Suda Hisoka And Juncho Academy

A teenage boy rose from his soft bed. The interior of the not-so-shabby apartment the boy rented was equipped with the necessities for survival, from basic hygiene and cooking to even a small smart television. The place was spotless, as if the boy never even interacted with the items the leaser rented out, besides the kitchen and bathroom area.

"Hmm..." The boy let out a low hum as he took a look at his phone.

It was four o' clock in the morning right now; the streetlights were still on, and the garbage crew haven't done their duties yet. The boy confirms this by pulling the curtains away from the window, letting him see the still dark sky.

He walked away shortly after, deciding to do his usual routine.

He cleaned his bed, arranging the bedsheet, fluffing up his white pillow and then folding the blanket neatly, It was as if he had served as housekeeping with how methodical and precise he was, using only his hands, eyes and muscle memory, he has reset the bed, as if it were recently store-bought.

He checks the time on his phone again, a little over twelve minutes have passed, he places it down to continue, he walked but no sound was made, his eyes always jolted from one place to the next, not allowing him to be caught off-guard, but why?

Making his way to the fridge, he took out two eggs and a pack of bacon, from under the cupboard was a sack of white rice, he scooped up four cups full of rice and placed them in the removable rice pot, dousing it with water he washed the grains, the mucky and dirty water was removed and he repeated for another two times, once that was done he measured the water and finally cooked the rice in the cooker.

After about ten minutes or so he was done with cooking, a bento was filled with rice, a fried egg and bacon, he had the same for breakfast, he spent no less than two minutes eating his meal, satisfying himself with the rich and fluffy egg and juicy bacon with a healthy serving of rice and water.

Then it was five, he checked himself, his cold eyes perused through his attire and bag, he had the essentials he needed for school so he walked out of his apartment.

But not one step from his door, outside the hall he was suddenly greeted by an old man, he had a humble look, always smiling at everyone he meets.

"Ah, hello Suda! Early again I see?" He spoke, but Suda only nods his head yes, then he quickly gestures with his hands, he made several signs which the old man watched carefully with his weak eyes.

"I see.. take care then, Suda-kun, hope school treats you well today." He bemused, not entirely understanding JSL.

Suda bowed to the old man and left.

The way down was brisk; the elevator brought him down to the ground floor, where the main lobby was; the person manning the front desk paid no attention to him as Suda exited the apartment complex.

 The outside was cold, but Suda paid no mind; he simply walked unperturbed by the elements.

It has only been a few minutes into his walk when he was confronted.

"Well would you look at this boys" A dark-skinned man approached him, hollering at him from a damp alley.

"Suda is back" He smiled grimly as footsteps approached, the boy watched the alley, not moving his head as two figures emerge.

"How's the freak doing?" One of the men asks, placing his arm around the teenager, his forearm was larger than the teen's neck.

"Stop looking at us like that, freak" A sudden gut punch, but Suda didn't relent.

"I thought I'd finally get a reaction out of him! Your turn then Kamata" He backed off, letting another man take his place, he has a larger than average build, but it wasn't as hulking as the man holding Suda in a chokehold.

"Kicks are fine right?" He asked, but as Suda raised his hands to sign.

"HIYAH!" A loud thump as his foot met Suda's gut, but even that didn't faze him.

"Weak ass!" One of the guys taunted.

"Well, you couldn't get the punching bag to change either!" He scrounges the other man's collar.

Suda simply retrieved his phone from his pocket to check the time.

It was now five-fifteen; he only had fourty-five minutes left before his first class starts.

"Hey! What are you kids doing there!" Luckily, another voice emerged from behind them, Suda turned to the source to reveal a pair of officers on bikes.

"Move bro, the fucking cops are here!" As quickly as they appeared, they disappeared back into the alleyway, leaving Suda and his bag at the scene.

One of the officers pulled over beside him, while the other gave chase, he walked over then spoke.

"You alright Suda?" He asked, worried for the boy.

Suda responded with JSL.

"Ah, right." He handed over a notebook and pen, Suda opened it up to reveal multiple sentences and phrases throughout the notebook.

He wrote down 'Yes'.

"You should come by the station to officially report them to us, y'know, this shouldn't happen to a kid like you." He pats the teenager's head.

Suda wrote down, 'I don't want to be a hassle, Officer Kenichi-San'

The officer read the page, sighing exhaustedly, then chopped Suda's head gently.

"That's the purpose of the Tokyo Police; it'd be better to throw those punks in jail and make them reform; you are really troubling us by not reporting this, y'know" he says matter-of-factly, consulting the stubborn teen.

"It's already five-twenty, huh? Hop on my bike; I'll drive you to school." Suda bows before riding the bike with the officer.

The cold wind blasts his face, but instead of shivering like the officer, he had an indifferent face, calm and collected. The officer tried his best to shield the teen from the wind by offering a spare jacket, but Suda could only do so much by hiding behind the officer with the jacket.

For about ten minutes, the ride continued, the silence between the officer and Suda kept uninterrupted, the bustling city came to life once more, the only noise being the city and its inhabitants just surviving and thriving.

Suda saw the towering school campus, his new school.

The ride had come to an end, the belongings he brought were neatly brought by the officer, which only caused Suda to bow profusely as thanks for the trouble.

"Just text me if you need me, K?" The officer flashed a dazzling smile, he saluted jokingly before leaving.

Suda, now alone in a crowd of students filtering in, watched the fleeting back of Officer Kenichi.

Silent as always, he turns around with his luggage, turning his head from one side were other boys and girls, all of them were dazzling, oozing with charisma and confidence, maybe a hint of arrogance mixed into that pot of personality? Suda paid no attention to them as needed.

He turns to another side, more students who were equally snobby, making their servants carry their things.

He looks shabby in comparison to these rich kids, but nothing deterred him from stepping into the campus.

The sights were simply mesmerizing.

 A luxurious yet modern fountain set in the heart of a sleek, minimalist courtyard. The base of the fountain is made of polished black marble, smooth and reflective like a mirror. Rising from the center is a sculptural column of brushed steel or glass, shaped with elegant, clean lines that form a spiraling or geometric pattern.

Water cascades gently down the column in thin, perfectly controlled sheets, creating a soothing, continuous flow that doesn't splash wildly but glides over the surface, adding a sense of calm refinement. LED lights embedded within the base emit a soft, ambient glow, with the color slowly shifting between cool blues, whites, and gentle golds, highlighting the water and the fountain's structure at night.

Surrounding the fountain is a shallow pool, its bottom lined with small, smooth pebbles in neutral tones, like white, gray, and beige. The water is perfectly clear, reflecting the modern architecture around it. On the perimeter of the pool are comfortable seating areas with modern, low-slung furniture, allowing visitors to admire the fountain from all angles. The space is framed with minimalistic planters containing tall, elegant greenery, adding a touch of nature without disrupting the fountain's contemporary design.

 As he looked around, scanning the area, he saw a large holographic map of the entire campus, A large crowd of students gather around it, trying to snap the perfect photo to use.

Suda looks at the map, then leaves, redirecting his route to one of the larger buildings in the campus.

For only a few minutes of walking, he was finally at his destination, a large bold sign was attached to the entrance of the building, Suda saw an opening to the basement of the building.

"Looking for something?" Suda looks at the source of the voice, what met his eyes was a normal dude, he wore the same uniform as him.

Suda shakes his head no and walked to the entrance of the building.

He glances back at the guy, who simply walks away.


After about five minutes of waiting for his papers to be processed, Suda was called to the registrar.

"Congratulations on finally becoming a Juncho Enrollee. As you have applied for the Persons with Disability learner voucher, you are exempt from tuition fees, and a specially designed dorm room for PWDs is assigned to you." Suda nods understandingly.

"Any questions before your campus orientation?" The registrar asked.

Suda shakes his head no.

"Then congratulations, welcome to the Juncho family." He bows and leaves.

"Looks like we have another weird kid huh?" Suda heard the comments other staff and students made, maybe this was on purpose, maybe not, maybe it wasn't even directed at him.

But Suda simply walks away, donning his PWD ID Lace.


"Welcome to your future, students of Juncho Learners Academy" A large man with a thick mustache greeted the freshmen, the large gymnasium could hold about two hundred students and staff in it, making the place pretty sizeable for a Japanese school gym.

But enough about gawking at the dimensions and capacity of a school gymnastics, the Dean of the school was present, he adjusted his collar for a second then continued.

"It is with great honor to teach the future of Japan, as you all may have known already, Juncho Academy has a very consistent and valuable track record, nurturing geniuses like Dr. Amamiya Oosora Subaru and her research on advanced Rocket Science, or Mr. Jun Kamiyama and the Kamiyama Goods Enterprise to name a few." Suda glanced around, seeing the bored looks of the freshmen, his seatmates were on their phones too.

"Now let's get on to the Juncho Credix System" The gymnasium darkened, catching the attention of almost everyone, a large projector was pulled down behind the Dean, those who were sat all the way behind had a Jumbotron being lifted down from a hidden space above the gym.

"To ensure our students remain competitive in the job market, Juncho has the Credix System as a way to simulate that, the rate to of Yen to Credix is one-to-one, meaning you get One Credix for One Yen.." The Dean paused for a second, Suda noticed the confusion of the students around him, who seemed to be paying close attention to the old man's words.

"You recieve a monthly allowance of 100,000 Credix" Suda raised his eyebrows in surprise, while others students couldn't believe they'll get that much money every month, Suda grasped his lace for a second, tugging it slightly.

The students Suda saw at the gate earlier were calm, unsurprised by that much money.

"SILENCE!" A man bulging with muscles shouted, the students went at attention in less than a second, the sheer tremble of his voice made others wince, the order echoed a few more times, he silently bows at the Dean then sits back down.

"Thank you, Johann-Sensei, now back to the Credix System" He presses a button, revealing a spreadsheet.

It was simply labeled Merit system.

"So the Merit system allows us to monitor a students performance in class, the higher your achievements, the higher your grades, you are allocated more points at the beginning of the next month." He smiles for some reason, but Suda didn't mind, he waited for the Dean to explain.

"Your homeroom teachers will be in charge of explaining the fine details later. All you have to know is that it is effective at what it does" The orientation went on for a couple more hours, it detailed all of the facilities in the campus, multiple situations like being unable to log into the system, and the remedies for it.

Suda walked alone outside of the gymnasium, on the nicely done concrete tiled path were multiple students going member hunting, there were clubs like the Modern Gaming Club, Journalism Club, Fine Arts Club, Music Club, and a bunch of other clubs related to sports or gardening or whatever.

"Hello! Here's your complimentary student handbook!" A girl with strawberry colored hair handed him a small handbook, it was pretty thick for what's meant to be a quick read, but it was stacked with all sorts of information that was already covered in orientation.

Multiple people tend to avoid the teen though, some would approach but Suda just stared at them, this made him a loner, was it by choice? We don't know.

The teen made his way to Building A, this was where all of the Freshmen classes were held, other years were held in separate buildings that were all connected by multiple catwalks or paths. Suda continued inside.

These buildings were by no means small, it was spacious, classes were being held at the upper levels where Suda managed to stumble upon when interacting with the elevator.

It took him a while with people scrambling into the few elevators in the building.

Suda takes a look at the floorplan that was provided in the student handbook. Building A has six elevators with a central staircase just besides it, there were multiple fire exits in every floor in case of disasters.

Looks like safety was covered.

"Oh, it's you again" A familiar voice made Suda look up, revealing the student from earlier.

A surprise for him, but Suda looks at him with a deadpan look.

"I'm Togo Yorushiki by the way, you?" He introduced himself, ending with a slight bow.

Suda raises his ID at face level to let Yorushiki read.

"Suda Hisoka huh? So Hisoka-kun right?" Suda nods.

"Your in the same class as me huh? What a coincidence right?" Suda nods.

"How'd you get into Juncho by the way? Your parents must be loaded or your really smart huh?" Suda takes out his notebook, writing down his response, Togo couldn't help but lean in to read what Suda was writing.

"You passed the entrance exam, so you must be smart right?" He concludes.

Suda wrote something in addition, turning the notebook around to let Togo read.

"Damn, at least you got in when you were only 200th place! It's a pretty average ranking right?" Suda nods.

But just as Togo was about to open his mouth again, the elevator rang, the doors seperate, letting the cold air rush into the sleek and clean elevator.

A sign posted in front of them told them that they were on the 3rd floor now, they just have to find their room now.

Which Suda simply walked to where it was according to the Floorplan, Togo trailed behind.

And there it was, just a few steps and they were finally at 3-FD.

"Let's begin seatmates bro" Togo suggested to the silent Suda.

Suda paused for a second, his hand was already on the door's handle, but he couldn't slide it in, hesitation perhaps?

"I'll open it for you then" Togo gently pushes the door then slides it in with a gentle pull, all in one fluid motion.

Togo let Suda walk in first, it was a little over twelve o'clock already but the teacher wasn't here yet, letting themselves in, Suda glanced at the faces of the students in class already, he then noticed something at the four corners of the classroom, Togo tapped Suda.

"You good? Your head went all crazy there for a second, same with your eyes." Suda raised his eyebrows before shaking his head no.

Suda and Togo finally sat down, time continued as normal as more students filtered into the classroom, it wasn't long before all of the students were here, Suda watched all of them enter, waiting for the right moment, Togo asked in a hush whisper

"Why do you keep looking at people like that? First was me then it was all the other guys in class" Suda raised an eyebrow, taking out his notebook to reply.

"You don't know what I'm talking about? It's been pretty obvious from the start that you've been analyzing something, especially the corners of the classroom bro" Suda gave Togo a deadpan look, oblivious to what he was accusing Suda.

"Y-you know what, I think it's weird of me to say that to a person I just met, sorry about that Suda" Feeling defeated, Suda looks away from Togo, focusing on something else entirely, the classroom was vibrant with talking, almost everyone were friends already, groups have been formed on the first day.

The door opens roughly, letting in a beautiful young teacher, her modest yet timeless clothes gave her a mature look despite the baby face.

"Hello, everyone" Her voice matched her face too, it was a voice of a young woman with a slightly lower pitch.

There seemed to be a box of something, it had some sort of logo next with the graphic of the flag of Japan for some reason.

"First off, hand over your phones" She said nicely, clasping her hands together.

Most of the students complied with her order, but the ones who didn't were the stereotypical delinquents you'd see in a High-school drama or something.

"You guys at the back, please hand them over" She asked again, Suda leaned forward on my desk chair, watching this scene play out.

"Why should we? We need our phones" One of the students was a girl, she had dyed blond hair with all sorts of hair pins and ornaments on it, Suda stared at her for a bit, but by staring for a bit too long, she noticed Suda, scoffed then waved her hair with her hand away.

Togo noticed and snickered just besides Suda.

"Tough luck huh?" He says, Suda paid him no mind though.