Hope and expectations

As Julian's carriage glided through the streets, he couldn't shake the thrill of his secret. In a parallel carriage, Duke Alden and Duchess Regina shared a moment of quiet conversation, oblivious to the true extent of their son's power.

Alden, his brow slightly furrowed, turned to Regina.

"Have you noticed how confident Julian has become lately? It's as if he's carrying a weight of knowledge that we're not privy to," he mused, a hint of concern in his voice.

Regina, her blue eyes shimmering with maternal pride, smiled gently.

"He's growing, Alden. All young men go through phases of self-discovery. Perhaps he simply understands his path more clearly now."

Yet, deep down, she couldn't help but feel a flicker of anxiety. The pressures of their noble lineage rested heavily on Julian's shoulders, and she wondered if he was ready for the challenges that lay ahead.

Unbeknownst to them, Julian sat in his luxurious carriage, a confident smirk gracing his lips as he contemplated the upcoming gathering at the royal academy.

The thought of unveiling his sacred realm status to the world, particularly to his family, excited him. For now, he would play his cards close to his chest, savoring the surprise that awaited them all.

Regina's voice carried a blend of pride and hope as she spoke, "He is finally about to become an official mage. It's a significant step in his journey."

Her gaze drifted toward the window, watching the world pass by, filled with bustling townsfolk and vibrant market stalls. She recalled her own journey as a young mage, the trials, and triumphs that had shaped her into the woman she was today.

Duke Alden nodded, a contemplative look settling on his face.

"Yes, but with power comes responsibility. I just hope he understands the weight of the title he's about to claim. The royal academy can be a competitive place."

He paused, his thoughts drifting to the stories of young mages whose egos had been inflated by their newfound powers.

"I worry he might not be ready for the challenges he'll face there."

Regina smiled reassuringly, her hand gently resting on Alden's arm.

"He has the support of our family, and he's shown remarkable promise. We raised him well. Besides, he possesses a natural talent that I believe will serve him well." 

As they continued their journey, both parents shared their hopes and concerns, blissfully unaware of the true extent of Julian's abilities, and the potential he held to outshine even their highest expectations. 

As Julian sat in his carriage, he entered a meditative state, adopting a lotus position that allowed him to focus entirely on absorbing the mana around him.

With each breath, he drew in the mana of the world outside, feeling it flow through him like a gentle stream. His sea of consciousness expanded further, becoming a tranquil nebula of swirling colors and shimmering lights.

The calming presence of the mana nourished the sea of consciousness, solidifying it even more than before. Julian could feel the clouds of energy swirling around him, settling into a serene state.

The lightning that had once crackled with wild intensity now danced softly at the edges, illuminating the space with a peaceful glow. 

In this moment, he felt a deep connection to the universe, as if he were becoming one with the very fabric of magic itself. The mana not only invigorated him but also opened his mind to new possibilities, whispering secrets of power and mastery that lay just beyond his grasp.

Julian reveled in this feeling, knowing that each moment spent nurturing his abilities brought him closer to becoming a formidable force within the world of mages.

As the luxurious carriage came to a halt, Julian reluctantly opened his eyes, momentarily shaken from his tranquil state of absorption. He could still feel the remnants of mana swirling within him, enhancing his senses and sharpening his focus.

Stepping out of the carriage, he took a deep breath, feeling the vibrant energy of the royal academy envelop him.

The grand structure loomed ahead, its majestic spires reaching toward the sky, surrounded by sprawling gardens filled with blooming flowers. Students and young mages milled about, their laughter and chatter creating an atmosphere of excitement.

Julian followed closely behind his parents, Duke Alden and Duchess Regina, who walked with an air of authority, their presence commanding respect from those around them.

As they entered the academy grounds, Julian couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness. This was a significant day, one that would mark the beginning of his official journey as a mage

 He observed his fellow students, many of whom were older and more experienced, and wondered how he would measure up against them.

With his parents by his side, he felt a sense of reassurance. The secrets he held the breakthrough to the Sacred Realm were still hidden from everyone else, a thrilling advantage he intended to use to his benefit.

He was determined to make a name for himself at the academy, all while keeping his newfound powers under wraps.