The urgency

Once in bed, Erika didn't have the time to think about anything. She very soon fell into deep sleep. The giant bed with a very soft mattress and pillow made of feathers from exotic birds hugged her tightly. She didn't even change her clothes or think what she would do next. the following day she woke up on her bed by calls from her trusty maid Bauer. Who was standing beside the bed and had a bright smile on her face. "Milady please wake up. Its already morning. You have to wash your face change your clothes and have breakfast. Your newest recruits will arrive soon." Her sleepiness fade away the sheer excitement from the idea that from today she will be able to produce weapons and ammunitions at a greater pace took over her anxiety. She almost rushed to the toilet to finish her daily tasks. "After that Bauer gave her a new dress to wear. With slight concern and a mixture of affection on her tone she said, "Please be careful milady. You almost damaged the clothes you were wearing yesterday. Those clothes are not for sleeping." "Sorry Bauer and thank you." Erika's cheeks were turning slightly red. "Its my duty milady." Bauer replied with a smile of contempt on her white Germanic face. Erika went to the dinning room and almost rushed her breakfast to her mouth attracting a slight frown from Bauer. After coming to the ground with Emil and Bauer, she was waiting eagerly for her new recruits to arrive. But this moment of time gave her chance to gloss over the events of previous night. "Ah, my doom is looming in my sight. What can I do?" Noticing her anxiety and lack of calmness, Bauer asked with a flustered face, "What's wrong milady?" "Perhaps you are too excited to make the weapons you dream of?" Emil echoed in. "That's.... that's not it." Their sudden voices broke in her thought process. "You know last night my engagement was approved by mother. The first prince is coming next week to confirm and officially announce our engagement." Erika replied with frustration her teeth almost clenching and her fists becoming strong. This worried both Emil and Bauer who knew about her looming doom. "It seems the prophecy of God is folding as you have mentioned." "Yes," anxious as she was, but still Erika made a reply, "Its like fate. My arguments were crushed like the Sixth Army at Stalingrad." "Sorry milady I think we have start building up our 'Wehrma..' or whatever you call it." With a hint of anxiety. But he soon comforted her, "Don't worry milady there is still a week before the prince comes. So that may give us some time to come up with a strategy to be disliked by the prince so that he will himself cancel the engagement." Emil replied with a straight face but his anxiety was still visible. According to Erika not just she or her family but everyone in this entire territory will be doomed if her fate continues. While this serious talk was going on Bauer stumbled in their thoughts with a question that took everyone off the hook something that Erika didn't care much but could be a disaster. "Milady what is the Sixth Army and where is Stalingrad?" Stuttered as Erika was she replied in a cold voice, "its nothing. Please stop focusing on useless words." "I have to control my tongue more so as not to slip out anymore." Thought Erika in her mind. 

Soon her recruits arrived and their conversation was cut short. The four blacksmiths and two craftsmen. There were no alchemists but to Erika it didn't matter because her magic bullets require little mana and no gunpowder. The men were all dressed in the best clothes they could find to wear in front of a higher noble. They have also cleaned themselves well. This made Erika happy that they were respecting him though she was just a 10 years old. With this new found pride and enthusiasm Erika started to lecture the recruits to produce the firearms and its ammunitions. She explained particularly the aspects and logic behind how these things work. "Um.... milady, are you sure that such an idea even works?" Asked one of the blacksmiths. There was skepticism in his eyes. Soon whispers were heard among the workers. The atmosphere was tense. They even started to think that this girl was crazy. "Please show us how your weapons work milady. Otherwise it is impossible for us to believe what you just said". Emil barged in in their conversation before Erika could reply. "Don't question the knowledge of milady. I will show you that her weapons work just fine." He brought the Kar 98K rifle and showed how it fired the bullets up to 800 meters. The workers were shocked at the power of the weapon whose range was more then a heavy crossbow. For more demonstrations Both Emil and Bauer Showed off their handling of the rifles. "Wow these are so powerful weapons. No one could beat you with these in your hands." Everyone was shocked. There was a hint of fear and excitement in their voices. With this Erika went on to show them how to make the guns and the bullets for themselves. Everyone tried to produce the weapons Erika showed. The four blacksmiths started using their magic powers to build different parts of the weapon. The plan was, since the magical power of these guys are weak instead of everyone making one weapon, they will only build specified parts while the craftsmen will make the wooden parts to hold the guns together. One was responsible for the barrel which was the hardest part because it would have to be rifled, one was assigned to make the firing mechanism, one to the bolt that will move forward and back and another one for the cartridge to hold the ammo and push them upwards. She started with them making the trial versions of Kar 98K to test. Erika defined the parameters for each part so there won't be any mismatch in the various parts while the assembling was left to Emil and Bauer.