
The room erupted with applause and cheers as all eyes turned towards Julian. His heart raced as he took in the admiration from his family and the other nobles gathered at the grand table. Alden beamed with pride as he gestured for Julian to step forward. 

"Come show us your newfound power my son" Alden encouraged, his voice booming across the hall. 

Feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, Julian raised his hands slightly as he channelled the energy within him. A small spark danced at his fingertips that crackled with electricity as he summoned a tiny bolt of lightning that shot upward illuminating the grand hall. 

The crowd gasped and then erupted applause as the bolt faded into the air.

"Impressive" said Gregoria with her eyes shining with approval. "You've inherited your father's flair for the dramatic"

Eleanor and Eva clapped enthusiastically while Regina looked on with a proud smile pleased with her son's achievement.

"You're making quite the name for yourself Julian," she said, her voice warm with affection.

"Let us feast in honor of Julian" Alden declared, and the servants began to bring out an array of delicious dishes filling the table with savory delights.

Julian settled into his seat with a wide smile on his face. He basked in the warmth of family and celebration.

Regina wiped her tears, a mixture of joy and pride flooding her heart as she looked at her son.

"I'm just so happy for you Julian," she said, her voice trembling with emotion.

Alden placed a comforting hand on her shoulder with his gaze steady and reassuring. "It's alright, love. This is just the beginning for him. Our bloodline is strong and Julian will carry it forward."

Meanwhile, Augustus who sat at the head of the table with a goblet of wine in hand, raised it high.

"Yes, This is my blood!" he shouted, laughter spilling from his lips. "A true mage of the Ares Kingdom just like his grandfather. Nothing more than greatness flows through his veins" 

The guests erupted in laughter and cheers as the atmosphere charged with excitement and celebration. Julian felt a swell of pride at his grandfather's words knowing that he was surrounded by those who believed in him.

As the feast continued, he couldn't help but glance at Emma and wonder what the night would bring and how the system would help him achieve even greater heights.

The system's voice joined in Julian's mind with a teasing tone underlying its words.

"Host you really do have such beautiful milfs in your family," it remarked,

Julian felt his cheeks heat up as the reminder of Emma, Regina, and Gregoria stirred a mix of excitement and embarrassment within him.

"Can you not be so forward?" Julian shot back mentally as he tried to keep his composure despite the system's relentless banter. "I have to focus on my family and the celebration not… other things."

"Come on host Just think about the possibilities. You have some of the most stunning women right under your roof," the system replied, chuckling in his mind.

Julian shook his head as he tried to ignore the distraction. He engaged in conversation with his family all while secretly contemplating the adventures that awaited him with the system at his side.

Julian couldn't help but admire Regina as she spoke animatedly with Augustus. Her red hair framed her face beautifully and her blue eyes sparkled with joy.

She carried herself with an effortless grace with her curvy figure highlighted by the elegant dress she wore. The way her large boobs filled out the fabric was striking and for a moment Julian found it hard to look away.

"Focus Julian," he muttered to himself, shaking his head slightly to dispel the thoughts swirling in his mind.

But he couldn't deny the allure she held, a mixture of maternal warmth and undeniable beauty that left him feeling both proud and flustered.

He turned his attention back to the table as he tried to engage in the festivities while battling the internal conflict stirred by the system's playful nudges.

Julian's mind raced as he calculated the potential points he could earn. The first-time bonus alone would give him a hefty 10x multiplier. Then there was the high authority bonus considering Regina's position as his mother and a prominent noble. That added another layer of points. 

"Let's see… if I add the blood related bonus on top of that I could be looking at a windfall" he thought with excitement bubbling within him. The numbers danced in his mind, each one more tempting than the last. 

"Just imagine," the system said in with a mischievous tone, "all those points from just one encounter. You could level up faster than anyone else."

Julian's cheeks flushed at the thought but the thrill of possibility was undeniable. He chuckled quietly as he found himself caught between the allure of power and the reality of his situation.

"Maybe I really should keep my options open," he mused, glancing back at his mother with newfound ambition.