Last chance

The early morning wrapped the police station in a strange silence when Jane arrived. Though her face showed the fatigue of being woken up at three in the morning, she maintained a natural elegance. Emily was waiting for her at the entrance.

Jane, clearly irritated, approached quickly.

"Emily, this better be important..." However, Emily's response was direct, knowing exactly what to say to catch her cousin's attention.

"It is, Jane. There are three kids here... orphans. This could be your chance."

Jane remained silent for a few seconds, processing the words. The exhaustion seemed to vanish instantly, replaced by intense emotion.

"Orphans?" she repeated softly, as if the words were the key.

"Yes," Emily confirmed. "They're young and have been through a lot. If you decide to try... you could give them the home you've always wanted."

Jane looked towards the station, her heart beating fast. "Tell me what I have to do," she replied firmly.

Jane entered the interrogation room, where three young boys were sitting in a row. Noah had a serious look that silently evaluated her. Ray gave a shy smile when he saw her enter, but it was clear he was nervous. Jay didn't even look up, keeping his arms crossed with a look of anger on his face.

Jane looked at them with eyes full of empathy. They were scared, confused, and probably tired of empty promises. These boys had been through more than any young person should. She took a breath and spoke to them gently.

"Hello, boys. I'm Jane. I'm here to help you." Her tone was soothing, but Jay didn't take it that way.

"Another one?" Jay muttered bitterly, without lifting his gaze.

Jane couldn't help but feel a sting in her heart. She knew this process wouldn't be easy, but Jay's coldness caught her off guard. Still, she didn't let herself be intimidated.

Emily noticed the tension in the room and decided to intervene.

"Guys, Jane is someone special who can offer you something many others couldn't. Give her a chance to hear her out."

After Jane and Emily left the room to discuss the next steps, the three brothers were left alone. The atmosphere quickly became heavy. Jay didn't take long to vent his frustration.

"Why does it always have to be like this?" he said, looking at the floor. "They always tell us someone's going to adopt us, and then something happens, and we always end up back where we started. I don't want us to be separated, and I don't want more empty promises."

Ray, calmer but equally affected, sighed. He knew Jay was right, but he also wanted to hold onto a bit of hope.

"Jay, this time might be different. At least we should listen to her, see what she has to say."

But Jay wasn't convinced.

"Different? They always say that. It's always the same." His voice trembled slightly, and it was clear he was afraid of being hurt again.

Noah, who had remained silent, finally spoke, his tone calm but firm.

"We can't keep running forever, Jay." His gaze fixed on the younger one. "Maybe this time it will be different. If it's not, we can leave. No one's forcing us to stay."

Jay looked at his older brother with resentment. If he was willing to give Jane a chance, maybe, just maybe, he should try too.

"One chance," Jay finally said, resigned. "This is the last one."

Later, Jane and Emily returned to the room. Jane took a seat in front of the boys and, in the softest voice she could, addressed them.

"I know you've been through a lot, and I'm not going to promise you that everything will be perfect from the start," Jane began, with total sincerity. "But I can promise you that I'll do everything I can to give you the home you deserve if you'll let me."

Ray was the first to break the silence, with a smile.

"Thank you," he said, "for at least trying."

Jay, however, continued to look at her with distrust.

"And what if you do the same as everyone else?" he asked, his words loaded with pain. "What if you promise us something and then disappear?"

Jane felt the weight of those words, but she didn't back down. She looked him straight in the eyes, determined.

"I'm not like the others. I wouldn't abandon you because, just like you, I've dreamed of having a family too. And you could be that family for me."

Noah, observing the interaction, kept his gaze fixed on Jane. Though he didn't say it, he was paying attention to every word she spoke, looking for signs of deceit, some lie that would confirm his suspicions. But he found nothing. In her eyes, he could only see a desperate woman, like them.

"We don't have to decide now," Noah interjected, cutting the tension. "We can wait and see what happens. If it doesn't work, we can leave."

Jay still seemed uncomfortable but no longer as furious. He nodded, though reluctantly.

"Just one chance," he murmured once more.

After the conversation, Jane stepped out of the room and leaned against the hallway wall, breathing deeply. Her hands trembled slightly, and she felt a mix of nervousness and hope. Could she really build a family with those boys? she wondered.

Her phone rang, breaking her moment of reflection. It was her agent.

"Jane, we need you back at the studio. You have an important session tomorrow morning."

Jane looked at the room where the boys were and then answered, without hesitation:

"I can't. I have more important things to do right now." She hung up without further explanation.

After the intense conversation with the boys, Jane and Emily walked away a bit, letting the three brothers process what had just happened. The two women walked slowly down the police station's hallway, their footsteps echoing in the silence.

Emily, with a knowing expression, glanced at her cousin sideways.

"Well... now you only have one hard thing left."

Jane, still lost in thought about the possibility of adopting the boys, looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

Emily smiled.

"How you're going to tell this to your husband. It's not just any decision, and well, it's not every day you come home saying you're going to adopt three kids that big."

Jane stopped dead, as if reality had suddenly hit her. Her husband, Ryan, was one of the captains of the Los Santos police, a strong-willed man but with a big heart. She loved him deeply, but she knew this news would be something unexpected. He had always been by her side in everything, but three orphans... that was a big deal.

"You're right," Jane admitted, bringing a hand to her forehead. "He knows how much I want a family, but this is going to be a big surprise."

Emily looked at her with understanding, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You know he supports you; he always has. Just be honest with him. Give him time to process it, but be clear about what this means to you."

Jane nodded slowly, feeling a knot in her stomach at the thought of how to approach the conversation with her husband.

"I will, though I admit I'm nervous. Ryan has always wanted us to adopt a baby, but three at once and so big is very different."

Emily smiled again, this time more broadly.

"If anyone can convince him, it's you. And trust me, when he sees those kids, his heart's going to melt."

Jane laughed softly, though she knew Emily was right.

"I'm going to need all the help I can get."

Emily gave her a supportive squeeze on the arm.

"Don't worry, I'll be here. But I know you can handle it. After all, these boys could also be the chance you've both been waiting for."

Jane took a deep breath, and with renewed determination, nodded. That night was going to be long, but she was more determined than ever.