Someone who unleashes destruction

With a surge of exhilaration, Julian soared into the sky, the Cosmic Dance of Death glinting brilliantly against the backdrop of the heavens.

He raised the spear high above his head, feeling the power radiating from it, an intoxicating blend of cosmic energy and crackling lightning.

As he held it aloft, the very air around him shimmered, charged with anticipation, as if the universe itself was holding its breath. 

Drawing in a deep breath, he focused on the ground below, where the training grounds lay. With a decisive motion, he pointed the spear downward, locking his gaze onto the ground, and unleashed its might with a swift, powerful throw. 

The spear shot through the sky like a comet, trailing a brilliant arc of bright energy in its wake. It struck the ground with an earth-shattering force, a thunderous boom resonating across the landscape. The impact unleashed a cataclysmic explosion, sending shockwaves rippling. 

Lightning crackled and danced wildly around the surface, intertwining with cosmic energy to create a swirling vortex of power. The ground shattered, sending debris flying as if the god of thunder himself had unleashed his wrath upon the world.

The air filled with the scent of destruction and the raw energy pulsed in the aftermath, leaving Julian awestruck at the sheer magnitude of what he had just unleashed. 

As the dust settled, the ground bore the mark of his power, a deep crater glowing faintly with residual energy. In that moment, he knew he had crossed a threshold, one that would define his journey and set him apart as a force to be reckoned with in the world.

The ground beneath the training grounds was utterly devastated. Deep cracks and massive craters filled the once-flat earth, smoke and dust swirling in the aftermath of the cosmic strike.

The castle nearby, where the training halls were located, lay in ruins. Walls crumbled, towers toppled, and what remained of the structure barely stood upright, reduced to broken stones and shattered windows.

Inside the castle, the dukes and duchesses rushed out, their faces pale and filled with terror. Panic surged through the courtyards as they believed an enemy force had launched a catastrophic attack.

The sheer power of the destruction had them all on edge, their minds racing with the thought that perhaps a powerful adversary had breached the kingdom's defenses.

The air buzzed with anxiety as guards scrambled into position, trying to make sense of the wreckage.

Whispers filled the crowd, fear etched in their voices.

Who could wield such devastating power? Was there a new threat on the horizon? But the truth was far more shocking than they imagined, it was not an enemy, but Julian, testing his might.

The onlookers stared in disbelief at the figure standing at the center of the massive crater.

Julian, battered and bloodied, stood tall amidst the chaos he had unleashed. Blood trickled down his face, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction despite the brutal wounds that covered his body.

His arms hung limp at his sides, barely functional after the incredible strain he had put on them, and his legs wobbled beneath him as if they could give out at any moment.

Yet, in the middle of all the destruction and pain, there was a smile on his face. It wasn't a smile of victory, but one of pure enjoyment, as if he had savored the very limits of his power and survived the storm he had created.

The sheer magnitude of the attack had nearly torn his body apart, but in his eyes, it was all worth it.

Those who watched from afar felt a mixture of awe and fear, Julian's power was beyond anything they could have imagined. He was a force unto himself, and even in his most vulnerable state, he looked like someone who relished the destruction he could summon.

Duke Alden and Duchess Regina rushed toward Julian, fear etched across their faces as they saw the state he was in.

Alden's usually composed expression faltered as he took in the sight of his son, covered in blood, barely standing, yet still smiling as if nothing was wrong. 

"What happened here, Julian?" Alden demanded, his voice filled with concern and urgency.

He placed a steadying hand on Julian's shoulder, trying to gauge the extent of his injuries.

Regina, her eyes wide with worry, quickly moved to support Julian, gently holding him as she inspected the wounds that littered his body.

"You're hurt… badly," she whispered, her voice shaky.

The sight of her son, broken but still standing, was almost too much for her to bear.

Julian, though wounded and exhausted, grinned through the pain.

"Just… testing a new power," he said weakly, trying to brush it off, but his parents could see how much it had taken out of him.