Chapter 7: Brazil's Reaction

After the debates, the whole of Brazil seemed to be in an uproar. The direct and straightforward way in which Gustavo Andrade confronted his opponents, especially Lula and Bolsonaro, had a huge impact. Not only among voters, but also among celebrities, opinion makers and even his own competitors. Social media was buzzing with comments about Gustavo's performance, and the media was talking about nothing else.

On the streets, people were heatedly discussing what they had seen on television. On every corner, in bars, bakeries and bus stops, Gustavo Andrade's name was mentioned with increasing frequency. He, who until a few months earlier had been just a former Federal Police agent and husband of one of Brazil's greatest actresses, had now become one of the most talked-about candidates in the country.

On social media, the movement was even more intense. On Twitter, hashtags like #GustavoPresidente and #AndradeNosDebates were trending, with thousands of people sharing clips of the most incisive moments of the debates. One of the most viral videos was the part in which Gustavo directly confronted Lula and Bolsonaro, calling them responsible for the crisis in Brazil. The video had been shared millions of times, with several montages, edits and memes that only increased its visibility.

Behind the scenes of entertainment, celebrities and influencers began to speak out publicly. Paola Oliveira, naturally, was one of the first to use her platform to support Gustavo. She posted a photo next to him, with the simple but powerful caption: "Brazil needs change, and I know that Gustavo is that change."

Paola's post quickly gained millions of likes and thousands of supportive comments. Fans of the actress and people who were undecided about the election began to pay more attention to Gustavo. Paola's strength as one of Brazil's greatest actresses added even more weight to Gustavo's campaign.

Other celebrities began to follow suit. Luciano Huck, a television host and businessman, used his show to comment on the debate.

— I watched yesterday's debate, and one thing became clear to me: Brazil needs new people in politics, people with the courage to face real problems. What Gustavo did, calling Lula and Bolsonaro corrupt, is what many of us have wanted to see for years. It's time for change.

Huck was known for flirting with politics in his opinions, and his speech generated a great deal of repercussion. Although he did not explicitly declare his support, his words were interpreted as a veiled endorsement, which drew even more attention to Gustavo's candidacy.

Anitta, one of Brazil's most influential singers, also took a stand. Known for her strong opinions and engagement on social issues, she used her Instagram to comment on the debate.

— I'm the type of person who isn't afraid to speak his mind, and when I saw Gustavo confronting these politicians who have been in power for so long and have never resolved anything, I thought: this is what Brazil needs. Courage. Transparency. Enough with corruption! Enough with incompetence!

The support of Anitta, who had millions of followers both in Brazil and abroad, was a turning point. The singer brought even more attention to the campaign, especially among young people, who were looking for new leadership and were tired of the old political figures.

In the days following the debates, Gustavo's popularity grew exponentially. Marília Gabriela, a journalist and presenter, interviewed several political analysts on her program to discuss Gustavo's impact on the electoral scene.

— I don't remember a recent election in which a candidate had such an impact in a single debate, commented one of the analysts. Gustavo Andrade entered the field aggressively, but at the same time with clear proposals. He not only criticized, but also offered solutions. That's rare.

Meanwhile, Fátima Bernardes, on her morning show, commented on Gustavo's rise in the polls.

— I think what we are seeing is a genuine movement. People are tired of empty promises. They want action, they want real change. Gustavo, with his past in the Federal Police and now as a candidate, seems to be offering exactly that.

The audience at home watched and discussed. Phone calls to the show increased, with viewers praising Gustavo's stance.

— He is the hope for a better Brazil!, commented an emotional viewer. For the first time in years, I feel like we have someone who really cares about the country, and not just his own pocketbook!

Even among young people, Gustavo seemed to be gaining ground. Felipe Neto, one of Brazil's biggest digital influencers, with millions of followers on YouTube and social media, also joined the discussion.

— I confess that at first I was skeptical. Just another political outsider trying to get into the Presidency. But after the debate, after seeing how he dealt with Lula and Bolsonaro, I'm starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, Gustavo will be different. I'll keep an eye on what he has to say in the coming months.

This statement by Felipe Neto was a big boost for Gustavo among the young public, who often felt disillusioned with politics.

Behind the scenes, the situation among his opponents was also one of unease. Lula's team knew that Gustavo's strategy of directly confronting the former president had worked. The same happened with Bolsonaro, who saw his "anti-corruption" speech dismantled in just a few minutes of debate. Both former presidents began to reassess their strategies, as it was clear that Gustavo had captured the attention of the electorate in an unexpected way.

On the streets, people commented on Gustavo's firm stance. A street vendor in downtown São Paulo was talking to a customer:

"Did you see that debate? Finally, someone had the courage to say what everyone else thinks! Gustavo put those politicians in their place."

The customer nodded, smiling.

"Yeah, I was impressed too. I wasn't very interested in the elections until now, but after that debate, I think I'll start paying more attention."

In the months that followed, Gustavo continued to rise in the polls, while his team worked tirelessly to capitalize on the moment. He had become a phenomenon, and more and more Brazilians were willing to listen to what he had to say. Celebrities and celebrities, with their millions of followers, had given a crucial push, helping to transform Gustavo Andrade from a relatively unknown name on the political scene to a central figure in the race for the Presidency of Brazil.