56. New Restaurant-resort

Claire glances around a few more times before the impatient Sam grabs her hands and leads her inside since he is here to meet the contractor.

The visual appeal of this place has drastically changed since Sam has already purchased the adjacent lands and united them with this restaurant to create a five-star restaurant-resort building while dividing the land into four separate areas.

People can gain access based on their rank and authority within this facility. The aim for doing so is to retain a sense of exclusivity and vagueness for the public, encouraging them to wish to enter within.

The area is separated into four sections, and different people will have varied access levels based on Sam's prerequisites.

The first area features a ten-story restaurant building with the general public allowed up to the eighth floor and the top two floors reserved for some special guests.

The second area is an expansive lawn with a lake that is twice the size of the previous lake and contains fresh water in which catfish and goldfish are seen.

The third and fourth areas are reserved for those who have the restaurant's personal card, and becoming a member requires only one criterion: the endorsement of at least two existing members.

Although no member cards have yet been issued, Sam has already reserved at least 20-30 cards for certain individuals, including Uncle Charles, his investment partners, and industry peers such as the chairman and CEOs of the top studios.

And Sam wants this place to be accessible only to the elite, so his club's strict membership criterion is exclusiveness.

After observing and surveying the area, Sam and Claire compliment the person in charge.

Sam also gave him along with his entire team a week off because doing this type of construction work is exhausting, and he instructed them to report to Pedro once they finished their vacation.

He currently does not own a real estate company, so Pedro will temporarily look after these employees until Sam acquires that company and a capable person to manage it.

Sam wants to merge the construction and real estate companies, which could be beneficial because their roles are somewhat comparable.


Late at night, after finishing the day's work, a weary Sam drops Claire off at her house and requests his driver to take him home.

Coming outside her villa, Carolina, however, knew that he hadn't eaten yet, so she stopped him at the gates before he could go back and told him to join them for supper.

Before they arrived her home, Claire had already messaged her mother to let her know that Sam hadn't eaten anything since the evening.

He tried to talk her out of staying at their house and having dinner, but she persisted so adamantly that he felt powerless and finally obliged.

Charles and Carolina were waiting for him at the dining table when he arrived, after having washed his hands at the sink.

And before that, Claire headed to her room to change, so Sam sat down and waited for her as well. After some time, she returns wearing a nightgown.

Following a brief dinner with the Rolex family, Sam bids them by and finally heads home.

The following day, Pedro shows up at the Sparkling studios and comes to meet with Sam as well as take Claire along with him to meet the Galaxy real estate company's owner.

Claire was on her way to Sam's office, while Sam and Pedro were seated inside.

Then Sam tells the few things to Pedro, which he will be saying to the owner of the Galaxy company.

"Your goal this time is to go to the Galaxy real estate company and buy it completely with full assets included," he stated after Claire took a seat.

Claire was perplexed, but Sam explained to her exactly what he had said to Pedro. Although Claire appeared uncomfortable during the discussion, she obeyed Sam.

Following his interaction with Sam, Pedro left with Claire and headed in the direction of the Galaxy firm.

As he watches both Pedro and Claire leaving his office, Sam asks Johnny, his security guards' team leader, to inform someone to call Philip to his office.

With a nod, Johnny told a guard outside the room to inform Philip to come and meet their boss.

On the other hand, Philip noticed someone knocking on his door and coming inside his office while he was overseeing some documents. One of Sam's guards arrived and told him to go see the chairman (who was Sam).

When Philip showed up in his office, Sam told him, "You should go and post some job hunting in the talent hunting company with the goal to help me get someone who can manage a real estate company very well."

"Yes, sir, I will go right away and look for the sort of person who can manage a construction as well as real estate company you want in the talent hunting companies," Philip responded.

After giving a nod, Sam didn't bother him, so Philip leaves the office silently.

Sam has a good reason for assigning Philip this type of task, even though it appears that he gave him a totally unrelated task that has nothing to do with his role as studio CEO.

And the reason is that by assigning him these responsibilities, Sam hopes to strengthen his relationships with Philip and his other executives while also introducing his fresh concepts and future plans via these orders and tasks.

Despite their apparent intangibility, these factors are crucial for managing a large company. Given the responsibility of hiring a general manager for a real estate firm, Philip will take care of it and learn about Sam's planning beforehand, which will increase Philip's sense of Sam's confidence in him.