Narcissist young boy

A young man posed before a giant mirror, its golden corners sparkling in the light. He stared closer, inspecting every aspect of his reflection. He ran his hand through his perfectly styled hair and moved his head in both directions.

'I'm really handsome, aren't I? " he said with a laugh and then paused as if waiting for the mirror to respond.

He lifted an arm and gave himself a nod of approval.

"I mean, it is almost unfair to the rest of the world, right? Look at this jawline!" He turned his head again and sucked on his cheeks. "People should be paying me to look at them. I should charge a tax for every glance I allow"

He winked at his reflection. "Alas, I'll be stuck being this flawless. It's a heavy burden but somebody has to carry it".

He threw his head back and laughed, loud and deep, almost demonic. A laugh that you would expect from a bad guy plotting for world domination not from someone who looked like he had appeared straight out of an art.

"Ha! Oh, the irony!" he said while he brushed his hair with his hand, making sure that not a strand was out of place.

'A face like an angel, a heart like a... well, let's not get into that. He gave the mirror one last wink before turning away, still chuckling to himself. "Too good to be true, aren't I?"

Julian Easvil stood before the luxurious mirror. He had tall and thin figure, glowing by the soft glow of his room. His blonde hair perfectly framed his face, and his big blue eyes were sparkling with devilish mischief as he admired his reflection. As he examined every possible angle, his confidence only intensified, as if he were the main character in his own romantic tale.

Julian Easvil was not just a pretty face, he was the son of Duke Alden Easvil and the grandson of Grand Duke Augustus Easvil. His familial lineage was decorated with prestige, and his status matched the magnificence of his appearance.

Growing up in a world of privilege, he embraced his role with the same confidence he had in his looks.

A maid quietly stood at the doorway, her brow furrowed as she watched Julian's narcissistic conversation with himself. She couldn't help but roll her eyes, her expression were mix of disbelief and disgust.

"How can someone be so full of himself?" she muttered under her breath.

However, deep down, she had to admit he was right, he really was breathtakingly handsome. It made her almost cringe to think of how much he knew it. The combination of his charming looks and inflated ego was a sight to behold. It left her both amused and disgusted.

Emma, Julian's personal maid was stood there in her fitted uniform which highlighted her generous curves, her big breasts and wide hips creating an alluring silhouette. In her 30s, she carried herself with an authority and grace, her milfy figure was giving her an air of maturity.

Though she initially resented his narcissism, she couldn't deny the undeniable charm he gave off, which only made it all the more annoying that he knew just how right he was.

Emma cleared her throat, shaking off her thoughts as she came forward with a finely tailored suit on her arm.

'My Lord', she said, her voice steady despite the irritation that had welled under her brow, 'please get dressed. The others are waiting for you at the table." 

She gave him a friendly smile, trying to conceal her irritation. "As much as I admire your… conversation with yourself, we both know the world doesn't stop for beauty alone"

Julian chuckled, his laughter ringing through the room.

"Oh, Emma, you are no fun. What more than beauty does a kingdom need to run?" He leaned back against the mirror, his arms crossed with his expression playful as he flashed a grin. "I mean, look at me. I am practically a walking piece of art. Surely, my looks could inspire loyalty and admiration among the people."

He flashed a grin, enjoying the conversation as if the world revolved around his charm.

Emma crossed her arms, frustration seeping into her voice.

"My lord, you're just an apprentice mage. Even an advanced apprentice mage could disfigure your pretty face."

She rolled her eyes, not backing down from the challenge. "You may think your looks are all you need but trust me, there is more to ruling than just being easy on the eyes."

Her eyes fixed on his, as if she were reminding him that charm alone wouldn't protect him from the real world.