
The great sea had looked bottomless from shore, but as we dived deeper.... It seemed to not only have a bottom, but also an entire world hidden in its depths.

I couldn't help the amazement that I feel as colourful jellyfishes of different sizes, swim past us. Glowing like moving streaks of a rainbow.

Up ahead, I could spot a school of fish. If the jellyfishes were beautiful then this was heavenly. They were a wonderful blend of colours, like the perfect mix of contrasting personalities all at once.

A small smile graces my lips as Kylan leads us past them. Swimming through some extremely tall sea weeds, with blinding darkness. After some painful seconds of squinting my eyes, blue light, beautiful and magnificent comes in view.

We keep on swimming towards it until an elegant looking castle comes in view.

Elegant was a too small word for it, but that was all I could think of to describe it.