clothes as he pushed deeper into the wilderness, his heart pounding in his ears.

As the sounds of pursuit grew louder, Lin Feng frantically searched for a place to hide. His eyes fell upon a massive old oak, its trunk gnarled and hollow. Without hesitation, he squeezed into the gap, pressing himself as far back into the shadows as he could.

Moments later, a group of riders thundered past his hiding spot. Through a small opening, Lin Feng caught glimpses of azure robes and gleaming weapons. The Azure Cloud Sect had indeed come for him.

"Spread out!" a familiar voice commanded—Young Master Zhao. "The qi fluctuations are strongest in this area. That little rat couldn't have gotten far."

Lin Feng held his breath, every muscle in his body tense as he listened to the cultivators dismount and begin searching the area. He could sense their qi probing the forest, seeking any trace of unusual energy.

In desperation, Lin Feng did the only thing he could think of—he turned his focus inward, using every scrap of his fledgling cultivation technique to suppress his qi, willing it to sink deep into his core where it might escape detection.

Minutes stretched into what felt like hours as the Azure Cloud Sect disciples combed the forest. More than once, Lin Feng heard footsteps approach his hiding spot, only to move away again. His lungs burned with the need for air, but he didn't dare take more than the shallowest of breaths.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, he heard Zhao's voice again. "Nothing. Whoever it was, they're long gone. We're wasting time here—let's move on to the next sector."

The sound of retreating hoofbeats was the sweetest music Lin Feng had ever heard. Even so, he remained in his hiding spot for a long while after, paranoid that it might be a trick to lure him out.

When he finally emerged, the sun was high in the sky. Lin Feng's limbs were stiff, and his stomach growled with hunger, but relief flooded through him. He had evaded capture—for now.

As he carefully made his way back to the road, Lin Feng's mind raced. The Azure Cloud Sect's pursuit confirmed his worst fears. They had sensed his awakening qi, and now they were hunting him. But why? Was it truly just to investigate an anomaly, or did they have more sinister motives?

One thing was clear—he couldn't risk traveling on the main road any longer. Mount Tai loomed in the distance, a beacon of hope, but the journey there would be far more treacherous than he had anticipated.

With a deep breath, Lin Feng plunged into the forest, determined to forge his own path to the legendary mountain and the promise of ancient wisdom that awaited him there.

Days blurred together as Lin Feng trekked through the wilderness. The forest was alive with qi, he discovered, pulsing with an energy that was at once familiar and alien. As he walked, he practiced the cultivation techniques he had stumbled upon, drawing in the natural energy around him to supplement his own reserves.

It was on the fifth day of his journey that Lin Feng encountered his first true test. As he was crossing a swift-flowing river, balancing precariously on slippery stones, a monstrous shape erupted from the waters. It was a creature out of legend—a river dragon, its serpentine body covered in iridescent scales, eyes glowing with malevolent intelligence.

Lin Feng froze, his mind blank with terror. The stories he had grown up with spoke of such beasts, but to see one in the flesh was beyond anything he had imagined. The dragon regarded him with ancient eyes, steam curling from its nostrils.

"Little mortal," it rumbled, its voice sending tremors through the water. "You dare trespass in my domain?"

Heart pounding, Lin Feng struggled to find his voice. "Great... great river dragon," he stammered, bowing as low as he dared while maintaining his precarious footing. "I meant no offense. I am but a humble traveler seeking the wisdom of Mount Tai."

The dragon's laugh was like boulders grinding together. "Mount Tai? You think yourself worthy of treading that sacred ground, little cultivator? You reek of newfound power, untempered and undisciplined."

Lin Feng's eyes widened in surprise. The dragon could sense his nascent cultivation? "You... you know of cultivation?"

"Know of it?" the dragon snorted, sending up a spray of water. "I was old when the first human cultivator took his first breath. I have seen empires rise and fall, great sects bloom and wither. And now I see before me a sapling, barely rooted, who thinks to climb the greatest of mountains."

Shame and frustration warred within Lin Feng. "I may be untrained," he said, straightening despite his fear, "but I am determined. I will reach Mount Tai, with or without your blessing."

For a long moment, the dragon was silent, its unblinking gaze fixed upon Lin Feng. Then, to the young cultivator's shock, it began to laugh—a deep, thunderous sound that shook the very air.

"Oh, you have spirit, little one," the dragon chuckled. "Very well. I shall not devour you today. Instead, I offer you a choice. Answer my riddle correctly, and I shall grant you a boon to aid your journey. Fail, and you shall serve me for a hundred years, tending to my river and singing my praises."

Lin Feng swallowed hard. The stakes were impossibly high, but what choice did he have? To turn back now would mean abandoning his dreams, betraying Mei Ling's trust, and likely falling into the hands of the Azure Cloud Sect.

"I accept your challenge, great river dragon," he said, squaring his shoulders.

The dragon's eyes glinted with amusement. "Very well. Listen closely, little cultivator. I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?"

Lin Feng's mind raced. This was no ordinary riddle—it felt layered with meaning, perhaps even touching on profound truths of cultivation. He closed his eyes, reaching out with his senses, feeling the flow of qi around him.

As he stood there, balanced between water and sky, Lin Feng felt a sudden shift in his perception. The world seemed to expand around him, and for a brief, dizzying moment, he sensed the vast web of life that connected all things. In that instant of clarity, the answer came to him.

"The human brain," he said, opening his eyes to meet the dragon's gaze. "Billions of neurons like eyes in the darkness of the skull, millions of synapses like ears, four lobes, no muscle, yet it rules our bodies and shapes our understanding of the world."

For a heartbeat, there was silence. Then the river dragon threw back its head and roared with laughter, sending great plumes of water shooting into the air.

"Well answered, little cultivator!" it boomed. "You have a quickness of mind to match your spirit. Very well, I shall grant you my boon."

Before Lin Feng could react, the dragon surged forward. Its whiskers, long as tree branches, wrapped around him, lifting him from the stones. Lin Feng felt a surge of foreign qi enter his body, burning like liquid fire as it coursed through his meridians.

When the sensation faded and the dragon set him back down, Lin Feng gasped in amazement. His senses felt sharper, his connection to the surrounding qi stronger and clearer than ever before.

"I have opened your Divine Sense," the dragon rumbled. "It is but a crack in the door of perception, but it will serve you well on your journey. Use it wisely, little cultivator."

With that, the massive creature began to sink back into the river. Just before its head disappeared beneath the surface, it fixed Lin Feng with one last penetrating stare.

"We shall meet again, Lin Feng of Willow Creek. The currents of fate flow strong around you. Do try not to drown."

And then it was gone, leaving Lin Feng alone on the river stones, his mind reeling from the encounter.

As he continued his journey, Lin Feng marveled at the changes wrought by the dragon's gift. The world seemed more vivid, more alive. He could sense the flow of qi in the plants and animals around him, could even detect faint traces of human qi from travelers who had passed through the area days before.

This new awareness brought both advantages and challenges. On one hand, he found it easier to avoid populated areas and potential encounters with the Azure Cloud Sect. On the other, the constant influx of sensory information was overwhelming at times, leaving him disoriented and exhausted.

It was during one such moment of sensory overload that Lin Feng stumbled upon the hidden valley. He had been pushing himself hard, trying to cover as much ground as possible while staying off the main roads. His newfound Divine Sense was a cacophony of input, and he was so focused on trying to sort through it all that he almost missed the shimmer in the air before him.

Blinking, Lin Feng focused on the anomaly. There, barely visible, was a veil of qi hanging in the air like a gossamer curtain. Curious, he reached out to touch it—and gasped as his hand passed right through, experiencing a moment of tingling coldness before emerging on the other side.

Heart pounding with excitement and trepidation, Lin Feng stepped through the veil. The world seemed to twist around him, and when his vision cleared, he found himself in a hidden paradise.

A lush valley stretched out before him, filled with plants he had never seen before. The air was thick with qi, so potent he could almost taste it. At the center of the valley stood an ancient, gnarled tree, its branches heavy with luminous fruit that pulsed with energy.

As Lin Feng took a step forward, a voice rang out—ancient, powerful, and unmistakably feminine.

"Well, well," it said, amusement and curiosity mingling in its tone. "It's been a long time since a mortal found their way into my grove. Tell me, young cultivator, what brings you to this hidden realm?"

Lin Feng spun around, searching for the source of the voice, but saw no one. "I... I'm seeking wisdom," he said hesitantly. "I'm on a journey to Mount Tai, to learn the secrets of cultivation."

A shimmer of qi coalesced before him, taking on the form of a beautiful woman with flowing silver hair and eyes that shone like stars. "Mount Tai?" she mused. "A noble goal, but a treacherous path. You are either very brave or very foolish, young one."

Lin Feng bowed deeply. "Honored immortal, I don't mean to intrude. I stumbled upon this place by accident. If you wish me to leave, I shall do so immediately."

The woman laughed, the sound like tinkling bells. "Leave? Oh no, dear boy. You've been led here by fate—or perhaps by that meddlesome old river dragon. I am the Guardian of the Celestial Peach Grove, and it has been far too long since I've had a visitor to entertain."

She gestured to the great tree at the center of the valley. "These are the Peaches of Immortality, young cultivator. One bite can grant a mortal a hundred years of life. A whole peach... well, that way lies true immortality. But such power comes at a great price."

Lin Feng's eyes widened. He had heard legends of such fruit, but to see them in person... "What price?" he asked, unable to keep the longing from his voice.

The Guardian's expression turned serious. "To eat the peach is to bind yourself to this grove for a thousand years, tending the trees and guarding against those who would steal their power. It is a lonely existence, but one that grants unimaginable cultivation resources."

She fixed Lin Feng with a penetrating stare. "So tell me, young one. What would you sacrifice for power? For the chance to cultivate in peace, away from those who hunt you?"

Lin Feng felt a surge of temptation. To stay here, to cultivate in safety, to perhaps one day achieve true immortality... it was everything he had ever dreamed of. But then he thought of Mei Ling, of his promise to return for her. He thought of his village, of the wider world he had yet to explore.

"Honored Guardian," he said, bowing once more. "Your offer is beyond generous, and the power of this place is... intoxicating. But I cannot accept. I have promises to keep, and a path I must walk, no matter how difficult."

For a long moment, the Guardian was silent. Then, to Lin Feng's surprise, she smiled—a warm, approving expression that made her seem suddenly less alien, less immortal.

"Well spoken, Lin Feng of Willow Creek," she said softly. "You have chosen wisely. The path of cultivation is not just about gaining power—it is about understanding oneself, about making hard choices and staying true to one's principles."

She plucked a single leaf from the great peach tree and pressed it into Lin Feng's hand. "Take this. It is not as potent as the fruit, but it will aid you in your cultivation. And remember this place, young one. Should you ever have need of sanctuary, the Celestial Peach Grove will welcome you."

With a wave of her hand, a path of shimmering qi appeared, leading out of the valley. "This will take you to the foothills of Mount Tai. Be cautious, Lin Feng. Great powers stir in the world, and you have drawn their attention. Trust in yourself, in the path you have chosen, and you may yet surprise us all."

As Lin Feng stepped onto the path, he turned back for one last look at the Guardian and her miraculous grove. "Thank you," he said, trying to infuse the simple words with the depth of his gratitude.

The Guardian's smile was radiant. "May your journey be fruitful, young cultivator. And do try not to get eaten by any more mythical beasts, won't you?"

With a laugh that echoed in his ears, the hidden valley faded from view. When the shimmer of qi cleared, Lin Feng found himself standing at the base of Mount Tai, its peak shrouded in clouds that crackled with spiritual energy.

Taking a deep breath, feeling the power of the Celestial Peach leaf thrumming in his pocket, Lin Feng began the ascent. Whatever challenges awaited him on the sacred mountain, he would face them. For he was Lin Feng of Willow Creek, a cultivator of the Mortal Realm, and his journey was only just beginning.