Chapter 4: The Beginning of the Journey

The makeshift office in Gustavo's home began to take shape. The once quiet and secluded environment was now buzzing with meetings, phone calls, and heated discussions. Gustavo Andrade's decision to run for President of Brazil without aligning himself with any political party caused a stir. It was a bold move, but Gustavo knew that if he truly wanted to bring change to the country, he would have to do it independently. He did not want to be tied down by party interests, by old alliances that, in his view, perpetuated the same cycle of corruption and inertia.

A small, trustworthy team had already been formed. Among them was Renata, an experienced campaign strategist who had worked with renowned politicians and businesspeople and who stood out for her ability to connect candidates with the public. At her side was Felipe, a young technology enthusiast who was responsible for the entire digital side of the campaign, from social media to the creation of a modern, interactive website. Pedro, a former colleague of Gustavo's from the Federal Police, was also part of the team and was now in charge of security and campaign logistics.

That day, everyone was gathered in the living room, which had been transformed into a headquarters. The whiteboard on the wall displayed scribbles with ideas for slogans, fundraising goals, and plans for upcoming events. Gustavo was standing in the center of the room, with Paola sitting at the table, watching intently.

"The first issue we need to resolve," Renata began, adjusting her glasses and standing up to face the group, "is how we are going to finance this campaign. Without support from political parties, our fundraising will depend exclusively on crowdfunding, donations from supporters, and fundraising events. But it is possible, as long as we do it the right way."

"I agree," Gustavo said, nodding. "And for me, that is one of the most important points. I don't want money coming from political alliances or from large corporations with their own interests. Crowdfunding will allow ordinary people to support something they believe in. I want them to know that this campaign is for them and by them.

Felipe, ever the optimist, took the floor right after.

— And speaking of which, we are ready to launch the donation platform. I have created a dedicated page on the website where people can contribute and follow the progress of the campaign in real time. Let's emphasize transparency, Gustavo. Every penny that comes in, every expense made, will be shown. No slush funds or secrets. This will set us apart from the other candidates.

— Excellent — Gustavo replied. — Total transparency. That's what we need.

Pedro, who had been silent until then, intervened with a crucial question.

— Gustavo, what about your safety? I know you are capable of protecting yourself, but we need to be realistic. Politics is a dangerous battlefield, and the fact that you are running as an independent candidate, without aligning yourself with the major parties, will make you a target. We need to make sure you are protected, especially at public events.

— I understand, Pedro — Gustavo replied. — And I trust you to take care of this. I know how tense the environment can be, but I won't let that stop me from speaking directly to the people. I want to be on the streets, I want to see people's needs up close, I want them to know me as I am.

Pedro nodded, although he knew that protecting Gustavo would not be an easy task.

Paola, who had been listening attentively until then, spoke up.

— Honey, I know how much this means to you, and I want you to know that I'm by your side, but I also want you to think about the repercussions that this campaign will have on us. The media will explore every detail of our lives, every move will be analyzed. — She looked at him with affection, but also with concern. — Are we ready for this?

Gustavo looked at her tenderly, understanding her concerns. Paola was already a public figure, but the weight of a presidential campaign would bring a level of exposure that they would both need to face together.

— I know it won't be easy, my dear — he replied, holding her hand. — But with you by my side, I believe we can face anything. And I know the press will try to use us to sell headlines, but my priority will always be the campaign and what I can do for Brazil. I want people to know me as a real person, without the masks that politics usually demands.

Renata, who had been watching the interaction between the two, smiled and returned to the meeting's agenda.

— Okay, we have the donation platform ready, now we need to work on the media strategy. — She pointed to Felipe. — We need to turn Gustavo into a relevant voice on social media. The digital campaign will be essential, especially without the support of the big media outlets.

Felipe picked up his laptop and started typing as he spoke.

"We already have a good presence on Instagram and Twitter, but we need to increase our reach. Let's start with short, direct videos, showing Gustavo as he is, someone who came from the people, someone with integrity and experience in public service. Authenticity will be our greatest weapon."

Renata agreed.

"Perfect. And, Gustavo, in the next few days, we're going to record some short interviews. I want you to talk directly about what motivated you to enter politics, about the challenges Brazil faces, and how you intend to solve them. We don't need long speeches, just clear and objective messages."

Gustavo nodded. He knew the battle would be hard, but he also knew he was surrounded by a dedicated and competent team. They believed in him and his vision of a better Brazil. And he believed he could make a difference.

"So, what's the next step?" Gustavo asked, looking at Renata.

"First, we need to make your candidacy official. That's already underway." Then, we will focus on gaining the support of the population. We will hold a series of meetings in different states, small events where you can talk directly to people. Nothing grand at first, we want to build this campaign organically. The more you talk to the people, the more they will understand that you are one of them, someone who really cares.

— I agree. I want to be present, I want to listen to the people. I know that traditional politics is made up of gigantic rallies and empty promises, but that is not what I want. I want to bring a new way of doing politics, where transparency and dialogue are the basis of everything.

Renata smiled, pleased with Gustavo's determination.

— And that is exactly what will differentiate us from the others.

The team continued discussing the details of the campaign, each bringing their ideas and expertise. Little by little, Gustavo's plan to become President of Brazil began to take shape. He knew it would be a long and difficult journey, but he also knew that he was not alone. And, more than ever, he felt that he was on the right path.

At the end of the meeting, after everyone had left, Gustavo and Paola were left alone in the room.

"Are you ready for this?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

"I am," he replied, with conviction. "And with you by my side, I feel like I can achieve anything."

She smiled, approaching and hugging him.

"Then let's do this together."