
Regina shot him a mock glare, though a slight smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She uncrossed her arms, letting them fall to her sides, the gesture both casual and confident.

Julian leaned in closer, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Well, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were enjoying this little game of ours."

He paused, letting the playful tension hang between them. "Besides, what's wrong with appreciating beauty? It's a talent of mine, after all."

Regina rolled her eyes, though she couldn't hide the soft blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Just remember, young man, I'm still your mother." But the way she spoke, with a hint of laughter, made it clear that the banter was only fueling the playful spark between them. 

Julian shrugged, feigning innocence. "And a very beautiful one at that. How could I not admire my own mother?"

The room filled with a light-heartedness that seemed to wash away the seriousness of the earlier conversation. In that moment, it was just them, mother and son enjoying a playful exchange that danced on the edge of boundaries, laughter echoing softly in the cozy room.

Julian stood up, a playful grin still on his face as he took Regina's hands in his own. He brought them to his lips, kissing her knuckles gently.

The gesture was both charming and affectionate, a mix of reverence and teasing that left a warm glow in the air between them. 

"Such elegance deserves a kiss, don't you think?" he said with a wink, his eyes sparkling with mischief. 

Regina's cheeks flushed a deeper shade, a mix of surprise and amusement flooding her features.

"Julian!" she exclaimed, trying to sound reprimanding but failing to suppress a smile. "You're impossible." 

Regina shook her head, laughter dancing in her eyes. "You really are too much. One of these days, you'll push your luck too far." 

Julian shrugged, a playful challenge in his gaze. "And one of these days, you might just find that you enjoy it."

The playful tension hung in the air, a reminder of their unique bond, filed with love, teasing, and an undeniable spark.

As Regina turned to leave the room, she shot Julian one last playful glare over her shoulder, a mix of exasperation and amusement on her face.

"Remember, Julian, don't think too highly of yourself. I'm still your mother," she said, her tone light but with a hint of seriousness.

Julian simply smiled, leaning back against the wall, crossing his arms. "I'll keep that in mind, Mother," he replied, a playful twinkle in his eye. 

With that, Regina exited the room, the door closing softly behind her. The moment lingered in the air, a blend of teasing and warmth that made Julian feel both elated and slightly mischievous.

He took a deep breath, the playful banter still buzzing in his mind, and glanced over at Julia and Isabel, who were still peacefully asleep in his bed.

A smile crossed his lips as he settled back into the quiet of the room, he then fell asleep and woke up the next day.

Julian slowly blinked his eyes open, his body still heavy with exhaustion from the previous day's events. As he stretched and turned over, he noticed that the bed next to him was empty.

Both Isabel and Julia were already gone. The room was quiet, the soft light of morning filtering through the windows. 

He sat up, running a hand through his hair, trying to shake off the lingering drowsiness. A small smile played on his lips as he recalled the moments they had shared, but the absence of the two women left him wondering where they had gone.

"Looks like they left without waking me," Julian muttered to himself, swinging his legs off the bed and standing up.

His body still felt sore from the intensity of the training and the merging of his powers. He rubbed his shoulder, feeling the faint ache there, and decided it was time to find out what was going on. 

Grabbing his clothes, he quickly dressed.

Julian made his way to the banquet hall, the sound of distant chatter growing louder as he approached.

As he entered, his eyes immediately landed on Julia, Isabel, and Marcus, who were seated together at one of the large tables. They seemed relaxed, talking amongst themselves, but stopped when they noticed him.

Julia glanced up first, her expression brightening with a smile, though there was still a hint of yesterday's tension in her eyes. Isabel, sitting beside her, looked slightly shy but gave him a small nod.

Marcus was the last to notice Julian's presence, and his face lit up with a wide grin as he waved.

"Ah, finally awake, Julian," Marcus called out, his voice cheerful. "I was beginning to think you'd sleep through the whole day."

Julian walked over, pulling out a chair and sitting down with a smirk.

"Well, after everything that happened yesterday, I think I deserved a little extra rest, don't you?"

Julia and Isabel exchanged a glance but smiled in agreement. Julia leaned forward slightly. "We didn't want to wake you. You seemed... exhausted."

"Exhausted, huh?" Julian chuckled, raising an eyebrow teasingly.

Julian leaned in with a mischievous grin. "How can I be more exhausted than you two?" he teased, his eyes dancing between Julia and Isabel.

Both women immediately blushed, their gazes dropping to the table. Julia tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, avoiding eye contact, while Isabel's cheeks turned a deep shade of pink as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Marcus, noticing the awkward tension, furrowed his brow. "Wait... what exactly are you talking about?" he asked, suspicion creeping into his voice.

Julian just laughed, giving Marcus a playful wink. "Oh, nothing you'd understand."

Marcus narrowed his eyes, clearly irritated by Julian's playful evasiveness.

"You always talk in riddles," he muttered, shaking his head in frustration. Without another word, he stood up abruptly and left the table, his annoyance evident in the way he stormed out of the banquet hall.

Julian chuckled to himself, glancing at Julia and Isabel, who still looked flustered. "He really can't take a joke, can he?"