5. Surprising my family

Jonathan came home in the evening and it would be an understatement to say he has made significant progress. Using Tony Stark's knowledge he not only created the miniature Arc reactor but also made his MJOLNIR ARMOUR shrink into the size of a wrist watch and his glasses can basically hack NORAD in mere moments and let's just say it has some functions that can make even DARPA jealous. But it's family time now and he has gathered everyone. He saw everyone coming and Susan asked," Honey, why have you gathered everyone here?" " Yes, son in law what has happened that you requested all of our presence?" Lao Shi also said. Jake also chimed in," Yo, dad what's up?" I straightened myself and said," I got 2 pieces of news. One is surprising and the other is extremely surprising. Which one do you want?" Lao Shi pondered for a moment and said," Son in law, tell us the extremely surprising news first." " Very well, the extremely surprising news is I have established a new tech company and it's current net worth including all assets is 5 billion dollars. Its name is Long Technologies." There was a moment of silence and then Lao Shi started laughing and speaking Chinese and said in Chinese[Chinese is written in bold.]," My son in law has gone crazy and now he thinks he is a billionaire. Don't worry my daughter I have the perfect potion for him." " What do you mean by potion father?" I asked in Chinese. Lao Shi was stunned and asked," Son in law when did you learn Chinese?" I replied," I haven't learned Chinese my glasses can translate all languages on Earth." Haley is the one to speak this time," Daddy, what do you mean your glasses can translate any and all languages?" I smiled at my sweet daughter and said," The A.I. does the translation, sweetie." I take off my glasses and say," Authorisation code- SJHLF-beta-epsilon-gamma 10000. Transfer limited rights to Haley Kay Long and turn on speaker mode." " AUTHORISATION CONFIRMED. RETINAL PRINT CONFIRMED. VOICE IDENTIFICATION CONFIRMED.TRANSFERRING LIMITED AUTHORITY TO HALEY KAY LONG." " It's done sweetie." I tell Haley. She took the glasses and put them on. The lenses shined. A robotic voice came," RETINAL SCAN COMPLETE. PLEASE SAY THE LINES SHOWING ON THE LENSES." The lines were actually the rhyme Twinkle twinkle little star. Which is recorded by my nano armour. Her mouth went agape as she explored everything that was available to her after some time she returned the glasses and said," What daddy said is true. Daddy's company's net worth will keep increasing exponentially and daddy's technology is on the precipice of revolutionising the communication technology." Jake may say that Haley is a goody two shoes but he won't deny the fact his sister is a genius and he is secretly proud of her. When she said it's revolutionary that means it's revolutionary. Susan now asked," Well, honey what's the surprising news?" Jonathan grinned broadly and took out what looked like some form of hyper advanced key which when shaken creates a unique jingle which is very melodic. Lao Shi replied," They sound delightful son in law but it is still not surprising enough." Jake at that moment became wise and said with a sadness," They are the keys to a new home aren't they?" " Jakearoo, don't worry we are going to a new home but we are going to 177A Bleecker Street which is just a block away from our current address and I'm not going to send my son to a school for rich snobs you will keep going to Millard Fillmore Middle School and no Haley I'm not sending you to a more snobbier school." Jake was brimming with joy and Haley replied," No, daddy I don't want to go to a more snobbier school I just want to know which floor we are going to live on." I laughed a little shyly and said," 149 to 150 floors . Each floor is divided into various rooms and you will not have any need to race for the bathroom." Both Jake and Haley just came and tackled me into a hug." " Now dear family let's start packing. Also I have made a few moving robots." I said enthusiastically as I let in the moving bots which I explained their function to my family and it was an eventful evening to say the least.