One Bad Apple

The train stopped at Ranchi Junction. Abhinav, Rakesh & Gautam were excited to be on there own in a new city with all the hopes and dreams. 

"where we are going to go from here gauti",asked Abhinav from Gautam.

"circular road" to the law colony, my relative has acquaintance there, They fixed us a flat -Answered Gautam.

They took auto and reached the destination.

'this place looks wierd' - rakesh to gautam, (then they giggled on something).

What are you guys talking about?-Abhinav asked,

"Nothing, You wont get it" Gautam said.


'Lets go inside first' , rakesh changed the topic and they went inside.

All three of them were exhausted and slept through whole day.

They were staying at a lawyers place ,three person family with husband ,wife and a daughter of same age as these three boys. 


The Land Lady explained to them. 

"we are not that kind of mischievous and spoiled Aunty Don't worry" Abhinav the speaker and handler of the team said. Since childhood people tend to listen to him he was a good speaker but never wanted to be the face of any argument or debate, it was hard and near impossible to win an argument with him logically. As he described himself as "Jack of All Trades & Master of None"

Why are you guys here?-land lady asked,

'we are preparing for IIT Aunty we enrolled in the Endeavour Institute'-Rakesh.

OH Good ! its just outside the colony .Study well.

"Sure Aunty ,Thank you Aunty" They said In a Sync.

They started there classes, but as they were new to this preparation environment they were having difficulty in managing studies and timings, also Rakesh was an introvert and a lazy fellow, he started making living together so tough that in only two months his parents came to him as he was dangerously home sick. 

"give it time Bhai" its not like we are having fun and games it was meant to be tough- Abhinav tried to fix his vantage point .

"i am done" i cant live like this its not for me - Rakesh.

what can we say ,do as you please. 

Rakesh was hell bent on leaving ,we tried to make him comfortable but in some time it was obvious either he can be our friend or our roommate, we choose our friend.

He left next week with his parents.

now two of us were facing the pressure of abandoned friend, we were thinking why wouldn't we left with him?

In the class teachers were not happy with us we both were called daily to the deans office showing our mischievous actions on the cctv camera recordings saying we always are late and this has to stop. having these meeting our inner demons retaliated and we started arguing about every thing happens in the class or office.

one day- "sir can you at least give us time to write the points you wrote on the board?"

'who said that?' the teacher asked.

'sir you write the lines and wipe it out just before writing second lines ,we are human not machines' kindly slow down.'-Abhinav was very disappointed and very uninterested.

i will do the same pace your writing you are preparing for competition exams, teacher said.

But sir!

"no buts and ifs, if you argue more i will throw you out the window", teacher thought Abhinav was being insulting to him.

Abhinav snapped at this statement as he thought "my own father never touched me , he the mere person of outside city threatens to throw me out the 7th floor? how dare he?"

"sir! hath laga kar dikhao"(try to lay finger on me)

shaking badly with anger Abhinav thought "if he even tries to touch me, i am gonna break his neck".

matter escalated and both Abhinav and Gautam were called to dean office.

Are you here to be gundas?, dean to both.

sir your faculty is threatening to throw us out of window, Abhinav furiously replied.

He was just teaching you lessons ,i watched the recording, you both are always late for the classes too ,dont try to be over smart , dean with taunt in his voice.

sir! i am not being smart, we came here to study not to be threatened or to be belittled, Abhinav was loosing patience once again.

"what is happening here why am i arguing with him i paid money for study and preparations not to be victim of egoistic administration", Abhinav in his mind.

It went for half an hour the discussion.

After that discussion both were told to follow rules and be respectful to faculties.

days passed. one day again the faculty who had not forgotten about the argument tried to bully Abhinav & Gautam.

you both in the back, teacher throwing chalk to them, why are you not being attentive?

'we are attentive sir, we can understand you,' replied Gautam with a smirk.

'leave the class right now', the teacher shouted ,he thought Gautam was being rude and insulting.

"we have paid for the classes you can't throw us out". both said at the same time.

'I wont be getting ahead of the topic if they are in class ', teacher threatened other students as his tricks were a failure over two Bihari boys.

please guys leave for classes sake, whole class urged to leave the class to Abhi &Gauti.

"FINE" 'share your notes after the classes, told Abhi And left the class.

At the deans office; sir! i want to discontinue my course, it seems you are more capable of training people than teaching them, Abhinav stated to Dean. give my money back and i am leaving your institute.

Dean was too stunned to hear a young boy being confident about stopping midcourse,he was in agreement.

"where is my bag gauti"? ,Abhinav to Gautam. In the class, he replied.

in the class teacher was circled with students taking his bag Abhi tried to listen.

you all are very bright students, dont be influenced with these gundas.

do you know them sir?, Abhi in the second line of the circle asked

NO but i know the type, teacher with proud to abhi.

listen "ONE BAD APPLE WILL SPOIL WHOLE BUCKET", teacher quoted as it was his own creation.

students were laughing and giggling and astound at teachers hypocrisy and ignorance as they saw talking to Abhinav about him to be alert of his type of people.

everybody left for home.

Abhinav & Gautam had decided it was enough of outside world ,now they started planning there departure.

They convinced there parents about leaving and they allowed them to retreat, but they decided to return but to a newer place with known people around.

to be continued.....