45. Phenomenal Sales of Harry Potter

Inside the 'White Angels' bookstore in New York;

Dexter looks at the book pointed out by Jimmy the clerk and walks toward the shelf to see the novel. Looking at the shelf, there were around 20 copies of this work on display, each with a black cover and golden threads embroidered along the edges.

Dexter has no expectations for a new fantasy novel because the author is not well known. However, he was drawn to the book cover because it seemed to be quite appealing in terms of appearance.

Holding the thick book, Dexter looked at the cover, which had a black backdrop with a large castle dominating the landscape, four sigils in different colors, and a boy with spectacles drawn on the back cover.

Looking at the title, 'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,' Dexter felt wonderful and wanted to open and look inside the book.

A novel's name also plays an important role in attracting readers' attention to the book; hence, practically all authors attempt to choose a nice name for their book.

Dexter is a guy who listens to his heart, so he opens the book to read; the first page on the left depicts a three-bedroom house with two storeys, and the nameplate on the door reads: The Dursley House.

The narrative commences on the left page, detailing the conditions within the home of Harry Potter, a despondent child without parents, and his aunt's harsh treatment of him.

His aunt mistreated the boy, forced him to work as a servant for her family, and bullied his cousin Dudley for 11 years.

Yet on his eleventh birthday, Harry receives an unexpected invitation to join a magical world when an ancient owl delivers a letter of admission to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to him.'

Dexter was hooked by the plot after reading the first few chapters, so he removes three copies of the novel from the shelf and pays the cashier $45 for them.

After seeing that Dexter purchased the novel, Jimmy hands him a feedback form on which he can comment on his interest in the novel or his recommendation to someone else.

Dexter promptly submits the form and leaves, anxious to learn more about Hogwarts School. Dexter is just one of the first people to purchase the novel.

Many more people flocked to buy the novel 'Harry Potter' early in the morning after seeing and hearing about it in advertisements since last month.

When Dexter returned home, he went straight to his bedroom and resumed reading the novel from the page he had just left in the bookstore.

The story continues. 'Next, a halfblood giant named Hagrid appears and transports Harry Potter to a new realm of magic, while Hagrid also advises the kid on safety in the magical world as they were shopping in Diagon Alley.'

And thus begins the adventures of the kid named Harry Potter in the magical realm of witchcraft and wizardry.

Back to the WM publishing house;

After lunch, Sam and others sat in the chairman's office, having copies of the early reader feedback sheets as well as book sales data.

Sam reads the report, which states that at least 10,000 books were sold between the morning and midday today, which can be considered an amazing feat given that this is Sam's debut novel.

Sam then went through the reader feedback slips, and practically every slip contained positive remarks about his novel.

While they were reading the copies, a manager knocked on the door, entered with Billy's permission, and informed them that bookstore owners around the country had called to order more copies of their new novel.

Billy looked at Sam and others and chuckled gleefully since it was only the first day of their novel, but the store owners were already calling for replenishment, which was a positive sign.

Bookstore owners also preserve a copy of the slips from readers, which allows them to make an assessment of the readers' preferences and decide whether to purchase more novels or return them to the publishing house if they are not popular with the readers.

Sam and his group waited at the publishing house until the evening, closely monitoring the graph of book sales because this is the beginning of his IP plan, and he does not want anything to go awry.

By the end of the day, bookshops around the country had sold approximately 30,000 volumes, which is an incredible feat.

On day two, the novel sold 40,000 copies.

On day three, the novel sold 50,000 copies.

On day four, the novel sold 80,000 copies.

On day five, the novel sold 100,000 copies.


In just five days, the 'Harry Potter' novel sold at least 300,000 copies, which Billy thought might last for at least a month, and Billy had to rush to print the additional copies as demand soared.

Although Billy expected this novel to be an instant hit, he did not anticipate it being phenomenal sales, as even the finest fantasy genre novel written by a famous author has sold 100,000 copies in a single week.