35. Before The Release

Two days later, before departing for England, Sam gave Claire instructions on the company's operations for the upcoming month.

He also requested her to gather data about the leading book publishers and keep an eye out for publishing houses that might be set to go bankrupt.

Sam teamed up with Redeem Studios for this film because they both recognized an excellent opportunity to work together to bring out their specific abilities.

In addition to Redeem Studios' strong distribution and marketing capabilities, Sam's Sparkling Studio demonstrated a strong production capability in his debut film.

To dispel any remaining concerns, Sam also showed them the completed horror film "1820" which gave them even more faith in his production skills while leaving them content.

For their musically oriented film "Destiny across time to love you," Redeem Studios and Sparkling Studios divided half of the production.

The performers received salaries that accounted for 40% of the film's approximately $15 million budget.

In order to create a blockbuster this time, Sam had chosen the most prominent actors from the dance background as well.

In order to prepare Lily for the filming, he also told her to enroll in a dancing class a few months ago.

The salaries of the two actors, Alexandra Rose and Richard Sailor, were $2 million and $4 million, respectively.

Sam traveled to England for filming alongside William Collins, their studio's producer, another producer assigned by Redeem Studios to supervise the account books, and a third-party insurance provider.

Philip and William completed all of the pre-production arrangements a month ago.

Sam rested for a full day to recover from jet lag before shooting the film the next morning.

Looking out the window from his room, Sam realized it was afternoon, so he walked downstairs for a dinner and met with the entire group to discuss the film.

When Sam arrived at the banquet hall for the afternoon lunch, he noticed that everyone was present, and he connected great with everyone.

When half of the group saw Sam for the first time, they were startled since they did not anticipate him to be so down to earth and talk with such ease to them.

They expected Sam to be an arrogant and egotistical man because he had already achieved success with one film.

After exchanging a brief note, Sam decided to organize a two-night joint script rehearsal meeting.

The movie's official filming began three days later.

Although filming was difficult at first, Sam used first-rate artists this time, so he wasn't required to spend time with them since they were receptive to any of the ideas.

Filming had gone successfully for a week and a half, or about ten days, until Sam had to leave midway (on October 30th) because the movie '1820: Revenge of the Evil' was set to be released on November 1st.

Sam concluded shooting and asked the assistant director to shoot segments for the following three days; by then, he was going to return.

William drops Sam off at Heathrow Airport in his rented vehicle.

William took his reply seriously: "Yes boss, I will take care of the crew on your behalf for the next couple of days, and good luck for your movie!"

Sam grinned and went on, bumping into his shoulder, "Not just my movie, but our movie; it is also yours."

When Sam turned to leave toward the security counter, William smiled faintly as he watched Sam fade away from his sight.

Los Angeles,


When Sam arrives at Los Angeles International Airport, he heads toward the exit and finds Claire waiting for him with a cardboard frame displaying his name.

He grinned and waved at her, and after a few seconds of reuniting, they hugged each other.

Claire takes Sam to his house after getting into the car, as they discuss what has happened over the prior half month with each other.

When Sam arrived at his house, he asked for Claire to join him for a cup of coffee, which she accepted while they had a few intimate moments inside the room, and she left after arranging his bedroom so that he could sleep well tonight.

Sam wakes up early the next morning, energized from the previous night's sleep.

Tonight marks the release of his studio's second movie, which will begin showing on about 900 screens across the east and west coasts.

Sam arrived in his office and summoning Philip for a briefing, Sam swiftly obtains a brief description of the situation within the studio from Philip during the last half month.

When he saw that everything was excellent, he gave a sigh of relief since he doesn't have to worry because Philip is as steady as a mountain at work.

There was no grand premier tonight, as this movie was a small budget production with a horror theme.

It was just the executives from both Sparkling studios and Rekzon Studios were here with a senior manager from each company as well as the news reporters.