The Deceit

Episode 5

“The Deceit”

• Jasmine's concern.

Jasmine: "Zibah, can we talk? I've been thinking a lot about Leo's proposal, and I have to admit, I'm a bit worried."

Zibah: "Worried? Why? You know how much I love him!"

Jasmine: "I do, but... well, have you thought about the fact that Leo is a gallery owner? He's going to be showcasing and selling art, possibly even yours. What if he starts to prioritize his business over your relationship?"

Zibah: "Hmm, I hadn't thought of that... But Leo loves me, I know he does. He would never let his business come between us."

Jasmine: "I hope you're right, Zibah. I just don't want you to get hurt."

Zibah: "I understand your concerns, Jasmine, but I really think Leo is different. He's always been supportive of my art and my career. I trust him."

Jasmine: "I want to believe that too, Zibah. But what about the fact that he's wealthy and influential? That can change people, you know. What if he starts to expect certain things from you, or tries to control your art?"

Zibah: "Leo's not like that, Jasmine. He's always respected my boundaries and my creative freedom. And besides, I'm not going to let anyone control me or my art. I'm strong enough to stand up for myself."

Jasmine: "Okay, Zibah. I trust your judgment. Just be careful, okay? And remember, I'm always here for you, no matter what."

Zibah: "Thanks, Jasmine. I appreciate your concern. But I really think Leo is different. He's not just a wealthy gallery owner, he's also an artist himself. He understands the passion and dedication that goes into creating art."

Jasmine: "I hope you're right, Zibah. But what about the fact that he's so charming and charismatic? Sometimes people like that can be manipulative or even toxic."

Zibah: "Leo's charming, yes, but he's also genuine and kind. He's not trying to manipulate me or control me. He's just passionate about art and about life. And I find that really attractive."

Jasmine: "Okay, Zibah. I trust your judgment. Just remember to keep your eyes open and your heart protected. And don't forget, I'm always here for you if you need me."

• The unveiling.

Merit: "Leo, I can't believe you're really going through with this. Marrying Zibah when you're still in love with me."

Leo: "Merit, please. I've tried to end things with you, but you won't let me go. I have to move on with my life."

Merit: "But why her? She's so... innocent. She doesn't deserve to be hurt like this."

Leo: "Zibah is not just some innocent victim, Merit. She's a strong, talented artist who deserves happiness. And I'm willing to give that to her."

Merit: "Fine. But know that I won't go down without a fight. You'll regret leaving me for her."

Leo is still struggling with his feelings for Merit, and has found himself in a compromising position with her again. This adds a layer of complexity and tension to the story, and raises questions about Leo's commitment to Zibah and his ability to resist Merit's charms.

Merit: "See, Leo? I knew you couldn't resist me. You'll never be happy with Zibah like you are with me."

Leo: "Merit, stop. This can't keep happening. I'm engaged to Zibah now, and I need to honor that commitment."

Merit: "Ah, but Leo, you're just lying to yourself. You don't truly love her. You love me, and we both know it."

Leo: "No, Merit. I do love Zibah. I need to break things off with you for good this time."

Merit: "Fine, Leo. But don't think this is over. I'll make sure Zibah knows about us. She deserves to know the truth about the man she's going to marry."

• The Unexpected Visit.

Zibah walked in on Leo and Merit in a compromising position, which is a dramatic turn of events! This led to a confrontation and some intense emotions.

Zibah: "Leo, what is going on?! I can't believe what I'm seeing!"

Leo: "Zibah, please, it's not what it looks like!"

Merit: "Ah, Zibah, darling, don't be fooled. Leo and I have been lovers for years. He's just been using you for his own gain."

Zibah: "How could you, Leo?! I trusted you! You promised me you were over Merit and that you loved me!"

Leo: "Zibah, I do love you! Merit and I are just old friends, that's all!"

Merit: "Old friends? Ha! Leo, you can't even lie convincingly. Zibah deserves better than your lies and deceit."

Zibah: "Get out, Merit! And Leo, I need some time to process this. How could you betray me like this?"

Leo was trying to plead his case to Zibah, hoping to salvage their relationship and explain away his actions with Merit. Zibah decided to ignore Leo's pleas and the revelation of his infidelity.

Leo: "Zibah, please, I know I messed up, but I love you! Merit means nothing to me, she's just a past mistake. I'll do anything to make it right, to regain your trust."

Zibah: "Anything, Leo? After what I just saw, how can I believe anything you say? You've been lying to me for who knows how long. I need time to think, to figure out if I can ever forgive you."

Leo: "I understand, Zibah. I don't expect you to forgive me right away. But please, don't throw away our love, our future, because of one mistake. I'll do whatever it takes to make it right, to prove my love for you."

Zibah: "I need space, Leo. Time to think. Don't contact me, don't come near me. I need to figure out if I can ever trust you again."

Merit feeling jealous and neglected, decided to confront Leo. This led to a heated argument and some intense emotions.

Merit: "How could you, Leo?! I'm standing right here, and you're begging Zibah for forgiveness?! You're choosing her over me, again!"

Leo: "Merit, please understand-"

Merit: "No, I won't understand! You're always pushing me aside, neglecting me, and I'm tired of it! You say you love me, but your actions say otherwise!"

Leo: "Merit, I do love you, but-"

Merit: "But what?! You love me, but you're willing to throw me away for Zibah?! I won't let you do this to me again, Leo! I deserve better!"

Leo: "Merit, calm down-"

Merit: "Calm down?! You want me to calm down?! You're the one who's been playing me for a fool, Leo! I'm done with this conversation, and with you!"

Zibah has had enough of the confrontation and decided to leave the situation, giving rise to an intense emotions and the betrayal act became visible.

Zibah: "I can't take this anymore! I need to get out of here!"

Leo: "Zibah, wait! Please don't go like this!"

Merit: "Good riddance! You're better off without her, Leo!"

Zibah: "Shut up, Merit! This has nothing to do with you!"

(Zibah storms out of the house, slamming the door behind her. Leo and Merit were left alone, the tension between them became palpable.)

Leo: "Merit, I think you've gone too far this time."

Merit: "Oh, don't act like you're innocent, Leo. You're just as guilty as I am. You just got caught."

Merit: "You're just as guilty as I am. You just got caught."

Leo: "That's not true, Merit. I was trying to end things with you, but you wouldn't let me go."

Merit: "Ah, poor Leo. Trapped in a web of his own lies. You thought you could play me and Zibah both, didn't you?"

Leo: "No, Merit, that's not fair. I made a mistake, but I was trying to make it right."

Merit: "A mistake? Ha! You've been using me, Leo. And now you're going to pay the price."

(Merit pulls out her phone and starts typing, a wicked grin spreading across her face.)

Leo: "Merit, what are you doing? You wouldn't..."

Merit: "Oh, but I would. I'm going to expose you for the cheater you are, Leo. You'll regret ever crossing me."

(Merit triumphantly pressing her phone, while Leo looks on in horror.)

Leo: "Merit, please don't do this. You'll ruin my reputation and hurt Zibah unnecessarily."

Merit: "Too late for regrets, Leo. It's time for the truth to come out. And besides, Zibah deserves to know what kind of man she's really with."

(Just then, Zibah bursts back into the room, her eyes blazing with anger.)

Zibah: "I can't believe you, Leo! I saw the text you sent to Merit! How could you cheat on me like this?"

Leo: "Zibah, please listen-"

Zibah: "No, I won't listen! You're just a liar and a cheater! I'm done with you!"

(Zibah storms out of the room again, leaving Leo and Merit alone.)

Merit: "See, Leo? I told you she'd find out eventually. You should have been honest with her from the start."

Leo: "Shut up, Merit! This is all your fault! You're the one who started this whole mess!"

Merit: "Ah, but Leo, I'm just the messenger. You're the one who created this situation. Now deal with the consequences."

(Leo seething with anger and frustration, while Merit watches him with a smug and satisfied expression.)

Jasmine who has always been a supportive friend to Zibah during this difficult time.

Jasmine: "Zibah, I'm so sorry about what happened with Leo. My heart goes out to you."

Zibah: *sobs* "I can't believe he cheated on me, Jasmine. I thought he loved me."

Jasmine: "I know, sweetie. It's not your fault. He's the one who made the mistake, not you."

Zibah: "But why did he do it? What did I do wrong?"

Jasmine: "You didn't do anything wrong, Zibah. Sometimes people make mistakes, and sometimes they're not as invested in the relationship as we are. But that doesn't mean you're not worthy of love or that you'll never find someone who truly cares about you."

Zibah: *sniffles* "Thanks, Jasmine. Just talking to you makes me feel a little better."

Jasmine: "Anytime, Zibah. That's what friends are for. And remember, time heals all wounds. You'll get through this, and come out even stronger on the other side."

Zibah became disillusioned with the idea of true love due to Leo's betrayal. Giving rise to character's trust, which is a common troupe of broken trust, these always creates a cynical or skeptical attitudinal reaction towards love.

Zibah: "I'll never believe in true love again, Jasmine. Leo was the one person I thought I could trust, and he broke my heart in the worst way possible."

Jasmine: "I understand how you feel, Zibah. But don't give up on love entirely. Leo's actions don't define the entire concept of love. There are still good people out there who are capable of genuine affection and commitment."

Zibah: "I don't know, Jasmine. I just feel like I'll never be able to trust anyone again. What if they're all just pretending to be something they're not?"

Jasmine: "That's a valid fear, but you can't let one bad experience dictate your entire outlook on love. Take some time to heal, focus on yourself, and when you're ready, open yourself up to the possibility of love again. You never know what might come your way."

Zibah's experience with Leo led her to develop trust issues with men in general. This is a common outcome once trust have been betrayed in relationships.

Zibah: "I just can't seem to shake off the feeling that all men are the same. They're all liars and cheats, just waiting for their next conquest."

Jasmine: "Zibah, that's not fair. Not all men are like Leo. You can't paint them all with the same brush."

Zibah: "But how can I trust them? How do I know they're not just pretending to be something they're not?"

Jasmine: "You can't assume the worst about everyone based on one bad experience. That's not healthy, Zibah. You need to learn to trust your own judgment and not generalize an entire gender based on one person's actions."

Zibah: "I know you're right, Jasmine. But it's hard to shake off the feeling that I'll always be hurt again."

Jasmine: "I understand. But you can't let fear dictate your relationships. Take small steps towards trusting others, and don't be afraid to communicate your feelings and boundaries. You deserve to be happy and loved, Zibah."

Zibah: "I know you're right, Jasmine. But it's hard to shake off the feeling that I'll always be hurt again."

Jasmine: "I understand. But you can't let fear dictate your relationships. Take small steps towards trusting others, and don't be afraid to communicate your feelings and boundaries. You deserve to be happy and loved, Zibah."

Zibah: "I want to believe that, Jasmine. But what if I get hurt again?"

Jasmine: "Then you'll learn to pick yourself up and move on. But don't let fear hold you back from experiencing love and connection. Remember, not all men are like Leo. There are good people out there who will treat you with kindness and respect."

Zibah: "I'll try, Jasmine. Thanks for being here for me."

Jasmine: "Anytime, Zibah. That's what friends are for. Now come on, let's go get some ice cream and take our minds off Leo!"

(The two friends hug and head out for a fun day together, with Zibah feeling a little more hopeful about the future.)