I Must Have Been Adopted

Little Li Yaonan frowned as he thought for a moment, then decided to continue eating. "You need to be full to have the energy to lose weight!" 


Yu Tiantian turned her head to ask Yi Mengyao, "By the way, where's my son?" With everyone gathered here, where had Li Yaochen gone? 

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, it was my daughter who brought your son upstairs to play," Yi Mengyao said, recalling what Si Moxuan had told her. 

Upon hearing that she had a daughter, Yu Tiantian became visibly excited, her tone filled with envy. "You even have a daughter? How wonderful!" She had always longed for a daughter herself. Daughters were so sweet, well-behaved, and the apple of their parents' eyes. 

"If you love daughters so much, why not have another?" Yi Mengyao suggested, noticing her friend's envious expression. 

Yu Tiantian quickly shook her head, "Oh, forget it. These two are already more than enough to handle. What if I have another boy?" 

"That's true, and besides, giving birth is no easy task for a woman." During pregnancy, there are countless restrictions, and even after childbirth, a woman has to be careful to recover properly; otherwise, she risks long-term health issues. 

Yu Tiantian, still curious about her friend's daughter, eagerly asked, "So, how is it? Is having a daughter as sweet and heartwarming as they say, like a little angel?" 

"She is, but there are times when she leaves me at a loss for words—mischievous and full of quirks. The whole family dotes on her." 

As soon as Yi Mengyao finished speaking, a soft and sweet voice rang out, like a refreshing stream flowing gently through the room. 

Si Qian'ai was descending the stairs, holding Li Yaochen's hand. "Mommy, are you talking about me?" 

Just as she had been talking about her, the little one appeared. Luckily, she hadn't said anything bad about her! 

Upon hearing this melodious voice, Yu Tiantian immediately turned towards the sound, and there she saw a little girl in a white dress. 

The child had bright, shining eyes, clear as crystal and twinkling like stars. Her long eyelashes fluttered ever so slightly, exuding an ethereal charm. 

Every movement, every smile radiated a natural grace, leaving one in awe of her pure and luminous presence. 

Her slightly wavy black hair was partly draped over her shoulders, while the upper portion was styled into a playful little bun, giving her an air of lively innocence. 

Her skin was as smooth and delicate as a freshly peeled egg, and her rosy lips contrasted beautifully with her pale complexion. 

Unable to contain herself, Yu Tiantian exclaimed, "She's absolutely stunning!" She was mesmerized—how could anyone be so beautiful? It was as if she were the most perfect creation of the divine! 

Before Yi Mengyao could introduce her daughter, Si Qian'ai released Li Yaochen's hand after descending the stairs. She walked up to them, flashed a sweet smile, and greeted them. 

She then looked at Yu Tiantian and chirped, "Hello, pretty sister!" 

Yu Tiantian's smile stretched wide with delight. This little girl's sweetness was overwhelming. "Wow, little one, what's your name, and how old are you?" 

With a soft, melodious voice, she replied, "My name is Si Qian'ai, and I'm three years old." 

"Si Qian'ai, what a beautiful name!" Yu Tiantian carefully pulled her onto her lap, gently stroking her smooth little face. She was so soft and delicate. 

Yi Mengyao chuckled, "I told you, you haven't changed much. You still look almost the same as when we were in high school. No wonder our little Ai was tricked into calling you 'pretty sister'—you're still as youthful as ever!" In fact, both women were now twenty-five years old. 

And so, the two of them began chatting casually, their conversation soon filled with laughter. 

Meanwhile, Li Yaochen, who had been ignored since coming downstairs: *I guess I'm invisible…* 

It wasn't until Si Qian'ai turned to him and asked, "Brother Yaochen, why don't you come over and sit with us?" Surely standing there for so long must be tiring. 

Hearing Si Qian'ai's invitation, Yu Tiantian finally glanced at Li Yaochen. But after just one brief second, her attention was once again fully on Yi Mengyao. 

Li Yaochen had nothing to say, silently walking over to take a seat, his thoughts trailing off… 

Even though they hadn't seen each other in years, their bond hadn't diminished at all. True friendship doesn't fade with time; they still shared everything as openly as before. 

Before they knew it, it was already lunchtime. When the housekeeper announced that the meal was ready, they realized it was noon. 

Throughout the entire time, Yu Tiantian had held Si Qian'ai in her arms, unwilling to let go. She adored the little girl—she was so soft and cozy to hold. 

Si Qian'ai, for her part, sat quietly in Yu Tiantian's lap, watching TV without a fuss. This made Yu Tiantian even fonder of her—what a well-behaved child! 

Had Yi Mengyao known what she was thinking, she would have had to tease her, "You've all been fooled by her appearance! She can be quite the handful when she's mischievous. It's almost impossible to handle!" 

This little girl had been spoiled, especially by her father. The way he doted on her was beyond belief. Sometimes, even Yi Mengyao felt a twinge of jealousy—daughters really were their fathers' little sweethearts from a past life! 

During their chat, Yi Mengyao learned that Yu Tiantian lived in the same neighborhood, and that their companies were actually each other's biggest competitors. Fate certainly worked in mysterious ways. 

Yi Mengyao was keen to have Yu Tiantian stay for lunch. "Why not join us for lunch? Is your husband coming home for the meal?" 

Yu Tiantian responded, "No, he's eating at the office." 

"My husband is also having lunch at the office, so it's perfect! We can have some company. Stay and eat with us!" It would be wonderful to have her best friend for lunch instead of just the kids. 

Yu Tiantian agreed with a nod, "Sure, it's better than going home and being bored." After all, here she had company to chat with, and she could hold her friend's adorable daughter. 

The truth was, Yu Tiantian had clearly fallen for someone else's daughter! 

During lunch, Yu Tiantian still couldn't bear to part with Si Qian'ai, holding her close and feeding her. 

Yi Mengyao watched this and thought to herself: *Isn't this a bit much? She can actually feed herself!* 

Li Yaochen, meanwhile, had a sudden realization: *Ever since I learned to walk and feed myself, I've never experienced this kind of treatment. I seriously wonder if I'm adopted…* 

After lunch, Yu Tiantian and Yi Mengyao resumed their endless conversation, trying to make up for the lost years. 

Meanwhile, the children were all playing in the toy room upstairs. 

Si Mohan, being naturally reserved, didn't enjoy playing with the other children, except for Si Qian'ai. 

So, he returned to his room to read. As soon as he entered, he noticed that someone had rummaged through the spot where he kept his toy gun. It didn't take much to figure out that it was Si Qian'ai—she was the only one bold enough to touch his things. 

Even his parents wouldn't dare move his belongings without his permission. They knew how much he hated people tampering with his things, and Si Moxuan wouldn't even think of doing so. 

Si Mohan used to keep his replica guns on a higher shelf, but one time, Si Qian'ai complained, "Big brother, why do you put the guns so high up? I can't reach them!" 

Si Moxuan silently thought to himself: *That's the point, so you can't get them easily!* 

But to his surprise, their eldest brother, Si Mohan, actually moved the guns to a much lower shelf, just because his little sister had asked. 

Si Moxuan was left speechless…

In the playroom, the children were all immersed in their favorite toys.

Little princess Si Qian'ai was happily bathing and dressing up her Barbie dolls, completely absorbed in her play.

The kids continued playing upstairs until after 4 PM, then finally went downstairs, where the housemaids had already prepared drinks for them.

Si Qian'ai grabbed a mango milkshake, while Li Yaocen chose milk, and both Si Moxuan and Li Yaonan each opted for a glass of lemon water.

They all then sat on the sofa to watch TV. However, the show of choice was *Peppa Pig*—something Li Yaocen and Si Moxuan could only tolerate for the sake of Si Qian'ai and Li Yaonan.

Yu Tiantian glanced at the clock and realized it was already close to five. "It's getting late," she remarked, amazed at how quickly the time had flown by. They had chatted away the entire afternoon without noticing.

Worried that her husband might be concerned when he didn't see her at home, especially since she'd left in such a hurry without her phone, Yu Tiantian decided it was time to head back.

Turning to Yi Mengyao, she said, "I should be going now. I've been here long enough, and my husband will be home soon."

Yi Mengyao nodded with a smile, "Of course, no problem. We live so close anyway, there's plenty of time for future visits."

Yu Tiantian called to Li Yaocen and Li Yaonan, telling them it was time to go home.

Upon hearing this, Si Qian'ai, clearly reluctant to see them leave, said with a sweet tone, "Beautiful sister, are you leaving already?"

Yu Tiantian, utterly charmed by Si Qian'ai, couldn't resist the thought of taking her home as well. "Yes, would you like to come over to my house and play?" she invited.

Overjoyed at the prospect of more time with Li Yaocen, Si Qian'ai beamed, "Yes, yes!" She then turned to Yi Mengyao, asking, "Mommy, can I go?"

Seeing her daughter so excited, Yi Mengyao smiled and agreed, "Go ahead, you little rascal." She playfully tapped Si Qian'ai's nose.

Curious, Yu Tiantian asked with a grin, "What do you think your husband would do if he came home and didn't find his precious daughter?"

"Well, what else? He'd come and fetch her immediately," Yi Mengyao laughed. If it weren't for her constant intervention, her husband would have taken Si Qian'ai with him to work every day. He would surely be frantic if he came home and didn't find his beloved daughter.

Yu Tiantian, worried that Si Qian'ai might be taken back too soon, said, "You have to stall him, okay?"

Yi Mengyao nodded reassuringly, "Don't worry, he won't be home until after six."

Finally relaxed, Yu Tiantian asked Si Moxuan if he wanted to join them, but he politely declined, "I've got homework to do, so I'll pass."

"Alright then, we're off." With that, she took Si Qian'ai's little hand in hers.

Si Qian'ai waved as they left, calling out cheerfully, "Bye-bye, Mommy! Bye-bye, brother!"

Yi Mengyao pinched her daughter's soft, smooth cheek, reminding her, "Be a good girl, okay?"

Si Qian'ai nodded earnestly, "I always am."

As they walked, Yu Tiantian held Si Qian'ai's hand, chatting with her while Li Yaonan occasionally chimed in, but Li Yaocen remained as silent as ever.

In contrast to the Si family's home, the Li family's house was a bit more understated, yet still luxurious in a subtle, refined way—exuding elegance without being ostentatious.

As soon as they approached the villa, a maid hurried over to help them with their shoes.

Yu Tiantian picked up Si Qian'ai and helped her take off her shoes. "Come on in, Xiao Ai," she said warmly.

Once inside, Yu Tiantian instructed Li Yaocen and Li Yaonan, "You two, take care of your sister while I check on things in the kitchen."

Before leaving, she added sternly, "And don't you dare bully her!"

Li Yaocen rolled his eyes and sighed, "Mom, do I look like that kind of person?"

"Who knows?"


Suddenly, Yu Tiantian remembered something, "Oh, and from now on, don't call me 'Mom.' It makes me feel old. Call me 'Sister Tian'!"

Look at how sweet Xiao Ai is! How she wished she had a daughter like that!

Li Yaonan immediately responded obediently, "Alright, Sister Tian."

Satisfied, Yu Tiantian patted his head and praised him, "What a good boy."

Li Yaocen: ...Isn't this pretending to be younger a bit much?

"And take good care of your sister, or else… you know what'll happen," Yu Tiantian warned Li Yaocen once again.

Finally, Li Yaocen couldn't hold back any longer and muttered, "Am I adopted or something?" What kind of mother constantly threatens her son like this—and always with his beloved toy guns as leverage!

"No, of course not! How could you be adopted?"

Just as Li Yaocen felt relieved, he heard his mother add with a smirk, "I mean, I didn't exactly pick you up off the street. You were left at our doorstep by someone who didn't want you." And with that, she disappeared into the kitchen.

Li Yaocen: I should've never asked…

Li Yaonan, wide-eyed, gasped, "Brother, you're not Auntie's real child?!"

Li Yaocen was speechless.

If he didn't bear such a striking resemblance to his father, he might actually believe what his mother had just said.

Then, a sudden thought crossed his mind: could it be that he was born from some other woman his father had been involved with?

But he quickly dismissed the idea. Given how much his father doted on his wife, there was no way. His father was the epitome of a one-woman man—he would never even look in another direction.

"Brother Yaocen…" a soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

He knew he had to take care of her, or else his toy guns and car models would be confiscated for the next month.

Looking at her, he asked, "What is it?"

Si Qian'ai looked up at him with her big, innocent eyes. "I want to watch *Peppa Pig*."

Without hesitation, Li Yaocen turned on the TV and found the channel for her.

Li Yaonan was equally delighted because it was rare for him to get a chance to watch *Peppa Pig*. His mean older brother usually deemed it "too childish" for them.

Si Qian'ai and Li Yaonan sat on the sofa, engrossed in the show, while Li Yaocen casually picked up a book and started reading.

After about ten minutes, Yu Tiantian came out of the kitchen, as the servants had already started preparing dinner before they got home. The meal would soon be ready.

She walked past Li Yaocen and Li Yaonan without a glance, heading straight to Si Qian'ai, and gently asked, "All the food is ready, Xiao Ai. Are you hungry?"

Li Yaocen: Why doesn't she ask us if we're hungry? She's definitely not my real mom…

Si Qian'ai shook her head, "I'm not hungry yet."

That made sense, as it was only 5 PM—not too late. Usually, they waited for Li Moxiang to come home before eating together. Though today, with Si Qian'ai present, Yu Tiantian had considered starting earlier, but since the little one wasn't hungry, they decided to wait.

"Just let me know when you're hungry, okay? We can eat whenever you like."

Li Yaonan didn't mind. He had eaten so much at the Si household that he wasn't hungry either.

Li Yaocen: Well, I am!


After two more episodes of *Peppa Pig*, it was already 5:30.

Li Yaocen heard the familiar sound of the car doors outside and knew that his father was back.

The front door was left ajar, and soon, a tall, handsome man walked in.

Si Qian'ai noticed the striking resemblance between Li Yaocen and the man, immediately guessing that this must be his father.

With a sweet smile, she greeted him, "Hello, Uncle."

Li Moxiang, who rarely displayed emotion, found himself softening at the sight of the adorable little girl.

He gave her a slight nod in acknowledgment, his stern features relaxing.