
However, the sphere continued to expand beyond its limits and suddenly it exploded in a burst of brilliant light. Julian stumbled back shielding his eyes from the blinding flash as shards of energy scattered around the room.

The force of the explosion sent a wave of raw power surging through the hall and for a moment everything was enveloped in a dazzling display of lightning and color.

Julian's heart raced as he tried to comprehend what had just happened unsure of the implications of this unexpected turn.

Alden could barely see anything through the thick fog that had filled the room. Panic set in as he shouted, "Julian, are you okay?"

His voice echoed in the haze filled with concern as he strained to catch a glimpse of his son. The swirling energy created an unsettling atmosphere and Alden's heart raced as he feared for Julian's safety amidst the chaos.

Through the fog, Julian spotted something strange emerging from the shattered crystal ball. It shot out toward him and before he could react it struck the center of his forehead.

A surge of energy coursed through him unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was as if the very essence of lightning had fused with his being igniting a powerful connection to his newfound element. 

Soon, Julian began to hear voices in his head, resonating with an otherworldly tone.

Connecting... Success. Initializing... Success.

Julian's eyes widened as he noticed a transparent window hovering in front of him filled with glowing text. The words seemed to pulse with energy that drew his attention. 


System Initialization

 Connection Status: Connecting...

 *Status: Success


 *Status: Complete

 Host Name:

 *Name: Julian Easvil

 Host Affinity:

 *Element: Lightning


He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It felt surreal as if he were part of a magical interface that only he could perceive. Julian reached out instinctively his fingers brushing against the window. He felt a faint tingle.

Julian was surprised to find that he could understand the language perfectly. His name was displayed in the window that glowed brightly: Julian Easvil

"Welcome to the MILF SYSTEM"

He heard a voice in his head that was smooth and inviting. The phrase made him pause for a moment as his mind raced to process what it could mean. 

Was this some sort of playful twist on the traditional mage systems?

"As a host, you are now connected to a unique framework that will guide you in mastering your elemental powers. Get ready for an adventure like no other", The voice continued, 

Julian couldn't help but smile at the unexpected introduction as he felt intrigued by what this system had in store for him.

Just then, the fog dissipated and revealed a wide eyed Julian staring into the air captivated by the voice and the glowing window. Alden quickly approached him with concern etched on his face.

"Are you okay, Julian?" he asked, searching his son's expression for any sign of distress.

Julian turned to his father still processing the overwhelming experience and nodded slowly with a mix of excitement and confusion swirling within him.

Julian suddenly realized that his father i.e. an existence of such immense power was unable to see the window floating in front of him.

He was shocked to see see such a sight as he perceived his father as an omnipotent existence and now the very same father was unable to see the window which clearly meant that the system had mysterious origin.

Julian replied, "Yes, Father I'm fine. I think the crystal ball malfunctioned and exploded. Thank goodness I wasn't hurt."

He forced a smile hoping to ease his father's concern. 

"Just be careful next time Julian," Alden said still eyeing the remnants of the shattered crystal. "Magic can be unpredictable" 

Julian nodded as he appreciated his father's worry while feeling the thrill of his newfound abilities bubbling beneath the surface.

Alden placed a reassuring hand on Julian's shoulder and said, "Go and rest Julian. You might feel tired after awakening your element." 

Julian nodded as he felt his exhaustion beginning to settle in now that the adrenaline had worn off. He turned to head out of the hall glancing back at the remnants of the crystal ball one last time.

The excitement of the awakening still buzzed in his mind but he knew that a bit of rest would help him process everything that had happened. As he made his way to his room, he felt a mix of anticipation and curiosity about what lay ahead on his journey as a mage.

Once Julian reached his room, he closed the door behind him and called for Emma.

"Emma please don't let anyone in. I need to rest," he ordered, 

Emma nodded with her expression a mix of understanding and concern.

"Of course, my lord. I'll make sure you aren't disturbed," she replied before stepping outside and closing the door. 

Julian sighed in relief feeling grateful for the privacy. He sank onto his bed and allowed himself to finally relax.