31. Company Meeting

When Sam arrived, everyone was already waiting for him, and he took his seat and motioned Anne Joseph, the studio's CFO, to begin the meeting.

After a few minutes in the meeting, Sam learned that his film, "Laugh in Mayhem," grossed a total of $40 million at the box office and how they would also collect the remaining $5 million unpaid by the Big E studios from this month's income split from the cinemas.

Currently, their relationship with Big E Studios is strained after they learned that Philips had been employed by Sam, and their chairman was heard commenting that Sam is a sneaky and ungrateful guy.

As for not being paid or suspending the money, they would not do so because when Sam sold the subsequent movie copyrights to Big E Studios, he added a clause mandating them to clear the balance they owed before continuing with the subsequent part of the movie.

Sam also sold his 50% copyright of the first movie to Big E Studios for an additional $5 million; therefore, they have little to pursue with the foreign market.

So this company currently has approximately $45-50 million in the account, which will be utilized for two fresh movie productions, a visual effects company, and the wages of employees.

Once everyone else had finished their remarks, Sam questioned Philip, "What happened with the amount of investment needed in the early stages of the visual effects company?

Philip responded, "We have completed the evaluation, which is approximately $10 million in the early phases, which involves purchasing fresh computers and updating equipment according to the tech department's specifications, in addition to licensing or designing our own fresh software.

Thomas also intends to expand his workforce from five to about twenty or so personnel; as for the subsequent phase of investment, we must first examine the results from this phase."

Sam nodded and said, "Well done, and try to meet Thomas's requirement, as this project will be one of the most important tasks for us over the next two years."

We don't possess 30 to 50 years of extensive expertise in the film business as the studio, plus we are not releasing 2-3 big budget movies on movie theater screens each year; therefore, if we desire to stand a chance of rising to the highest position, we must develop a fresh attracting point to ensure that when audiences discover our studio's logo, they are going to voluntarily arrive in the cinemas." Sam said this while he glanced around at the perplexed folks

After the half-hour meeting, Sam instructed Philips to come to his office to talk about additional topics.

After reaching the office, Sam asked Philip to make a cup of coffee for the two of them, as he was feeling a slight discomfort following the meeting.

While having coffee, Sam mentioned his concept of displaying a 3D logo in the opening scenes to improve their company's reputation among the audiences.

Philip appreciated the concept of having such a 3D logo, which could be visually impacting not just the audiences but also raising the spirits of employees while making them happy.

Sam said,"Not just that, but if our moving 3D logo can successfully attract the other studios, although not much, we can still generate some income while the technology department can use these experiences to develop good software uses, just like killing two birds with one stone."

Sam immediately realized an aspect and informed Philip, "We need an alternative label concerning the production of movies that are not suitable for our studio's image."

In this parallel world, the studios in Hollywood do not have the concept of multiple labels, instead having a single label that produces all films unrelated to their brand image is the norm.

They are also unfamiliar with the concept of having distinct labels with regard to various genre films.

Philip nodded in agreement and asked if Sam had any suggestions, understanding the fact that Sam is someone who appears to possess a solution to every single issue.

Sam pondered for a moment, "How about a name like 'Pitch-black pictures'? And in order to let the general public realize that we in fact operate this production house, we must include a brief phrase underneath that reads 'A Sparkling Studios Production', so that we can strengthen both brands."

Philip clapped after hearing what Sam had to say.

Having a genius as a boss is highly reassuring, because they possess a vision and plans regarding future growth and development, which means they may frequently take fewer detours.

Following this, Sam instructed Philip to send these fresh instructions about 3D modeling of a sublabel to Thomas and his team, in addition to reminding them that, once the labels can be effectively constructed, incentives will be indispensable.

Sam also invited Philip to come to the meeting tomorrow, to ensure he could talk about the horror movie's production with Andrew.