Grandpa and Intruders pay a visit II

There was a sudden silence which filled my head.


They were both silent. I was trying to catch my breath, but suddenly I feel all hazy.

I stumble, "Are you all right?" Holden asks, grabbing unto my hand.

I nod weakly. "Why are you so weak all of a sudden?" Holden asks carefully.

"fire," Jax says softly. "fire is a bluebloods weakness."

Jax wasn't wrong, it wasn't long before smoke had filled the air.

"we need to get her out of here now, or she could die if she stayed a minute longer." Jax says, I am too weak to object as Holden carries me to the fire exit entrance with a hand against my back and the other behind my legs. Where he lays me down, and Jax accompanies us.

Before, I lose complete consciousness, I hear Holden speak.

"Take care of her, I'll be back." Holden says, and goes inside once more.

Leaving Jax to guard the currently unconscious Mystic.
