11. Sparkling Pictures

Inside the restaurant

Elijah surprisingly asked,"did you really wrote this script Sam? the reason why i am asking you because it is a standard format of script writing from page one to the last?"

"If i didn't trust you, then i might have thought that this was written by some veteran, as scripts like these generally give confidence to the investors or distributors."

Sam laughed and thought to himself that this was just the beginning and there will be many surprises along the way as he brings more of the hit or superhit works from his old world.

Elijah looked at the boy in front of him and he was also satisfied with the professionalism of him as many newcomers always wanted to express more of themselves and ended up ruining the whole script.

Sam," so Elijah, i have already copyrighted the script at the WGA (writer's guild association) and you should take it back and submit them to the production houses see if anybody is willing to invest in it".

WGA is an union for writers to store or copyright their scripts by paying a certain amount of money annually to tackle plagiarize of script or ideas of originals. 

Sam also requested Elijah to help him setup a shell company named Sparkling pictures in Delaware with a bare minimum staff to avoid any personal taxes/transferring his script to this shell company, if the film was going be made.

 As it it well known in the US that, the best place to open a company has never been California or New York but the states like Delaware or Alaska because they take the lowest of the taxes compared to other states.

 Elijah grinned,"that's okay but don't have your hopes high kid because you should know that the first and second tier studios rarely invest in new comers as they are also afraid of losing their investment, so I will submit your script and storyboard as well and meet the third tier studios who are specialize in comedy genre".

Sam nodded in agreement while asking Elijah to about auditioning of four main characters for the film as well as side characters also to which Elijah said that he will contact and give the script in his circle to see the results and he will contact Sam tomorrow.

With that, Sam watched as Elijah made his way out of the restaurant and went away in his Ford Taurus which was the newest car available currently.

Sam thought that how peculiar was it that, the way these Production Studios worked that they only specialized in a single genre and two or three sub-genres.

For example, among the five big studios, all of them specialized in a single or double genres like,

Newmoon best Production house about futuristic movie themes like apocalypse, as well as horror.

Lilitale was peculiar about picking dark, monstrous and bizarre movies as well as fantasy movies.

Rock Pebble specializes in big wars, including modern,past and medieval wars as well as period dramas.

Mango who is best at 2D animations and princess movies.

Redeem best at all types of secret agent movies as well as psychological-thrillers.

After finishing the afternoon green tea with some sweet pastries and paying the bill at the restaurant, he slowly drove away from there back to his home while enjoying the cool breeze in the air.

After arriving home, he called Kevin, "Hey Kevin, come by my house tomorrow morning, I'll be introducing someone new to you".

Kevin on the other side was confused for a second, but then replied grinning, "which lucky girl is that, you bastard?".

Sam sighed for a moment, "what are thinking about dude, do you not think that with a script in my hand, will i have leisure time to mess around with a girl?

"The person I am talking about is my agent and his name is Elijah Smith and he will be coming to discuss with me that if any of the studios are interested in investing or distributing my script tomorrow, so don't dilly-dally while coming here".

"okay, okay stop your nagging, i will come there on time, mr. dictator, oh sorry, my bad mr. director."

After hanging up the call with kevin, Sam's focus returned to the living room while he looked through his phone screen which showed his bank balance account and it was an amount up to $12,000,000 (twelve million) dollars, which he was quite happy about to see.

He knows very well that the real world is not like novels, where the protagonist is the son of heaven and he always gets help from various unexpected places when he gets stuck or plunges in any places. and Sam does not want to experience any of that.

With this much money, he has confidence about his future as well as the future of his movies because even if does not get any investment, he wouldn't get stuck in it as he could use his own money at the start.

Although it is regarded as bad to use your own money in the movies but he has confidence that his investment wouldn't sink or at least he could recoup it in the videotape market.

The videotape market in this world has been around for more than at least twenty years since early 1960's as compared to his old world, and it generates around double the money which movies can generate through the theaters.

The reason why Big studios and second-tier studios release movies in the theatres is all because to show their investors some confidence in stockmarket.

So the Big Studios also have a fixed pattern in which they make movies, so that even if the movie might not earn much in the theatres, they can make profits in the videotape market.