25. Visual effects company

Two days later, Sam, sitting in his office, thought of Claire, who was very diligent in her work, and he also liked her resourcefulness as expected from a Harvard graduate.

But he was also having some headache about the studio's work, so he shifted his attention to the papers on the desk.

After contacting the headhunting company, Sam found almost every position to fill up, but he still needs a CEO for his studio, as the position of the CEO is still vacant in his studio.

As the CEO performs to run a company in daily operations, that position needs someone more reliable and trustworthy.

As for the legal team, he contracted Charles's firm in his studio's name, and the firm will station two-three permanent lawyers, with one being a mid-level lawyer from the firm. While doing the studio chores, he did not forget to ask Claire, his new assistant, to go and research the most watched genre films in recent years as well as the worst performing for having a general understanding.

Sitting on his chair, Sam was looking through the list of old movies, in addition to searching for the reason for the lack of the concept of commercial movies in this world.

Although it is currently the year 1992 in this world, compared to his old world, it seems to have appeared about the early 70's in terms of technology and innovation.

The person who pioneered the commercial movies in Hollywood was George Lucas with the Star Wars series stating from 1977 by his ILM company with stunning visual effects.

Steven Spielberg and James Cameron also took these visual effects legacies forward by making movies such as Terminator and Jurassic Park.

The results of so little to no commercial movies were simple, as this world did not have George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, or James Cameron to bring out the charm of commercial movies on the big screen.

Although there are also many great directors and actors in this world, most of them like to work on artistic movies.

Although there are vague concepts, there is no concrete proposal for a high-budget visual effects movie.

Sam thought for a moment excitedly and decided to make a visual effects movie series like Star Wars to show to the whole world, made by him.

Sam decided to start a company named Sparkling Motion and Dynamic (SMD) visual effects under his studios as a separate division and called Claire to go and register the company for him.

He also listed a few more instructions for her, such as finding him the best cinematographer as well as some computer experts in the Silicon Valley for this new company.

He called Elijah for a meeting in his company to share his thoughts for further refinement of his ideas.

Elijah is currently sitting across from producer Lewis of Big E Company when he received Sam's call.

"So what have you decided regarding the purchase of the two sequels?" asked Elijah while thinking about Philips, who was not here.

A few minutes ago, inside the conference room of the Big E studios, managers of each department were present for a monthly meeting.

All the managers were shaking their heads as the chairman was scolding Philips.

The chairman said, "I am disappointed with you, Philips; if you had just invested in this movie wholly while signing the sequels exclusively for us, we might have increased our studio's value immensely."

Philips clenched his hands in anger, looking at the chairman, and while he noticed Lewis with a corner of his eyes.

He knew that Lewis was the son-in-law of the chairman and next in succession of this studio, but he did not expect him to be this petty and jealous.

He is even more determined to leave this damn place for better prospects for himself.

Other managers saw this but did not make a sound, as they know that this is the sorrow of second- and third-tier studios where the owner runs the company based on personal preferences and does not have a clear distinction between merits and demerits.

The door opens, and the secretary walks towards the chairman and whispers something in his ears.

The chairman looked at Philips and then turned his head towards Lewis and ordered him to go negotiate with Elijah about those sequels.

Looking at Lewis, who was walking outside the conference room, Philips sighed helplessly.

"Okay, you invested in a profitable movie, so you got a merit, but at the same time you did not fully invest in that movie, so it will be a demerit,said the chairman.

Back to the present, Elijah knew something was suspicious but did not ask Lewis, as he knew that would be a futile attempt.

After an intense negotiation between them, they finally agreed upon the price of 30 million dollars.

Elijah left soon after but did not go far away, just a street away, waiting for his informant.

Soon a person met up with him and told him the whole story occurred inside the conference room, then Elijah gave a tip to the informant and went away.

Stepping inside Sam's office, Elijah, who was grinning happily, sat opposite Sam.

Sam looked doubtful at Elijah, who seemed radiating, and asked him,"What made you so joyful about?"

Elijah happily shared the double good news with Sam, that they secured around 30 million dollars for those two sequels, as well as he informed Sam about Philip's situation.

Sam was also delightful about hearing these news.

Sam suggested,"Okay, but urge them to settle the dividends from theater first and also ask them to settle those 30 million upfront, as I don't want to haggle with them afterwards."

"As for Philips, go and arrange our meeting with him a few days later."