Let me see your goods

The news that the royal family had purchased an eagle gladiator emblem from Clark spread like wildfire.


This news quickly reached the ears of Baron Martin.


He gently picked up the pure white teacup in his hand, took a comfortable sip, and then comfortably stroked his handlebar mustache.


Baron Martin had befriended Hank, Clark's father, because he knew that Hank had a father who had won a gladiator emblem.


So he became friends with Hank. Hank was indeed a baron with good combat strength, but he was quite belligerent. Befriending Hank could bring considerable benefits to his own family.


For example, asking Hank to help train soldiers, or letting him take the lead in eliminating bandits.


The Williams territory, which came from a family of military merits, naturally had a significant gap with the Martin territory, which was based on commerce.


At least in the Williams territory, where they couldn't afford light cavalry, Martin had hundreds of riders.


Not to mention the nearly thousand-strong guard corps.


When the Martin territory suffered a great disaster, it was Hank who led the team to rescue Martin's predicament, and at that time, he was impulsive and made an engagement between Clark and Catherine.


Now, although Clark has inherited the territory.


In Martin's eyes, he is far less valuable than Hank.


As a businessman, he, of course, will not continue this business that will definitely lose money.




Martial value: 20

Strategy: 18

Rating: E-

Loyalty: 40

Special Talents: None


Martial value: 23

Strategy: 10

Rating: E-

Loyalty: 45

Special Talents: None



Looking at these guards in front of him who basically have no strengths.


It's not false for Clark to say he is not disappointed.


Taking advantage of the time when Duncan was paying the soldiers, Clark has been hiding in the dark, quietly observing these people.


But all the way down, they are all ordinary soldiers with a rating that is extremely low.


And the loyalty is also pitifully low.


If such soldiers suffer casualties on the battlefield.


I'm afraid all beliefs and virtues will go to hell.


Clark could see that Duncan's expression was not very good.


Obviously, the other party thought about leading such soldiers in the future and felt very headache.


Not only that, the barrenness of the Williams territory far exceeded his imagination.


The city defense that has long been dilapidated.


The blades and spears that have long been slit.


Most people can't even afford a decent chain armor or leather armor, and there is no way to see what kind of combat effectiveness such a team has.


If he really let him lead such a group of cute guys to fight against the bandits.


Duncan felt that he might never be able to become a common noble in his lifetime.


After the salary was paid, Duncan found Clark.




He seemed to have some difficulty speaking, after all, the soldiers are like this, and this baron is inseparable.


"Duncan, I know what you want to say."


"This team is the last soldier in the territory, and it will be handed over to you for full command in the future, and the training cannot be neglected."


Clark quickly delegated power to him, which Duncan did not expect.


But even if he trained these soldiers, it would take a month or so to train them properly.


"But the weapons..."


It's no use just training.


An excellent team is inseparable from equipment.


To arm a decent guard army, at least a few thousand gold coins are needed.


Looking at Clark like this... it doesn't look like a baron who can take out so many gold coins.


"I will give you the equipment in a month."


"In this month, the training of the team is handed over to you."


Although Duncan did not believe it.


But the baron said so, and he could only do it.





Although he had promised Duncan to provide him with equipment, Clark was still very troubled.


Most of the commoners in the territory have not received education and have been dealing with ores or hunting all their lives.


How could they have outstanding numbers?


Clark sighed heavily.


Alice carefully placed a cup of black tea in front of Clark's desk.


"Young master, are you not happy?"


Alice has been with Clark since she was a child, and she can quickly detect even the slightest emotions of Clark.


Clark has just obtained a thousand gold coins and an excellent talent, so why is he still not happy?


She seemed to think of something.




"By the way, young master, I heard today that a group of slave merchants came to the territory."


"There are many slaves, and there may be talents that the young master wants?"


Clark's eyes brightened, and he said in surprise, "Alice, how do you know I want talents?"


Alice chuckled: "Because buying standard weapons is very expensive. If we can have our own blacksmith, we will naturally save a lot of costs."


"The weapons of the guard soldiers are already very old."


"And the young master is very short of gold coins now."


Alice always follows Clark, so today she also keenly noticed the problems on the soldiers' bodies while being by Clark's side.


After all, with a strategy of more than seventy, it is not strange to think of these.


Even many of the reserve knights in the knight corps are not as strategic as Alice.


It should not be difficult to buy a blacksmith with the corresponding talent from the slave merchant.


In fact, it is also common for slave merchants to pass through the Williams territory.


Most of them are foreign merchants from the Borphet Kingdom or the Drakes Kingdom who want to do business in the Normandy country.




The person in charge of receiving Clark is a thin middle-aged man.


Even on such a hot afternoon, the middle-aged man is still wearing a proper coat.


Looking at Clark and the pretty maid behind him, he showed a flattering expression.


"What can I do for you, Baron?"


The main trading targets of slave merchants are naturally nobles from all over the place.


He is a slave merchant from the Drakes Kingdom, and it takes a lot of time to go from the Drakes Kingdom to the rich territory of Normandy.


Today, he just stopped over in Williams territory.


He didn't expect much from this barren territory.


But the young man in front of him with the baron's noble emblem seems to have a good consumption ability.


At least he can see at a glance that the little maid following Clark is definitely a top product.


she can sell it for at least a thousand gold coins.


"Let me see your goods."