8. Choosing an Agent 1

Next morning

While eating his breakfast, Sam was also browsing through the local newspapers as well as national ones.

Concurrently, he was also thinking about the call that he received yesterday from an agent of JJM (Johnson and Jamieson Management) Agency abount meeting him today.

There are three artists Agencies which are top in current market namely JJM, TGM (Top General Management) and ICAC (International Creative Artists Company).

The funniest thing of all is that, there is no CAA model in this world, where from director to artists to the cameraman, all can be packed into a single packaging service from which the CAA can get hefty commissions from.

The reason might be because these big Studios themselves are making less profits than why would they be able to give commission to any agency.

TGM is biggest of them all but with no unified management in their upper echolean and there are always fictions in themselves, while JJM is second largest but also competitive with innovation, while ICAC might not be comparable to them in Hollywood stars, they have more diverse stars from different countries.

And Sam was also thinking about having an agent for himself to do all the negotiations from filming to finishing, such as post-production of the film and distribution negotiations.

Because this type of work needs eloquence and patience and tug of war which can only be done by agents who then will negotiate with these studios about distribution work while if the distribution commission can kept the lower more the producer and director can get the profits and vice-versa.

After finishing the breakfast, he went to the restaurant which they had agreed upon to meet.

Walking inside the restaurant, he asked the receptionist about the reservation in the name of Elijah Smith, the receptionist smiled and politely gestures him to follow her upto his seat.

There he saw a lean and tall man who seems to be in his late thirties and looked like an elegant man.

After a little bit of greeting and taking his seat Sam asked, "hello, I am Sam whom you seemed to talk about in the morning and you might be?".

Elijah Smith is a man of a few words but he is also a man who is gifted with the talent to find a diamond in rough, and his next rough diamond might be the boy in front of him whose name is Sam Sandles.

Coming out of his thoughts, Elijah replied, "yes, mr. Sandles, I am Elijah Smith an artist agent from JJM and today I am here to talk about you."

"I have found your graduation footage film and although it might seem rough and little bit uncut but it has some new flavours and angles which I liked after watching."

"So I was thinking, if you want to develop well in the film industry, you might want a good agent."

Sam looked at the man and asked,"i understand that, but there are many other agents as well in the market, so why should I choose you, mr. Smith?"

Elijah smiled," because my last client's name of Nick Olivier, if you might know him".

Sam thought for a moment and remembered, one of the new rising star of Hollywood whose name is Nick Olivier, whose name he read in today's newspaper.

Sam," yes, but by the way, why did you addressed him as the last client, if you might not mind me asking?"

Elijah replied," it's okay, not a secret in the circle though, after his last movie we have some disagreement about his future and I not wanting to escalate the quarrel, i decided to terminate myself as his agent".

Sam listened to him while nodding his head.