The Nation's Finest Perfumer

An enraged Lin Wenyu stormed onto the balcony, her eyes full of malice as she glared at the tall figure in the distance, barely holding back from cursing aloud.

It wasn't until she saw Tang Qianmiao getting into a sleek black private car that her anger was somewhat replaced by shock. She quickly called out to her mother, "Mom, come quick! Tang Qianmiao just left with a man!"

"A man?" Yun Ruyi hurried over and peered at the car disappearing into the distance.

"It's a luxury car, but it's not from the Feng family," Lin Wenyu stated with certainty.

The Feng family was her dream. She had been preparing every day to marry into it, even memorizing the license plates and models of every car they owned.

Yun Ruyi scoffed, "She's been kicked out by the Feng family. There's no way they'd send anyone to pick her up unless she grovels for forgiveness. That car... hmm, I'd wager it's either a boy toy or some wealthy patron she's latched onto."

"Mom, now you've confused me. How can it be both a sugar daddy and a boy toy?" Lin Wenyu glanced at her, puzzled.

Yun Ruyi shot her a look. "Don't forget, your aunt left behind quite a bit of property. There's no way she didn't leave any of it to Tang Qianmiao. With that much money, it's not impossible for her to keep a boy toy for her amusement."

Lin Wenyu nodded. "That's fine, as long as she doesn't come back to live here. Even better if she never returns to the Feng family. She doesn't deserve to be there."

Just the thought of it unsettled her. 

The Feng family, the most prominent family in the capital, had ancestors who were generals and ministers, founding heroes of the nation, with businesses spanning the globe. They were the indisputable elite of Country G.

She had worked so hard just to befriend the Feng family members, yet Tang Qianmiao had simply moved in the moment she came down from the mountain. Life was truly unfair!

Yun Ruyi said, "Stop dwelling on it. Don't worry, her best days are already behind her. After last night's incident, I made a few calls. Feng Chuchu initially thought Tang Qianmiao had stolen from her, only to realize it was a misunderstanding. Still, they kicked her out in the end. What does that tell you?"

Lin Wenyu's face brightened. "It means they don't like her at all and are finding every excuse to get rid of her!"

Yun Ruyi nodded with a smile. "Her grades are mediocre, yours are outstanding. She's talentless, and you're gifted. She's still just a student, while you've already been selected by Feng Da Shao to work on fragrance projects. You have a brilliant future ahead of you, and she's already lost."

Hearing this, Lin Wenyu's expression softened.

Her mother had once been a perfumer, and she had inherited her mother's skills, showing great talent and even winning awards. It was because of this that Feng Da Shao had noticed her, inviting her to help develop new products at the age of eighteen.

Weishi Perfumes had once been the top seller in the nation, but in recent years, a fierce competitor had emerged: LM, a company whose meteoric rise had repeatedly knocked Weishi down to second place.

Her current goal was to help Weishi reclaim its top position and ensure Feng Da Shao's smooth succession of the family business from his grandfather.

Thinking of this, Lin Wenyu's eyes gleamed with pride.

Indeed, there was no need to waste time worrying about a country bumpkin like Tang Qianmiao, someone far beneath her.

Yun Ruyi smiled approvingly at her daughter. "Go change quickly, don't be late. There will be a lot of important people at tonight's auction. Your work will surely be the highlight, and many will vie for it. You'll be the center of attention, so make sure you dress the part."

Beaming with excitement, Lin Wenyu rushed off to get ready.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Inside the quiet car, Tang Qianmiao was reviewing several reports.

Hei Ji, driving, reported as he glanced at her, "Boss, LM has once again left Weishi in the dust. Even after giving them a few percentage points, they still can't catch up. It feels amazing!"

Without much expression, Tang Qianmiao scanned the final report and said flatly, "Don't get cocky in victory, nor disheartened by defeat."

"Understood! But I can't help being thrilled! Just a few years ago, Weishi ruled the fragrance market, and now, a company less than three years old has knocked them off their perch. It's hilarious!" He grinned broadly, glancing back at her during a red light. "But I'm even more excited to see everyone's faces when they find out you're the boss of LM. Who would believe a thriving company is run by a high school student?"

Tang Qianmiao put down the report and casually pulled out a notebook from her bag, ignoring him.

It was a thick journal, three to four centimeters in width, filled with her mother's fragrance notes.

Her mother had loved perfumery, spending all her spare time blending various perfumes.

She leafed through the notebook, reading a few pages.

Hei Ji continued, "Boss, I heard Old Master Feng is preparing to hand over Fengwei, but no one knows to whom yet. Feng Lie has already started assembling a team for a new product, while Feng Xian hasn't made any moves. He's probably still searching for the right person."

"You scared?" Tang Qianmiao asked lazily.

Hei Ji burst into laughter. "Scared? With you leading LM, what's there to be scared of? They can search all of Country G and still won't find anyone better than you at fragrance-making!"

"Flattery won't get you a raise, so save your breath and focus on driving."

"Come on, my salary is already multiple times the industry standard! I'm more than content to work for you, boss." He chuckled.

Suddenly serious, Hei Ji asked, "Boss, about the auction tonight, are we going?"

Tang Qianmiao thought for a moment. "Hand me the auction catalog."

Hei Ji quickly passed it to her.

Her sharp gaze skimmed through the listings, finally landing on an ancient item.

Her decision made, she said, "Let's go."