Chapter 21: Discovering Wind

Asura woke up early the next day, determined to pursue his newfound goal of mastering wind manipulation. After getting dressed and preparing for the day, he headed straight to the trade center. The bustling market-like atmosphere was a familiar sight, filled with Uchiha of all ages looking for scrolls, weapons, and supplies. Asura navigated his way through the crowd, heading toward the section dedicated to elemental techniques.

The shelves were lined with scrolls, each labeled with the elemental styles they pertained to. Asura scanned through the ones marked "Wind Style" until he found what he was looking for: a scroll titled Wind Chakra Manipulation: Beginner to Advanced. He picked it up and checked the price—500 points. Without hesitation, he handed over his contribution card to the vendor, who processed the purchase and handed the scroll back to Asura.

Scroll in hand, Asura left the trade center, his eyes already scanning through the contents as he walked. The scroll explained the basics of wind manipulation, beginning with simple exercises designed to help users sharpen their control over wind chakra. The first exercise caught his attention: cutting a leaf using wind chakra.

As he walked, Asura kept an eye out for a leaf. Soon enough, he spotted one drifting in the wind, catching it effortlessly. He focused his chakra, channeling it into the leaf as the scroll instructed. The moment he did, the leaf sliced cleanly in half, the two pieces fluttering to the ground.

Asura stared at the fallen leaf, slightly surprised but also unfazed. That was easy, he thought, assuming that the exercise must have been too basic for someone with his current level of control. He continued reading the scroll, eager to move on to the next step.

The second exercise was more challenging: cutting a boulder using wind chakra. Asura read the instructions carefully, which explained how to condense and sharpen his chakra to make it as precise and forceful as a blade. With this in mind, he made his way back home, searching for a suitable boulder along the way.

Once he found a boulder of moderate size, he stood before it and focused, feeling the wind chakra swirl within him. His hands moved instinctively, guiding the chakra as he visualized the boulder being cut cleanly in half. With a swift motion, he unleashed his chakra, and the boulder split down the middle, the two halves sliding apart.

Asura blinked, taken aback. He hadn't expected it to work so perfectly on the first try. Curious, he reopened the scroll, re-reading the section about cutting the boulder. It mentioned that while most shinobi would need to practice this technique repeatedly, those with a strong affinity for wind might find it easier. Incredibly strong affinity, it said, describing how some shinobi could achieve these feats with little effort.

Asura's eyes lingered on those words. Maybe I'm one of those people, he thought, feeling a sense of pride but also a drive to continue pushing himself. If this came so easily, what more could he achieve with proper training? He flipped to the next exercise, which was far more ambitious: splitting a waterfall.

The idea was to use wind chakra to divide the continuous flow of water, creating a clean, visible cut through the cascade. Unfortunately, Asura knew there were no waterfalls near the Uchiha village. He pondered for a moment, then decided to head to a pond nearby. It wouldn't be the same, but if he could control his wind chakra well enough, he might be able to split the surface of the water.

Standing by the edge of the pond, Asura took a deep breath, gathering his chakra. He extended his arm, visualizing the chakra as a sharp, invisible blade that would slice through the water. But when he released it, nothing happened. The surface of the pond barely rippled, mocking his attempt.

Not one to give up, Asura tried again and again. Hours passed, with each failure leaving him more determined than before. He adjusted his stance, focused harder, and refined his control, but the water refused to split as he intended. His body ached, and he could feel his chakra reserves dwindling, but he wasn't ready to stop yet.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm, orange glow over the pond, Asura gathered what was left of his strength. This time, he pushed harder, channeling all his remaining chakra. He felt the air around him stir, a gentle wind that began to pick up speed, swirling and gathering force. The surface of the pond shimmered, and with a final, determined push, Asura unleashed his wind chakra.

The pond's surface split, a visible line running down the middle, the water parting as if cut by an invisible blade. But this time, the effect didn't stop there. The wind grew stronger, and the ground beneath the pond trembled. The water and even parts of the earth itself split apart, as though cleaved by an immense force.

Asura stood there, eyes wide with a mix of awe and exhaustion. He could barely comprehend what he had done, but he knew it was something significant. His vision blurred, and his legs buckled. The world around him darkened, and the last thing he remembered was the feel of the wind on his face before he collapsed, his body spent and his chakra completely drained.

The pond returned to its calm, undisturbed state, but the faint mark left by Asura's wind remained, a testament to his newfound power.