I am of Royalty?

Julian couldn't help but grin, realizing that his ambitions might just have a clearer path ahead of him than he had thought.

Regina smiled warmly at Julian. "You are the grandson of the king," she said, her eyes sparkling with pride. 

Julian blinked in surprise. "Why didn't I know? Why didn't anyone tell me?" 

"We wanted to protect you from royal responsibilities," Regina replied gently. "We wanted you to forge your own path without the weight of our lineage hanging over you and besides, there are somethings that you better not have knowledge of."

Julian could feel her sadness especially when she spoke the last sentence. He was curious and intrigued about what the truth was but he did not continue to ask her. 

"I get it, mother. I appreciate that you wanted me to have my freedom.", Julian said with a smile spreading across his face.

Regina nodded, her expression softening. "And now, with this knowledge, you can decide how to use it to shape your future." 

Julian's smile widened as he imagined the possibilities. Just think of the points I could rack up if I conquer the whole royal palace,*he thought, excitement coursing through him.

Everyone here is connected to me in some way—family ties, blood relations, all leading to a treasure trove of potential. The queen, my grandmother, my mother, all those powerful women around me…*

He felt a rush of ambition at the thought. With every conquest, I'd not only gain points but also strengthen my position and power. The royal palace could be my playground.

The idea was intoxicating, filling him with an eagerness to explore every opportunity that lay ahead.

Julian watched as the updated list appeared before him, now filled with even more enticing possibilities.

The potential women now included the queen, his aunts, and other alluring members of the royal palace, each more captivating than the last.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought of the points he could earn from each of them, especially considering their royal connections. The opportunities for conquest were limitless, and the thrill of the chase ignited a fire within him.

A woman stood confidently on the stage, instantly drawing the attention of the gathered crowd. Dressed in elegant robes adorned with the academy's emblem, she radiated authority and wisdom.

With a warm smile, she began, "Welcome, everyone, to this esteemed gathering at the Royal Academy. Today, we celebrate the achievements of our young mages, especially those who have recently reached the Mage Realm. Your hard work and dedication have brought you to this moment, and we are excited to witness your growth as future leaders of our kingdom."

Her voice was melodic yet firm, inspiring a sense of respect and anticipation among the attendees.

As the head of the Royal Academy announced the names, a sense of pride filled the hall. Julian stood confidently when his name was called, bowing gracefully to acknowledge the respect and admiration from those present.

He could feel the eyes of the crowd upon him, some filled with envy, others with respect, but all aware of the significance of this moment. 

"Isabelle Hans," she called next, and the beautiful daughter of the Duke Hans stood with poise, her elegance captivating everyone.

As she took her seat again, the headmistress continued, "Marcus Norish," followed by the handsome young man who also rose to bow, his charm evident in the way he carried himself. 

"Julia Ethwer," came next, and the delicate girl stood with a shy smile, the attention making her blush.

The headmistress continued to recite the names, each one met with applause, and Julian couldn't help but feel the weight of potential and opportunity in the air, especially as he thought about the many points he could gather from those around him.

As the scrolls of mages were presented, the atmosphere shifted to one of celebration. The hall buzzed with excitement, filled with laughter and the clinking of glasses as everyone prepared for the banquet.

Duke Alden, with a proud smile, mingled with the other three dukes, sharing stories and discussing their families' legacies. Their conversations echoed with the weight of history, each word a reminder of the power and prestige that came with their titles.

Meanwhile, the four duchesses gathered together, their voices soft yet confident as they exchanged pleasantries. They were the epitome of grace and beauty, drawing the gazes of many in the hall. Julian couldn't help but admire the way they carried themselves, their presence commanding attention without even trying.

The banquet was not just a feast for the body but a display of wealth and influence, and he could sense the potential points flowing through the air, just waiting to be gathered. 

As platters of exquisite food were brought out, Julian found himself contemplating not just the lavish meal but the opportunities that lay ahead.

Surrounded by so many powerful figures, he realized this was just the beginning of his journey to conquer the hearts and points of those in his family and beyond.