Deal or Bet


Hancock heard these words but didn't believe any of that.

"Nonsense! This is the Calm Belt, surrounded by the lairs of giant Sea Kings. No ordinary people could ever make it here. You must have bad intentions! Kill them!" Boa Hancock commanded with fury in her voice, cutting Akira off before he could even respond.

Her words were enough to rouse the Kuja warriors. They readied themselves to attack, but just before the clash could begin, a voice rang out.

"Wait a minute!!"

An old woman stepped forward, hobbling on her cane. It was Gloriosa, the former empress and Hancock's elder.

"What is it, Old woman?" Boa Hancock's expression twisted into one of disdain as she glared at Gloriosa. "Did you allow these three men to set foot here?"

Her tone was accusatory, filled with the same disgust she harbored for men in general. 

"It was me," Gloriosa said firmly, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "And I did it for the sake of national security."

Hancock sneered. "Our land is forbidden to men. The moment they set foot on Amazon Lily, it became a capital crime. And you—" she pointed her finger at Gloriosa—"bringing them into Nine-Snakes (Kuja) City is also treasonous! We'll kill them, then deal with you afterward, old woman!"

Suddenly, the Kuja warriors in the front row collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"What's happening?!" Hancock's sharp voice cut through the stunned silence as she turned back to Akira. "What did you do?!"

Akira raised his hands with a calm smile. "Nothing much. Just a little gengetsu."

It was then that Hancock noticed the glowing red eyes of Akira and his brothers. Three tomoe circled their pupils, casting an eerie, mesmerizing glow. The moment Hancock saw them, even she, as proud and powerful as she was, felt a chill run through her spine.

Those eyes... were undeniably evil.

Even Gloriosa shuddered as she watched. "Just like I though," she thought. "This young man's abilities are terrifying. If we had attacked their clan head-on yesterday, we might've caused irreversible harm to ourselves."

Akira lowered his hands and spoke with a calm authority. "Perhaps now you'll hear me out."

Hancock narrowed her eyes. "Man, speak your piece, but don't think I won't kill you if I don't like your answer."

Akira smiled. "We, the Uchiha clan, want to propose a partnership with Amazon Lily."

One of the Kuja warriors stepped forward angrily. "A partnership? What makes you think you're worthy of partnering with us? Do you even realize who you're talking to? This is Lady Hancock, the Pirate Empress!"

"The Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea," Akira continued calmly, "renowned as the 'most beautiful woman in the world.' I've heard of you, and now that I've seen you in person, I must admit... your reputation is well-earned."

Boa Hancock's eyes narrowed further, disdain creeping into her gaze. "Another man blinded by beauty," she thought. "They're all the same."

"All men are disgusting"

"Knowing all that, you still dare to speak of cooperation? Just because you have some strange abilities doesn't mean you can do as you please here!" one of the Kuja warriors spat.

Boa Hancock raised her hand to stop her crew. Her curiosity was piqued, though she would never admit it. "What kind of cooperation do you have in mind?"

"I know of a place filled with mountains of gold," Akira said smoothly. "Enough to make all your wildest pirate dreams come true. In exchange for half of that treasure, all I ask is for a piece of land where my Uchiha clan can live and thrive."

But Akira was thinking "No matter who get the gold, It will be mine with the country in the future"

"Impossible!" Hancock snapped before he could even finish. "Men are forbidden here. This has been the law for centuries. Amazon Lily will never allow men to live among us!"

Akira didn't seem deterred. Instead, he leaned in slightly, his tone taking on a teasing edge. "Don't be so quick to dismiss the idea. It's not just a little gold—it's enough to build mountains. Real mountains."

The Kuja pirates exchanged glances, their greed plain on their faces. Even hardened pirates like them couldn't resist the allure of such a fortune. 

"Mountains of gold?" they murmured among themselves. 

Hancock, noticing their wavering resolve, sneered. "I don't need your cooperation. If I capture you, I'll get the location of that gold by force."

Akira chuckled. "You're clever, but I assure you, trying to force the information out of us would result in unnecessary casualties on your side. How about we make this more interesting—let's make a bet."

Hancock's eyes flickered with interest despite herself. "A bet?"

Akira nodded and gestured to the arena behind them. "This is the land of warriors, after all. How about a three-on-three battle? If we win, you grant us the land we seek and honor our deal. If you win, I'll tell you where the gold is, and my clan will be at your mercy."

Hancock's lips curled into a wicked smile. "These men have a death wish."

"You know quite a lot for someone who's about to die," she said coolly. "Fine. If you want to die entertaining me, I'll agree to your terms."

The Kuja pirates roared in approval, eager for the spectacle to begin.


Soon, everyone gathered at the arena, a large circular platform surrounded by deep trenches filled with jagged blades. The pit alone was enough to ensure that any mistake would result in certain death.

"I heard there are men here!"

"Men?! Those people over there are men?!"

"They don't look as scary as I thought they would..."

"Don't be fooled by their appearance! My mother said men are liars, and the more handsome they are, the better they are at lying and the more dangerous they are!"

The crowd buzzed with excitement as the battle was about to commence, but Akira remained calm. His eyes glinted with quiet confidence. "This bet is just the beginning," he thought. "And I never lose."

Akira had already made plans for this world and of course for Amazon Lily.
