Royal decree

Julia's voice trembled slightly as she posed the question, her brow furrowed in concern. "Is it really okay to go after your own mother, grandmother, and sisters?"

Julian shrugged casually, a playful grin spreading across his face as he continued, "Although they are my family, they're all just too pretty and sexy to ignore."

His words hung in the air, infused with a mix of mischief and boldness. Julia and Isabel exchanged shocked looks, both taken aback by his unapologetic attitude.

"I mean, can you blame me?" he added, his tone teasing. 

Julia couldn't hold back a bemused smile, her eyes narrowing playfully as she crossed her arms.

"You really think that makes it okay?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "What about the whole family dynamic? Isn't there a line you shouldn't cross?"

Isabel, still grappling with the implications of Julian's words, added, "I mean, they're your mother and grandmother! How could you even think about pursuing something like that?"

Despite their shock, they both felt a strange excitement bubbling inside them; Julian's confidence was infectious, and part of them was drawn to his boldness.

The thought was taboo, yet it ignited a fire of intrigue and scandalous possibilities that they had never considered before.

Julian leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Come on, think about it," he urged, his voice low and conspiratorial. "They're all powerful, beautiful women, and they've shaped who I am. Besides," he added with a smirk, "if I can get bonus points while enjoying myself, why wouldn't I? It's not like I'm going to force them into anything. I'm just appreciating the beauty in our bloodline."

Julia shook her head, half-laughing, half-shocked. The idea was both infuriating and thrilling to see him push boundaries so freely.

Julia's laughter rang out that broke the tension. "You really are something else, Julian. I can't tell if you're being profound or just reckless," she teased, a warm smile spreading across her face.

Isabel, too, found herself smiling, caught up in Julian's infectious enthusiasm.

Despite their reservations, both girls found themselves drawn into his carefree approach to the scandalous topic, realizing that his audacity made it easier to explore their own feelings on the matter.

"So, are you in?", He said. "Are you both willing to see me having fun with your mothers."

Isabel, biting her lip, felt a strange thrill at the thought. "I mean, it's definitely unconventional," she admitted, her cheeks flushing. "But… if it's something you really want, and if it makes you happy…"

She trailed off, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her voice. The idea was wild, but the more she thought about it, the more it stirred a sense of adventure within her. She found herself wondering what it would be like to navigate such a chaotic situation together with Julian by her side.

Julia couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all, shaking her head. "You really are impossible, you know that? But maybe… just maybe, it could be fun to watch you try to charm our mothers" she added, a playful glint in her eyes.

Isabel giggled, feeling a rush of understanding "Alright, I'm in! But you better not screw this up," she said, her tone half-joking but fully aware of the potential chaos that could ensue. 

Julian's grin turned even more mischievous as he leaned closer, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. "Wouldn't it be fun to take you with your mothers?" he teased, watching for their reactions. 

Julia's eyes widened in surprise, her face flushing deep red, but there was a flicker of intrigue in her gaze as she quickly looked away. "You… you really don't have any shame, do you?" she muttered, trying to sound reprimanding, but her voice lacked conviction.

Isabel, equally taken aback, felt her heart race at the thought. Her mind swirled with conflicting emotions but had a hint of strange allure. She covered her face with her hands for a moment, trying to hide the flustered smile that tugged at her lips.

"Julian, you're impossible," she said, her voice muffled through her fingers, but there was no mistaking the hint of amusement in her tone.

Julian chuckled, clearly enjoying their reactions. "It would be fun, would it not?," he teased further.

Julia shot him a look, her face still pink. "You're such a tease. You know that's a crazy idea, right?" But there was a small smile on her lips that betrayed her amusement.

Isabel peeked through her fingers, her eyes gleaming with a mix of embarrassment and curiosity. "You're really bold, Julian. But… who knows, maybe we'd surprise you," she added, her voice teasing, but with a daring undertone. 

The air between them crackled with the possibilities of what could happen, the playful conversation lingering in their minds as they pondered the wild suggestion.

Just then, a carriage bearing the unmistakable symbol of the royal family rolled into view, its polished exterior gleaming in the sunlight.

As it came to a stop, a sense of anticipation swept through the crowd, and the atmosphere grew tense.

Everyone present, from nobles to commoners, instinctively knelt, their heads bowed in respect. 

A royal messenger, clad in the elegant uniform of the palace, stepped out of the carriage, holding a scroll bearing the royal seal. With a firm voice that commanded attention, he unfurled the decree and began to read aloud: 

"By order of His Majesty, the King, a royal summons is hereby issued. Julian Easvil, son of Duke Alden Easvil and Duchess Regina Easvil, is to present himself at the royal capital within one month."

Gasps rippled through the crowd as all eyes turned to Julian. The messenger continued, "Furthermore, the summit of the Royal Academy is to be concluded within a day or two." 

The announcement left everyone in a state of shock and uncertainty. Whispers filled the air, but the gravity of the situation was clear. Julian's life was about to change, and the royal capital awaited his presence.