Entertaining the duchesses

After enjoying their dance, Julian led Julia and Issabel toward the banquet table, where an array of delicious dishes awaited them. The tantalizing aroma filled the air, making his stomach growl in anticipation.

As they settled down, he glanced around the room, searching for his mother, Regina, but didn't spot her among the bustling crowd.

Spotting the three duchesses gathered at a table, he decided to approach them instead.

"Good evening, Your Graces," Julian said, bowing slightly with a charming smile.

"It seems the food here is as magnificent as the company."

The three duchesses, each adorned in elegant attire, looked up with warm smiles. Duchess Hans, with her alluring presence, raised an eyebrow playfully.

"Why, if it isn't our handsome young mage! You certainly know how to make an entrance, don't you?"

Duchess Norish chuckled softly. "Indeed, Julian. Have you made any conquests yet, or are you still focused on dancing?"

Julian grinned, feeling a mix of confidence and mischief.

"Oh, I'm just getting started, Your Grace. But I do enjoy the company of lovely ladies, especially those with such regal grace." 

Duchess Ethwer smiled, clearly amused. "Flattery will get you everywhere, young man. Just be careful not to overdo it, or you might find yourself in a bit of trouble." 

As they laughed and exchanged banter, Julian felt a sense of ease, surrounded by the warmth of the duchesses. The banquet hall buzzed with energy, and he couldn't help but wonder what the rest of the evening would hold.

Julian leaned in slightly, a playful grin on his face as he looked at the three duchesses.

"I must ask, what are the dukes so busy with that they leave such beautiful wives like you three unattended? Surely, they should be fighting to keep you all to themselves."

The duchesses exchanged amused glances, each one clearly enjoying the compliment. Duchess Hans laughed lightly, her eyes sparkling. '

"Oh, darling, they're likely discussing important matters of state. You know how it is, kingdoms and politics can be terribly dull."

Duchess Norish chimed in, smirking, "Exactly! But we make our own fun while they're away. After all, what's a duchess without a little adventure?"

Duchess Ethwer added with a teasing smile, "And we certainly can't let them think they're the only ones with important tasks. Sometimes, we have our own 'duke-worthy' adventures to attend to, wouldn't you agree?"

Julian chuckled, appreciating their spirited responses.

"I can't argue with that logic. Perhaps I should follow your lead and find my own adventures, especially if they're as enticing as the company here." 

Duchess Norish waved him over, her smile warm and inviting. "Come join us, Julian. We could use some of that charm up close."

Julian leaned against the table, a playful glint in his eyes. "Are you really that impressed by my charm, Lady Norish?" 

Lady Norish tilted her head slightly, feigning a thoughtful expression. "I would be lying if I said no. It's not every day we get to meet someone as… captivating as you." 

Julian chuckled, enjoying the banter. "Flattery will get you everywhere, my lady. Perhaps I should consider a career in charming duchesses."

The other duchesses laughed, clearly entertained by the exchange. Lady Norish leaned in, lowering her voice conspiratorially.

"Well, if you're looking for practice, you've come to the right place. We could always use a charming gentleman to liven up our gatherings."

Julian raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Is that a formal invitation, Lady Norish?" 

"Consider it a suggestion," she replied, her tone playful. "Now, come sit with us. I want to hear more about your recent achievements." 

With a grin, Julian accepted the invitation, settling in beside the duchesses, eager to continue the delightful conversation.

The duchesses laughed in unison, clearly entertained by Julian's charm. The Duchess of Ethwer raised an eyebrow and said with a smirk,

"Well, it depends on what kind of adventure you're planning to take us on."

Julian flashed a playful grin and leaned in slightly, his voice smooth as ever.

"A fun one, of course. Full of excitement, mystery, and... let's say, thrilling company."

The duchesses exchanged amused glances, their curiosity piqued. Duchess of Norish tilted her head.

"Oh, we might just take you up on that offer, young Julian. We do love a good adventure."

Julian chuckled softly, sensing that the duchesses were intrigued by his playful banter. "Well then, ladies, when the time comes, I'll make sure it's an adventure you won't forget," he said with a wink.

The Duchess of Hans leaned in, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "You seem quite confident in your ability to entertain, Julian."

"Confidence is key, isn't it?" Julian replied smoothly. "And I do have a way of making sure everyone has a good time."

Duchess Norish smiled slyly. "We'll see if you can live up to that promise, young man. We'll be waiting."

Julian bowed slightly, flashing them his signature grin before excusing himself to rejoin the banquet. As he walked away, he could still hear their soft laughter behind him, knowing he'd left an impression.