41. Buying a Publishing House 1

Inside the restaurant;


Sam chuckles: "I wrote this book, as I already had an idea for this novel sometime back, and what I had been lacking was a foundation, and while I was shooting my current movie overseas in the England, I further achieved such an idea."


Billy was stunned and added, "Your writing is amazing and really good work."


Elijah responded with a grin: "I think Mr. Myer is not up-to-date with the current industry news; my client here is one of the best debutants in our Hollywood with an impressive 100 million-dollar earning just in two films, of which one collected around a total of $40 million in revenue while another one around a total of $70 million."


Elijah keeps going: "And his most impressive point is that the scripts of his film projects are written by himself."


Billy and Simmon exchanged glances, shocked to learn about such a talented young man.


Elijah then discussed various things to help them communicate more smoothly as everyone ordered their meals.


While enjoying their dinner, Sam recommended purchasing the Western-Myer publications from Billy's hands.


Billy wondered: "What is your reason to purchase my publication house, and with such wonderful work, you can at least get top resources for marketing and distribution?"


Sam thought for a moment: "The problem is that I don't want my novels to be copyrighted by someone else because I have more plans for these novels made by me."


In this world, authors do not have the right to keep copyrights to their own writings since they are immediately held by the publishing company that publishes the novel.


So Sam does not want someone else to copyright his story and benefit from it, because publishing firms can grant licenses to produce a movie to anybody they see fit.


This is also one of the reasons why Hollywood lacks innovation on today's globe.


Sam responded: "So buying a publishing house is necessary for me to retain my creativity, and your publishing house is a necessary step for me to complete my IP plan."


Billy said, "What is IP and your plan?"


Sam nodded. He said, "IP means intellectual property development, which means that I will develop good movies, TV series, as well as comics and novels, around a single promotional material for these to be shown to the audiences in different forms that they may like."


Billy looked attentive, although he didn't entirely comprehend.


Elijah and Claire gazed at Billy, both struggling hard not to laugh, because they, too, didn't quite comprehend this notion, despite Sam's repeated explanation.


Billy didn't comprehend these words or the concept behind them, but he felt something different when Sam said them.


Billy didn't say much during dining, and he kept thinking about Sam's statements.


Sam also told Elijah and Claire to complete their lunch without distracting Billy from his thoughts.


After eating their dinner, everyone began discussing the wonderful novels now on the market.


After a bit of conversing, Billy glanced at Sam and asked, "So, how do you evaluate my publishing house?"


Sam answered without hesitation, "I have assessed your company. It could be worth $70 million to $80 million in today's market, but I'll purchase it from you for $100 million."


Billy took a moment to consider Sam's offer: "I will not sell my company for $100 million, but... (silent for a few seconds) I will sell it to you for just one dollar, but in return, I'll retain at least 15% of my shares for myself and also for my fellow comrades in the company."


Sam was astonished by Billy's counter-offer and said, "What do you mean by the offer of just one dollar?"


Billy joked and said regretfully, "I have no bad hobbies, no women other than my wife, and both of my children are dead now, and my only dream currently is to make my publishing house the best in the world, but because of the setbacks that happened to me a few years ago, I had no motivation to carry on, but watching your novel reminded me of my dreams, which are to bring happiness to the children around me and wherever I can reach.


So, I believe I'm betting on your future with more works like this, and I'm pulling for you."


Billy wants to keep his shares while also saving Sam's money because he has discovered a new aim in his life: to offer happiness to the children, and he is confident in Sam's hands.


Sam was unsure about this offer because he knows the future worth of his every company, which will only increase as he creates more content, but Billy's offer is also more appealing because he will not be wasting a hundred million dollars on a publication house that money can be used elsewhere, and he will also have access to Billy's network.


Sam responded, "But I have a condition that your shares will be buyback shares, in which you can only sell your shares to the company and not to any individual."


He cracked a grin. "It's alright with me, but you just have a single novel currently, which is not enough to make us an obvious hit."


He laugh. "Don't worry about that; I also have another novel that is specifically written for children by me, and I'll give it to you in a week soon."


Although Sam did not currently have a new novel, this was not a problem for anybody using the system.


Sam Sandles and Billy Myer had made the agreement for the publishing house in person and the technicalities would be handled by their legal teams.